INSIGHT ON TOPICAL ISSUESDecoding the News Climate change in Viet Nam Impacts and adaptation On the occasion of COP26, this report is proposing an assessment of the socio-economic impacts of climate change in Viet Nam by 2050, based on the intermediary results of the GEMMES Viet Nam research project (GEMMES, General Monetary and Multisectorial Macrodynamics for the Ecological Shift). MONRE and AFD have undertaken this ambitious collaboration around the GEMMES Viet Nam project with the general objective to support Viet Nam in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. Financed by the Facility 2050, in collaboration with IRD and IMHEN, this report materializes our common wish to develop a long-term vision of the economic, social and territorial issues of a resilient development strategy for Viet Nam. See also GEMMES Vietnam: Analysis of socio-economic impacts of climate change in Vietnam and adaptation strategies Download the report |
In-Depth Analysis Climate impact: « If global temperatures were to raise by just 2°C, Viet Nam could lose 7% of its GDP » In Viet Nam, the AFD and the French Research Institute for Development (IRD) conduct a joint research program calledGEMMES Viet Nam in order to assess the socio-economic impacts of climate change in the country. An interview with AFD economist Etienne Espagne Read the interviewINTERESTING READSLatest PublicationsDebt sustainability in Africa: state of play and future challenges Almost fifteen years after the last debt relief initiatives were implemented by the international community, some African countries have either recently defaulted on their public debt, subscribed to the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) put in place by official lenders in 2020, or are making progress toward a possible restructuring of their debt under the aegis of the G20 and of the Paris Club, but also of so-called “emerging” and private creditors. MacroDev No. 34Making abortion safer: a vital necessity – Changing methods and mindsetsOne-third of the 200 million pregnancies per year are un- wanted. These are closely linked to difficulties in acces-sing sex education and effective contraceptive methods. Unwanted pregnancies are a public-health issue: one- quarter of them result in unsafe abortion, often with medical complications. Policy Brief No. 10Developing Countries’ Macroeconomic Exposure to the Low-carbon TransitionIn closing its economic gap with emerging markets, Côte d’Ivoire will face a substantial increase in electricity demand over the next three decades posing a challenge on Climate commitments. Research papers No. 223Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa Industrialization drives the sustained growth in jobs and productivity that marks the developmental take-off of most developed economies. Africa Development ForumResearch PublicationsCan Development Banks Step Up to the Challenge of Sustainable Development? Régis Marodon, Taylor & Francis Online, Review of Political Economy (2021). Public development banks (PDBs) — at sub-national, national, regional or international level — can cooperate and become central in the implementation of sustainable economic models. PDBs are over 500 globally. They are both providers of public funding and enablers to leverage private finance. PDBs need to enhance their sustainable development analytical tools. Read the articleWhat are public development banks and development financing institutions? ——qualification criteria, stylized facts and development trends Jiajun Xu, Régis Marodon, Xinshun Ru, Xiaomeng Ren and Xinyue Wu, Science Direct, China Economic Quarterly International, Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021). Public development banks and development financing institutions are experiencing a renaissance worldwide, but systematic academic research is patchy. The bottleneck mainly boils down to the lack of data, which has constrained the meaningful research on the rationales of establishing PDBs and DFIs and reasons for their successes and failures. Read the articleIdeas Forum Oceans: Gatekeeper of Climate Stability, but Threatened by HumankindAn ocean-climate equilibrium that had been stable for 8,000 years is being challenged by human activities. Maintaining that equilibrium calls for urgent reduction in carbon emissions. That’s the opinion of Catherine Jeandel, a geochemical oceanologist at the Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies (LEGOS) and director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). • Read the article A new intelligence paradigm: how the emerging use of technology can achieve sustainable development (if done responsibly)Every new year offers an opportunity for reflection. It is a time to set new goals and revisit old ones. The start of 2021, then, represents a chance to look at successes and failures in meeting the sustainable development goals (SDGs).• Read the article EVENTS AND CONFERENCESSave the date |
Save the date February 15th, 2022 1:30-3:30 pm The African economy in 2022: Towards a sustainable recovery? (in French)+ Read the chapter 1 of The African economy 2021 |
VideoWatch the replay of the “Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Vietnam” What will be the impacts of climate change in Vietnam by 2050? What can we learn from the GEMMES research project? What are the stakes for dialogue with Vietnamese authorities on public policy? |