How can certain agricultural models contribute to the development of biodiversity-compatible public policies? As public protected areas remain the core of global conservation strategies, their effectiveness and ability to meet their objectives are impeded by limited resources. In Southern and Eastern Africa, private and community wildlife and mixed wildlife–agricultural ranches provide relevant agricultural models both for production and ecological function. March 202462:00 pm (CET)Webinar |
How can these agricultural models contribute to the development of biodiversity compatible public policies? What factors determine positive environmental and socio-economic impacts? What are the enabling conditions for these synergistic outcomes and how resilient are these agro-ecological wildlife models? Lastly, how can investment be used strategically to galvanize wildlife economies at the conservation-agriculture interface? With its partners and in the framework of AFD’s ECOPRONAT Program, the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) is conducting a research project to develop foundational knowledge for the wildlife economy (data on business models, factors of viability, investments and skills needed) and co-produce decision support tools to create a systemic impact. This webinar will present in detail this research project and its first results. |