EADI eNewsletter #9/1 2024 | Research Communications, Systemic Change & More

Welcome to the fortnightly newsletter of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI).
1st Issue September 2024
Today we’re happy to announce our second research communications workshop this year, this time in Paris in the premises of the  Agence Française de Développement. Our blog has also been quite busy with two new posts over the last two weeks, and we’re proud that our Working Group on Land, Labour and Food is so active! And, as usual, there’s a lot more going on in our community, as you can see further below.From our BlogWomen and Women’s Quota in Urban Local Bodies in Nagaland: A Saga of Struggle and Success »While Naga women have been active in all spheres of Naga society, social, cultural, and institutional constraints have kept them on the margins of formal politics », writes Amrita Saikia in her blog. She argues that the successful fight for their constitutional right to a 33% women’s quota in Urban Local Bodies « will hopefully change people’s perceptions about traditional gender roles in Naga society and set examples for future generations. » Read more
The Future of Development Studies – Further Discussions NeededPut many development scholars in one room, and controversial discussions are inevitable. What is development? What is Development Studies? Answers will depend on perspectives. This second take (first one here) on our recent workshop « Unity in Diversity » on the future of Development Studies is based on the four schools of Development Studies categorised by Andy Sumner. The authors conclude: « These discussions can drive forward ideas and enhance our understanding of Development Studies, fostering a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to development. » Read moreTo the blog overview
Forthcoming EADI EventsNew Frontiers of Urban Informality, 12 September, University of SheffieldGlobally, there are two billion workers in the informal economy, and over one billion people live in informal settlements (‘slums’). Many city dwellers also utilise informal (unregulated) providers to access land, infrastructure, and services. Although academic and policy-oriented studies have recently proliferated, there is a need for comparative, interdisciplinary understanding of urban informality. Read more and register
 Development Research Communications Workshop, Paris, 10-11 October 2024In partnership with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) we are happy to invite communications specialists and interested researchers from our community to the second research communications workshop this year. As usual, the workshop will be interactive with much room for discussion and best practice exchange. Read the preliminary programme and register
 See all EADI Events
EJDR: Democracy, Participation and DominationOur journal, the European Journal of Development Research (EJDR), has put together a special collection on Democracy, Participation, and Domination. The collection is available here
Read all open access articles here
Browse the latest issue hereRead the collection on Financing and Development here
Read the collection on China’s Presence in Development here
Read about the EJDR’s early career initiative here
News from the Land, Labour and Food Working GroupZimbabwe’s Command Agriculture: Problems of Planning Under Neoliberalism, 12 SeptemberThis webinar by the joint DSA-EADI Working Group on Land, Labour and Food examines the impacts of Zimbabwe’s Command Agriculture (CA) program, a state-driven cereal production model implemented since 2016 . Read more and register
 Climate Justice, Land rights & trade: The EU-Indonesia Palm Oil DisputeThe recording of the working group’s recent webinar with Lorenzo Cotula is now available on YouTube. Lorenzo Cotula is principal researcher and head of law, economies and justice programme at the International institute for Environment and Development. Watch the video
Emerging Trends in International Development and Climate Policy. A Focus on Korea and GermanyThis open access book edited by IDOS researchersdelves into the considerable alignment of global sustainable development priorities between Germany and the Republic of Korea (hereafter referred to as Korea), despite their geographical separation. Notably, both nations share a common commitment to development policy and international climate action, an alignment that holds immense potential for enhanced cooperation in today’s evolving global landscape. Read more

Thematic Focus: Green Economy and Systemic Change
Care as pluriversal strategy? Caring in counter-hegemonic struggles in the degrowth and environmental justice movements
Globalizations –  Joshua Hurtado Hurtado, Vilma Hämäläinen, Toni Ruuska, Pasi Heikkurinen – Global Development Studies at the University of Helsinki

Human Rights in the New Eco-Social Contract: Exploring a Just Transition Through Public Services and Social Security
S. Aubry, M. McConnell, S. Saadoun, L. Simet – United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Distributive Impact of Green Taxes in Mexico
John R. Scott; Ricardo Massa; Ana Cecilia Parada – The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

China’s Engagement with DRC’s Critical Minerals Sector: Extractivism, Developmentalism, and the Quest for a Just Transition 
Wei Shen, Chuchu Fu – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Conceptualising global cultural transformation – Developing deep institutional scenarios for whole of society change
Environmental Research Letters – Ian Hughes, Ariel Macaspac Rosa Hernandez, James Glynn, William Hynes. Brian O’Gallachoir – German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
The political economy of energy transitions in Africa: Coalitions, politics and power in Tanzania
Energy Research & Social Science – Rasmus Hundsbaek Pedersen , Japhace Poncian – Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)

Frontiers and Best Practices in Bio, Circular, and Green Growth and Eco-Innovation 
Sustainability Special Issue – Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada, Andrea Gatto – Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)Premium Members Publication Picks

Do Wars Abroad Affect Attitudes at Home?
PNAS Nexus – Department of International Development King’s College London (DID)

Women, Revolution, and Backlash: Igniting Feminist Mobilization in Sudan
Politics & Gender – Liv Tønnessen, Samia Al-Nagar – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

The United States in the World Today: How Sociologists Think About It and Why It Matters
Annual Reviews – Grégoire Mallard, Shirin Barol, and Nina Teresa Kiderlin – The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)

Another strange non-death: the NAIRU and the ideational foundations of the Federal Reserve’s new monetary policy framework
Review of International Political Economy – Ghent Centre for Global Studies (GCGS – UGent)

Mozambique — Completing the successful transformation of the development model
Alix Vigato – The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Manipulating the Masses? Right-Wing Populist Messages, Political Ideology, and Public Support for Multilateral Development Aid in Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom
Journal of International Development – A. Burcu Bayram, Sebastian H. Schneider, Jörg Faust, Catarina Thomson – German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

Towards a continental industrial policy?
Bruce Byiers – European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)

The 24-Hour Risk City: A Framework for Thinking About Building Infrastructures of Climate Repair in Nairobi and Karachi
N. H. Anwar et al. – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Teacher Professional Development @scale: Achieving Quality and Sustainability in Zambia
Journal of Learning for Development – Kris Stutchbury, Lore Gallastegi, Clare Woodward et al. – The Centre for the Study of Global Development, Open University (CSGD & OU)

 Read more about EADI MembersPolicy Publication Picks by Members

Promising Evidence of Coordination Across the Humanitarian–Development Nexus
Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Camelia Vasilov, Mats Hoppenbrouwers, Jeremy Lind – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Can capital markets be harnessed for the financing of small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in low- and middle-income countries?
Christoph Sommer – German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
WIDER Annual Lecture Brief | The billionaire tax – a (modest) proposal for the 21st century
Gabriel Zucman – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Diaspora aid is crucial for emergency relief in the Somali regions
Nauja Kleist, Peter Albrecht, Mohamed Aden Hassan, Karuti Kanyinga – Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
 Picks from International Partner NetworksBig mission science and large infrastructure projects take a systems-based approach. Can we do the same for sustainability science?
V. McBride – International Science Council ISC

Social Enterprise Under Moral Hazard: Who Gets State Subsidies and Active Financing?
R. Morjan – International Science Council ISC

Epistemología y política
EnsayosJ. G. Gandarilla Salgado, D.Salinas, K. Batthyány (coords.) – The Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO
Read more about EADI Partners
TrainingsVET between Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development
16-20 September 2024, online; ETH Zürich, Centre for Development and Cooperation (NADEL)

See more courses and trainings on the EADI website

What happens when you tax the rich?
Christopher Axelson, Jukka Pirttilä, Antonia Hohmann, Roxanne Raabe, Nadine Riedel – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Accelerating SDG delivery and promoting fair multilateralism
Tabeaa Waltenberg, Sarah Löpelt – German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)

Data inaccuracy is a global problem — a plea for decolonizing the debate on the quality of statistics
Peter van Bergeijk – International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)

Let’s seize the opportunity to further gender equity in Bangladesh
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Jalal’s legacy: Remembering a brave friend and activist, a hidden hero of Sudan’s war
Samah Khalaf Allah – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)

“Navigating the polycrisis” by Michael J. Albert: a review
James Copestake – Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath (CDS)

Digitalisation in Education: Can AI Bridge India’s Digital Divide?
K. K. Roy – Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Systèmes bancaires dans l’UEMOA en 2024 : une nouvelle année remarquable ?
P. Derreumaux – Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (FERDI)

Appel à contributions : Résilience des communs à l’heure de l’anthropocène
Deadline : 10 October 2024 – Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique pour l’Étude de la Mondialisation et du Développement (GEMDEV)

From panels to papers: Call for papers following DSA2024
Deadline: 30 October 2024 – Development Studies Association (DSA)

Revue internationale des études du développement (RIED) – Rubrique Figures du développement
No deadline – Sorbonne Development Studies Institute (IEDES)

Revue internationale des études du développement (RIED) – Appel permanent – Dossiers thématiques
No deadline – Sorbonne Development Studies Institute (IEDES)
See more calls on the EADI WebsiteJobs
PostDoc Researcher at UNU-MERIT (modeling): inequality impacts of the green and digital technology
Deadline: 08 September 2024 – UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology UNU-MERIT

Project Manager (Resesarch) (F/M/D)
Deadline: 15 September 2024 – Network for international policies and cooperation in education and training NORRAG

Food Systems Lead and Principal Researcher
Deadline: 17 September 2024 –  International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Three PhD Students for a New Project on a Global Constitution
Deadline: 20 September 2024 –   Governance and Inclusive Development, Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (GID)

Post-doctoral Fellowship available – Volkswagen Foundation Project: A study of human-environment relationships in the Konso Cultural Landscape UNESCO World Heritage site, Ethiopia
Deadline: 25 September 2024 – Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung ZEF

Deadline: 14 October 2024 – Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

See more job offers on the EADI website