Welcome to the fortnightly newsletter of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI). |
![]() 2nd Issue March 2022 Editorial Today we’ve got two new blog posts to share, one critically reflecting on the entanglement of Development Studies with the development sector at large, and one analysing trends and shifts in global poverty. And we invite you to our very first event this year on 31 March, which you can choose to personally attend in Paris or online. As we found so many interesting member publications this time, it was difficult to choose a certain highlight, and so we’ve got three. If you’re mainly interested in our collections of calls, vacancies, online events and blogs, scroll to the bottom as usual.New on our BlogDevelopment Studies and the Manufacturing of ConsentDevelopment Studies relies too much on the development sector’s categories of practice, instead of establishing independent categories of analysis based on social science, argues Tara van Dijk in our latest blog. This leads to a culture of manufacturing consent. Why should we, for example, think SDGs? « This model of development should be an object of analysis and critique », she writes. « Yet this and similar messages adorn Development Studies departments’ websites, events, and curriculum. » Read the post New on our BlogAbove or below the poverty line »Where do the world’s poor live depends on who you count as ‘poor’ »: This post by researchers from the Department of International Development at King’s College, London, analyses trends and shifts in global poverty and the impacts of the pandemic. « One could say the world’s poor live not in the world’s poorest countries but in fast growing countries and countries with burgeoning domestic resources to address poverty albeit ‘locked’ by domestic political economy. » Read the postTo the blog overview EADI Seminar on 31 March in Paris or OnlineTogether with the Institut d’études du développement de la Sorbonne (IEDES) and other French EADI members we cordially invite you to a full-day seminar or single sessions on 31 March. The sessions will be:10.00: ‘Travelling models’ and their contexts13.30: Local governance of crises in the Sahel: Security and displaced persons16.00: Multidisciplinarity in Development studies: Opportunities, challenges and realitiesYou can join us in person at the premises of the Agence française de développement or online. Read more and register The April Issue of the EJDR is outA new issue of our journal, the European Journal of Development Research (EJDR) is out, with those open access articles:Female and Male Community-Level Empowerment: Capability Approach-Based Findings for Rural India Read Soundtracks of Poverty and Development: Music, Emotions and Representations of the Global South Read Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities: Results from a Quasi-experimental Impact Evaluation in Coastal Bangladesh ReadThe EJDR is EADI’s Journal. Read it now! Highlight: The Politics of Distributing Social TransfersThis open access book by the Global Development Institute (GDI), Manchester, provides a systematic analysis of the political processes shaping the distribution of social transfers in six countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. In doing so, the book addresses a notable gap in recent research on social protection concerning the politics of implementation. it underscores the inherently political nature of implementation and questions common technocratic efforts to improve implementation by de-politicizing the social protection policy process. Read more. Highlight: Bringing Post-Growth Research into PolicyThis Working Paper by the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) analyses the barriers to bringing postgrowth research into policy. Its key findings divide into two main themes: a structural focus on tackling overarching barriers to the influence of postgrowth arguments, and a tactical focus on ways in which to amplify the influence of individual pieces of research. framing ‘growth dependency’ as a public policy problem has strong potential to influence political debate in new ways. Read more Highlight: Fanning the Flames: The European Arms RaceThis analysis by the Transnational Institute (TNI) draws worrying conclusions from the European defence policy: The European Defence Fund (EDF) and its precursor programmes explicitly aim to strengthening the ‘global competitiveness’ of the technological industrial base of European defence. There is a major disconnect between such technologies and their potential impact beyond the profits they will generate. They will inevitably boost European arms exports and fuel the global arms race, which will in turn lead to more armed conflicts and wars, greater destruction, significant loss of life, and increased forced displacement. Read more Note: Swedish Support for Ukranian ResearchersIn a united Swedish action, Swedish higher education are engaging in a joint effort to host Ukrainian researchers. These opportunities could encompass participation in research environments, access to infrastructure or facilitating research that is prevented in their homeland. “We are prepared to find individual solutions to suit the needs of individual researchers, and we are holding discussions with a range of financiers to find way to provide joint support for researchers fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.” says Astrid Söderbergh Widding, chair of the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions. Read more |
Premium Members Publication Picks Youth Active Citizenship for Decent Jobs: A Handbook for Policy & Practice 2022/03 – Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton; book; Author(s): Davi Mpofu, Michael Ndiweni, Kwanele Moyo, Samuel Wadzai, Marjoke Oosterom Impacts of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on EU Trade Partners: Consequences for Developing Countries 2022/03 – Agence Française de Développement (AFD); research paper; Author(s): Guilherme Magacho, Etienne Espagne, Antoine Godin Recent Trends in the International Humanitarian Regime and the Rise of the UAE 2022/03 – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI); research paper; Author(s): Deniz Gokalp Education and Empowerment: Voices From Ugandan Youth 2022/03 – Austrian Research Foundation for International Development (ÖFSE); research paper; Author(s): Simone Datzberger Beyond Development and Wellbeing: Experimenting With the Low Substitution Approach for Social Progress 2022/02 – Graduate Institute (IHEID); research paper; Author(s): Nathan Sussman, Shiri Cohen Kaminitz What Role Do Local Elections Play for Societal Peace in Nepal? Evidence From Post-Conflict Nepal 2022/03 – German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); research paper; Author(s): Charlotte Fiedler, Karina Mross, Anna Berg et al.The Global Inequality Boomerang 2022/03 – Department of International Development, King’s College (DID); United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); research paper; Author(s): Ravi Kanbur, Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez, Andy Sumner The Political Ecology of Crops: From Seed to State and Capital 2022/03 – Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Noragric); Geoforum; Author(s): Klara Fischer, Jostein Jakobsen, Ola T. Westengen Global Fertility Chains : An Integrative Political Economy Approach to Understanding the Reproductive Bioeconomy 2022/03 – Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS); Science Technology & Human Values; Author(s): Sigrid Vertommen, Vincenzo Pavone, Michal Nahman Policy Networks Across Political Systems 2022/02 – Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability, University of Twente (CSTM); American journal of political science; Author(s): Florence Metz*, Laurence Brandenberger Agenda 2063 and the Role of Africa’s Overlapping Regional Organisations 2022/02 – European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM); research paper; Author(s): Fredrik Söderbaum, Sören StapelRead more about EADI Members |
Calls SUDAC & KFPE Conference: Call for Workshop Ideas Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE); Deadline: 25 March Call for Papers and Organised Sessions: MIASA Policy Conference “Policies for a Sustainable Rural Transformation in Africa”, University of Ghana, 22-23 June 2022 2022/03 – German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA); Deadline: 3 April Call for Papers: 3rd EBRD & King’s College London Workshop on the Economics and Politics of Migration, 16-17 June 2022, London Department of International Development, King’s College (DID); Deadline: 4 April More calls on the EADI websiteOpinionsBlog: What Future for Cooperation in the Arctic? Scenarios After Putin’s War on Ukraine 2022/03 – German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); blog post; Author(s): Arne Riedel, Dorothea Wehrmann, Jacqueline Götze, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak, Michał Łuszczuk Blog: War in Ukraine: Time to Accelerate the Energy Transition in Europe 2022/03 – Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI); blog post; Author(s): Nicolas Berghmans, Ines Bouacida, Andreas Rüdinger Blog: The European Peace Facility and Ukraine: Implications for Africa-Europe Relations 2022/03 – European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM); blog post; Author(s): Volker Hauck Blog: ‘We Need a Peoples’ Solidarity With Ukraine and Against War, Not the Fake Solidarity of Governments’ 2022/03 – Transnational Institute (TNI); blog post; Author(s): Interview with Denis Gorbach and Denis Pilash Blog: The Need for a Digital Safe Haven for Ukraine 2022/03 – Real Instituto Elcano; blog post; Author(s): Raquel Jorge Ricart Opinion: Ukraine Is Closer Than You Think 2022/03 – Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS); Author(s): Izabela Surwillo & Veronika Slakaityte Blog: What Political Science Can Tell Us About Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine 2022/03 – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); blog post; Author(s): Omar McDoom Blog: War in Ukraine – What Consequences for Global Development? 2022/03 – Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath (CDS); blog post; Author(s): James Copestake Blog: Countermeasures in the Current Armed Conflict in Ukraine: An International Law Perspective 2022/03 – Institute of International Relations (IIR); blog post; Author(s): Frederica Cristani Blog: How ‘Sedentist’ Approaches to Land and Conservation Threaten Pastoralists 2022/03 – Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton; blog post; Author(s): Ariell Ahearn, Dawn Chatty, Stefania Pondrandolfo et al. Blog: Every Voice Counts: Addressing Inequality in Research and Development 2022/03 – International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); blog post; Author(s): Tracy Kajumba & Marina Mayer Blog: Resilient State-Building: A New Approach for the Hardest Places 2022/03 – OECD Development Centre (OECD/DC); blog post; Author(s): Jonathan Papoulidis Blog: Integrated Approach to Research: Towards Transformation of Social (Gender) Injustices: A Case of Understanding Gender-Land Injustice 2022/03 – International Institute of Social Studies (ISS); blog post; Author(s): Cynthia Embido Bejeno Blog: Start-Up Business Acceleration Programs: What Does the Academic Literature Say? 2022/03 – Foundation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI); blog post; Author(s): Léon Florian Blog: The Military Ties Between African Ruling Parties and North Korea 2022/03 – African Studies Centre (ASC); blog post; Author(s): Tycho van der Hoog Blog: Why Social Work Should Have a Space in Policy 2022/03 – Dag Hammarskjoeld Foundation (DHF); blog post; Author(s): Meron Temesgen More blogs and opinion pieces on the EADI websiteJobsSenior Researcher (F/m/diverse) Klimalog (Research Programme “Environmental Governance and Transformation to Sustainability”) German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); Deadline: 27 March Vacancies for New ACCESS Network: Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science (ACCESS) Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP); Deadline: 30 March Visiting PhD Fellowship United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); Deadline: 31 March Visiting Researcher (F/m/d) in Economics, Political Science or Another Quantitative Social Science International Security and Development Center (ISDC); Deadline: 8 April Doctoral Position on Evidence-Informed Policymaking (100%) ETH Zürich, Centre for Development and Cooperation (NADEL); Deadline: 15 April Postdoctoral Researcher: “AnthropoSouth”: Latin American Oil Revolutions in the Development Century Project Graduate Institute (IHEID); Deadline: 15 April PhD Scholarship Within International Relations. International Relations and Cities Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Noragric); Deadline: 19 April More jobs on the EADI WebsiteOpen Online ActivitiesThe Flexibility Paradox: Why Flexible Working Is Not a Magic Bullet for Enhancing Gender Equality 25 March, 15.50 CET; Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) Resisting Israeli Apartheid 25 March, 16.00 CET; International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Governing Critical Materials: Policies, Politics and Possibilities 29 March, 15.00 CET; International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) On Imperiality: Between Race and Climate 29 March, 16.15 CET; Graduate Institute (IHEID) . Civil Society in Post-Maidan Ukraine 29 March, 18.00 CET; Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) Development, Environment and Outer Space 31 March, 14.00 CET; International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Sussex Development Lectures: The Politics of Climate Change and Uncertainty in India 31 March, 17.00 GMT; Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton The Indo-Pacific Alliance as a New Regional Hegemon: Implications for the Blue Pacific Strategy 4 April, 10.00 CET; German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Who Owns Antarctica? The Geopolitics of the Seventh Continent 5 April, 12.00 CET; Graduate Institute (IHEID) Taxpayer Response to Greater Progressivity: Evidence From Personal Income Tax Reform in Uganda 5 April, 15.00 CET; Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI) The Religious Landscape of Ukraine 5 April, 18.00 CET; Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) Biodiversity Platform: Analyzing the International Issues on the Road to COP15 6 April; Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI) Launch Event: Sustainable Global Supply Chains Report 2022 6 April, 10.00 CET; German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Multilateralism and Geopolitical Perspectives on EU-Middle East Relations 6 April, 16.00; Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR) Charting a Roadmap Towards Deep Decarbonisation: Low Carbon Technology Solutions and Transitions 7 April, 14.00 CET; German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Subaltern Metropolitan Adventure and Colonial Mediation in Nigeria 7 April, 15.30 CET; African Studies Centre (ASC) Sussex Development Lectures: Why Embracing Uncertainty Means Rethinking Schooling Pedagogies 7 April, 17.00 GMT; Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton More online offers by members on the EADI Website |