Agence française de développement : Studies and Knowledge – July 2022 📚

Decoding the News
Publication of AFD’s First book on the intersecting issues of Human Rights and Development 
On December 10th 2022, our group organized an international conference on human rights and development, bringing together more than 500 actors from the development community in the North and South. It highlighted the unprecedented retreat of human rights worldwide, linked to the explosion of multidimensional inequalities and the ecological and climate crisis.

In this context, the conference showed that development actors have a role to play in taking action, regardless of the sector or geography.
Consult AFD’s First Book on Human Rights & Development
Focus on the Balkans Situation
Kosovo: The Challenges of Building the Growth ModelA small country in the Western Balkans, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. It has since strengthened its independence and built its sovereignty, resulting in a gradual withdrawal of international peacekeeping missions. It has also managed to build strong democratic institutions, despite major political instability.

MacroDev No. 38
North Macedonia: Identifying a development model for the future North Macedonia is a small, landlocked country in the Balkans that gained independence in 1991 and has a turbulent history bound up with its pursuit of regional and international recognition. The country is now looking toward the European Union and has been a candidate for accession since 2005. Its economic growth is steady but not strong enough to initiate a significant convergence process.

MacroDev No. 39
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Low-carbon transition in Latin America: what are the risks and the main constraints? 
In the framework of the 14th International Economic Forum on Latin America & the Caribbean, AFD economists, Guilherme Magacho, Antoine Godin, Emmanuelle Mansart Monat et Marion Hemar analyze, in the OECD Blog Development Matters, how the region can face the constraints generated by the low-carbon transition including risks that can affect their macroeconomic stability.
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Research Publications
Beyond normative system boundaries in life cycle assessment: The environmental effect of income redistribution 
The current practice for assessing the environmental life cycle impacts of a product system is limited to the activities that respond directly to a change in demand. The revenue resulting from this change in demand is then used to pay for primary factors, such as wages and taxes, while the redistribution of that money is left outside the system boundaries. This article in ScienceDirect by Antoine Godin, AFD economist, is addressing this limitation by providing a method in which the second order effects, i.e., the effects of re-spending that money, are included. For that, an income distribution model based on a simplified stock-flow consistent framework was developed.
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Latest Publications
A strong sustainability approach to development trajectoriesSustainable development trajectories are at the heart of many policy debates: CDN and Net Zero trajectories, just transition, climate justice, biodiversity inclusion, etc. These trajectories mostly propose a nexus approach combining climate, ecological, social, technological, economic and political aspects.  

Research Paper No. 251
Evaluation of AFD’s Evaluation Policy The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether AFD’s evaluation system met the objectives set out in its 2013 evaluation policy and whether evaluations ultimately proved « useful. « The aim was also to reflect on possible directions for a new evaluation policy, which would take into account the changing expectations and needs in the evaluation field. AFD’s Evaluation Committee (COMEVA) has acted as the contracting authority for this evaluation.

ExPost No. 89
ESGAP Reports
Environmental Sustainability in Vietnam – Piloting the Environmental Sustainability Gap Framework (ESGAP) and Strong Environmental Sustainability Index (SESI)The Prime Minister of Vietnam issued a National Action Plan for the implementation of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development. 

Série grise ESGAP Vietnam
Environmental Sustainability in Kenya – A case study in the Environmental Sustainability Gap Framework (ESGAP) and Strong Environmental Sustainability Index (SESI)To adapt the ESGAP framework to the Kenyan socio-ecological context, this project analysed the in-country environmental legislation landscape and existing environmental policy frameworks to determine challenges, gaps and opportunities for supplementing and strengthen existing processes. 

Série grise ESGAP Kenya
Research Conversation 
Research Conversations: Inequalities and environmental changes in the Mekong regionAttend our webinar on Wednesday July 6th from 10am to 11.30am CET to find out how we need to take social and environmental dynamics into consideration in order to foster a just transition in Southeast Asia. This English-language online event coincides with the release of Inequalities and environmental changes in the Mekong region, a new AFD volume that opens up an entirely new field of inquiry and showcases some of the most active research partnerships between France and the countries of Mekong region.Panelists will include:Hélène DJOUFELKIT, Director of the Economic Diagnostics and Public Policy Department, AFDAlexis DROGOUL, Director of Research in Computer Science, IRDEtienne ESPAGNE, Senior Economist, AFDLinh HUYNH THI PHUONG, Social Scientist, IRDStéphane LAGRÉE, Social Scientist, IRDJean-Pierre MARCELLI, Director of Operations, AFD

Register to this event here 
World Population Day
July 11

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Africa’s Women’s Day  
July 31
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VideoEvaluating the Minka fund, an innovative financing tool dedicated to peacebuilding & resilienceIn the face of increasingly complex crisis, development gains are under threat. In response, France has created a financing tool dedicated to peacebuilding: the Minka Fund. Five years after its launch, how can we ensure its effectiveness and strengthen it? To answer this question, the Minka Fund has been the subject of an independent evaluation. Watch the video on the importance of evaluating the Minka fund with Catherine Simonet AFD’s Knowledge Manager in Fragility, Crisis and Conflict Department and Camille Laporte, AFD’s Evaluation Officer.
 Watch the video on the importance of evaluating the Minka fund