Agence française de développement : Studies and Knowledge – March 2022 

Decoding the News
Global Africa, a multidisciplinary and multilingual journal addressing the future of the african continent in response to global challenges

The members of the Global Africa consortium –Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis (UGB, Senegal), National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD, France), the Laboratoire d’études et de recherche sur les dynamiques sociales et le développement local (LASDEL, Benin/Niger) and International University of Rabat (UIR, Morocco) – are releasing the inaugural issue of the Global Africa journal.

The first issue « Tomorrow’s Africas, Worlds and Knowledge » is available on open access!
 Read the Press release on Global Africa#Biodiversity
Artificial intelligence in support of marine biodiversity: introducing an unprecedented international scientific challenge

As the One Ocean Summit has recently drawn attention to the urgent need of protecting oceans, the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche–ANR), with joint funding fromAgence Française de Développement (AFD), is organizing a scientific challenge to address marine biodiversity issues thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).
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INTERESTING READSLatest PublicationsIncluding agricultural water management in the governance and sustainable development of rural territories     The sustainable development of a territory depends on the capacity of its actors to define, plan and finance actions that are part of a strategic vision promoted by a local authority and a locally legitimised institution.    
Policy Brief No. 11

What role for social policies in the framework of the just transition in South Africa?This paper explores the extent to which social policies in South Africa might serve as mechanisms to enhance the transition to a low carbon economy and contribute to mitigating some of the negative impacts towards ensuring a holistic and just transition.  
Research papers No. 230

Public development banks in the water sector – Case studies from Latin America  This report presents an assessment of public development banks (PDBs)’ involvement in the water sector in Latin America. Based on a review of 8 case studies of national, regional and bilateral PDBs, it seeks to assess the hypothesis that national public development have a high potential in raising finance for achieving both the SDG 6 and the water-related Paris agreement goals, but that this potential is underused.  
Technical Reports No. 65 

Labour transitions that lead to platform work: Towards increased formality? Evidence from Argentina    The recent growth of the platform economy as a tool for labour exchanges has brought about concerns on the overall quality of jobs created. As labour platforms leave a digital trace, this paper assesses whether platforms can help to increase registered labour in contexts of extended informality as the one for Argentina, asking what does formalization via registration – if any – actually imply for workers and how do they perceive it.
Research papers No. 233

Research PublicationsDemand-led growth decomposition: an empirical investigation of the Brazilian slowdown in the 2010s
Guilherme R Magacho, Igor L Rocha, Demand-led growth decomposition: an empirical investigation of the Brazilian slowdown in the 2010s, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2022, beac001.

The empirical investigation on countries’ long-term growth usually relies on growth accounting methods, which are based on a supply-led approach, where factors accumulation are the main countries’ growth constraints. This approach, however, ignores the importance of effective demand in explaining the long-term dynamics. Conversely, Keynesians stress the centrality of effective demand to explain why some countries present high growth rates for prolonged periods and others do not.  
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Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa: What do we know so far?
The complexities of inequality include poverty and a weakening of social cohesion. If inequality is to be successfully combated, an in-depth understanding of these issues is essential. The problem is that stakeholders are still missing key elements to drive effective public policies.
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Ideas Forum
Tackling inequality will break the gridlock on what to do about climate changeThere have been a lot of discussions on the urgency of climate change. But it’s universally accepted that the steps that have been agreed to stop global warming are too little too late.• Read the article
Climate change in Vietnam: impacts and adaptationVietnam is often presented as one of the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change. But what precisely would be the social and economic impacts in the country if the global average temperature increases by 1.5°C, 2°C or even more in the coming decades?• Read the article
Save the date
World Water Forum
March 21-28th
9th World Water Forum+ Learn more

Summer School: Development Methodologies
July 5-8th
Applications are open until 30 April+ Registration 
 VideoDigital Labour platforms: What challenges and opportunities for Argentina?What are the effects on the conditions of workers of digital platforms dedicated to individual people services? What challenges and opportunities are there in Argentina? How does it compare to other experiences worldwide?

This webinar, presented by Cecilia POGGI, explores the characteristics and working conditions encountered in certain digital platforms in Argentina.
  Follow us on the net Agence française de développement, a public financial institution who works to combat poverty and finance projects in developing countries and for overseas France. #WorldInCommon