EADI eNewsletter #11/1 2018 | Launch of EADI Blog, Bridge 47 & more


Today we are very excited to launch our blog « Debating Development Research ». With this initiative we hope to trigger discussions, share insights and connect people around topics of interest to the international development research community. We cordially invite you to contribute your experience, thoughts or positions to this new platform, as any blog can only be as good as the input it receives. At the same time we are happy about the large interest in our upcoming research communications workshop on 15 and 16 November which will be a good opportunity to connect and share experience. If you work in communications and haven’t registered yet, please let us know, so that we can still accommodate you. Enjoy the read!

EADI Blog « Debating Development Research » launched
The world is facing dramatic changes and challenges and so is science. What is the role of development research in these times and what are the most pressing issues it needs to address? What are different just positions on these issues, where are open questions and what requires further elaboration? What makes sense in relation to the larger picture and where do scientists need to take a stand? On this blog we invite you to share your opinion, thoughts and insights on everything that might be of interest to the broader community – and of course also on articles that appear on our blog. For a start, we have highlighted the Knowledge Development Goals, asking which knowledge for which development? Read more

Bridge 47 – The Power of Global Citizenship Education
“To change everything, you need everybody!” Maya Menezes from the Canadian Leap Manifesto encouraged the participants of the first Bridge 47 Conference to primarily reach out beyond their traditional allies. This is exactly what the Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship project is about. It seeks to mobilise and empower global civil society to contribute to a transformation towards global justice and eradication of poverty by means Global Citizenship Education (GCE). EADI is proud to be partner of the project which is co-created and implemented by 15 European and global civil society organisations. EADI takes the leading role in the work on Knowledge Exchange Partnerships which serve to ensure a free flow of ideas and best practices for Global Citizenship Education between research institutions and civil society organisations. Read more

This report published by the Transnational Institute includes a collection of case studies illustrating how corporate impunity works and highlighting the failures of current approaches, particularly to address human rights violations and provide effective remedy to affected peoples and communities. The studies reveal a pattern where European corporations outsource their worst impacts to the Global South, with the help of the architecture of impunity that legitimises and legalises the operations of Transnational Corporation (TNCs). At the core of this architecture is the infamous investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system, a private arbitration system that allows TNCs to sue states whenever they consider that their future profits are threatened by new measures or policies aiming at improving social and environmental protection. Read more

News from EADI Working Groups
Call for workshop contributions: Our working group on Post- and Decolonial Perspectives on Development is seeking contributions to their workshop « Critical academic perspectives on scholarship in the social sciences – How do we « know » the world? » to be held in Bonn on 17 January 2019. This one-day Workshop aims to bridge academic “silos” and connect scholars from diverse fields in the social sciences. Deadline for submissions: 27 November 2018. Read more

New Working Group on Gender Justice
Call for participation: The newly constituted Working Group on Gender Justice is inviting collaborators from all disciplines.

The Gender Justice Working Group of EADI is a group of scholars working, writing and thinking on all issues related to gender justice. We feel that a shift from gender mainstreaming to gender justice in international development theory, policy and practice contexts is a worthwhile point of departure for discussion and focus.  Therefore, we are opening this space/ initiative as a forum for scholars and researchers with an interest in the relationship between gender justice and international development. Read more and get in touch.

Forthcoming EADI Webinar
« Reflections on democratization and gendered violence: Colonial histories and continuities. »,
7 December, 3 pm with Lyn Ossome (Makerere Institute of Social Research, Uganda). She is a Senior Research Fellow at Makerere Institute of Social Research, Uganda. Her research specializations are in feminist political economy, land and agrarian studies and feminist political theory. Her current work deals with questions of social justice through a critical engagement with histories of women in politics. Register here

Latest EADI Webinars Online
  • « Re-thinking emancipation in “Latin America” and the de-colonial project » with Juan Fernando Larco Guevara: watch here
  • « Global Justice in Education: Interdisciplinary Studies in Global/Planetary Interdependence: The mobilization of hope and rage in times of instability » with Vanessa Andreotti: watch here
  • « Colonial Detoxification and In-Betweenness »  with Sayan Dey: watch here
  • « Civil Society, Citizenship and Development » with Tiina Kontinen, Marianne Millstein and  Kees Biekart watch here
See all EADI webinars

The European Journal of Development Research (EJDR)

The deadline for recruiting three new co-editors for the journal has been extended to 28 November. If you are a research-active scholar based in the global North or South with extensive experience of publishing, editing and reviewing for high-ranking academic journals, EJDR is looking forward to receiving your application. Read more

The Official Journal of EADI. Read It Now!

News Picks from Premium Members
The annual prize for war correspondents funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) has been awarded to a photo report on the crisis affecting the Rohingya community, which has gathered pace since 2017. Read more and watch the photos
The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) has published a 10 minutes viedo documentary on sustainable food systems: « Towards a #ZeroHunger future with Africa’s forgotten treasures ». Watch the video here
On the website of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) is a bunch of interesting research movies on social sciences available. Watch them here
The Overseas Development Insttitute (ODI) has developed an interactive tool on the relation between migration and the SDGs. Explore here
Learn more about EADI Members

Featured Publications
Social Insurance Reforms in Egypt: Needed, Belated, Flopped
2018/10 – Social Policy in the Middle East and North Africa (POMEPS Studies 31), 63-69; Author(s): Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik

Social Protection, Food Security and Nutrition in Six African Countries
2018/10 – Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton; research paper; Author(s): Stephen Devereux et al.

Funding to Local Humanitarian Actors: South Sudan Case Study
2018/10 – Overseas Development Institute (ODI); research paper; Author(s): Mo ali, Lona Loduro, Victor Lowilla, Lydia Poole and Barnaby Willitts-King

Funding to Local Humanitarian Actors: Somalia Case Study
2018/10 – Overseas Development Institute (ODI); research paper; Author(s): Nisar Majid, Khalif Abdirahman, Lydia Poole and Barnaby Willitts-King

Promoting Gender in the EU External Response to Migration: The Case of the Trust Fund for Africa
2018/10 – European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM); research paper; Author(s): Anna Knoll; Noemi Cascone

The EGA Negotiations: Why They Are Important, Why They Are Stalled, and Challenges Ahead (PDF)
2018/10 – Foundation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI); research paper; Author(s): Jaime de Melo; Jean-Marc Solleder

Cascading Consequences of Hunting and Fishing for Ecosystem Services in Amazonian Forest
2018/10 – Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Noragric)

Cultural Values, Popular Attitudes and Democracy Promotion: How Values Mediate the Effectiveness of Donor Support for Term Limits and LGBT+ Rights in Uganda
2018/10 – German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); research paper; Author(s): Merran Hulse

Counter-Mobilization Against Child Marriage Reform in Africa
2018/10 – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI); Political Studies; Author(s): Ragnhild L. Muriaas et. al

The Mozambique Hidden Loans Case: An Opportunity for Donors to Demonstrate Anti-Corruption Commitment
2018/10 – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI); U4 Brief; Author(s): David Aled Williams

The Customer Is King: Evidence on VAT Compliance in Tanzania
2018/10 – Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI); research paper; Author(s): Odd-Helge Fjeldstad et al

Fragility, Aid, and State-Building
2018/10 – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); Now open access; Author(s): Rachel M. Gisselquist

A Physical Vulnerability to Climate Change Index: Which Are the Most Vulnerable Developing Countries? (PDF)
2018/10 – Foundation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI); research paper; Author(s): Mathilde Closset; Sosso Feindouno; Patrick Guillaumont; Catherine Simonet

Africa’s Mineral Economies: Breaking Their Dependence on Mining
2018/10 – Nordic Africa Institute (NAI); Policy Note No 6:2018; Author(s): George Adu, John Bosco Dramani

Read the latest publications from our members!

Blog: 11 Tips for Better Blogging
2018/10 – International Institute of Social Studies (ISS); blog post; Author(s): Duncan Green

Blog: Cities for Sustainable Global Development
2018/10 – Global Development Institute (GDI); blog post; Author(s): Eva Dick

Blog: Co-Production in Urban Areas: Evolving Form, Enduring Presence
2018/10 – International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); blog post; Author(s): Diana Mitlin

Blog: Food, Sisterhood and Dreams
2018/10 – International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); blog post; Author(s): Nicole Szucs

Blog: Attitudes Towards Development Cooperation: New Evidence on Germany
2018/10 – Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut, der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval); blog post; Author(s): Sebastian H. Schneider et al.

Blog: What Has Become of the Digital Divide?
2018/10 – German Development Institute, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE); blog post; Author(s): Andreas Stamm, Lea Gimpel

Blog: Brexit Will Weigh Heavily on European Security
2018/10 – Graduate Institute (IHEID); blog post; Author(s): Stephanie Hofmann

Blog: Poverty and Social Injustice: Why Are People Advocating a ‘Relational’ Approach? (And What Does That Mean Anyway?)
2018/10 – Global Development Institute (GDI)

Blog: Regional Integration: Measuring the Commitment of African States
2018/10 – Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Project Research Officer, PhD Student, Re-Analysing Data on Multiple Aspects of the Livelihoods of Young People in Uganda and Ghana.
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton; Deadline: 7 November

Grade 2 Principal Researcher
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); Deadline: 8 November

Lecturer/Associate Professor in Politics/International Relations/International Development at University of Leeds
Centre for Global Development, University of Leeds (CGD); Deadline: 9 November

2x Grade 3 Senior Researchers (Climate Change Research Group)
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); Deadline: 14 November

PhD Scholarship — “Perceptions of Inequality and Its Effects on Subjective Wellbeing”
German Research Foundation, Deadline: 15 November

PhD Position Migration and Protest in Morocco (MOBILISE Project) – University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research (AISSR); Deadline: 23 November

Professor in Economic Geography, Utrecht University
International Development Studies, University of Utrecht; Deadline: 30 November

Professor in Social Urban Transitions, Utrecht University
International Development Studies, University of Utrecht; Deadline: 30 November
More jobs on the EADI Website

Call for Papers: Debating Postcolonialism: Eine Kritische Auseinandersetzung Mit Postkolonialen Perspektiven in Der Friedens- Und Konfliktforschung
2018/10 – Department of Development and Postcolonial Studies (DDPS); Deadline: 5 November 2018

Call for Papers: Reflecting 100 Years of ILO – Shaping the Rules for a New Century of Labour (PDF)
2018/09 – International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD); Deadline: 15 November 2018

Call for Papers: The Future of Europe
Institute for European Studies, University of Malta; Deadline: 15 November 2018

Call for Papers: Thoughts on the Gendered Experience of Political Violence in Africa: Biographical Impacts, Generational and Family Transmissions
Les Afriques dans le monde (LAM); Deadline: 15 November 2018

Call for Contributions: « The Challenges Facing Actors in International Development Aid: Between Adaptation and Distinction »
2018/10 – Institut d’Etude du Développement Economique et Social, Université Paris 1 (IEDES); Deadline: 27 November

Call for Research Proposals on Public Revenue Mobilization and Inequality
2018/10 – United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); Deadline: 30 November

Call for Papers: Vertreibung durch Entwicklungsprojekte (Arbeitstitel)
2018/06 – Department of Development and Postcolonial Studies (DDPS); Deadline: 20 December 2018

More calls on the EADI Website

The 16th Development Dialogue for early-stage researchers
Rotterdam, 1-2 November 2018, International Institute of Social Studies

Leveraging Research Partnerships for Global Challenges
Bern, 22 November, The Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)

The Political Origins of Health Inequities and Universal Health Coverage
Oslo /Streamed Online, 1-2 November 2018, UiO Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)

Africa’s rising debt
London / Streamed Online, 5-6 November, Overseas Development Institute

IIED Webinar: Gender and Biodiversity Conservation – Progress and Future Directions,
13 November, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Engaging Evidence and Policy for Social Change,
15-17 January 2019 Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton

STEPS Summer School 2019,
13-24 May 2019, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton

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