
ISS Newsletter July 2021

    Newsletter July & August 2021Results EADI/ISS conference on Solidarity  EventThe global EADI/ISS conference on Solidarity has taken place this week, with an impressive number and diversity of participants from all over the world. Impressions and perspectives from the conference are shared here. Learn more >    8th International Degrowth Conference EventThe conference on ‘Caring Communities for Radical …

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Directory of African Foundations 2021

Directory of African Foundations 2021 This directory of foundations, trusts, charitable and grant-making NGO’s  provides full information on African project funding worldwide! This comprehensive new directory lists every major national and international foundation, NGOs and other charitable and grant-making organizations located throughout Africa. All of the major established foundations and NGOs …

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[OpenEdition] Les actualités d’Hypothèses

LA LETTRE n° 499 | 08 juillet 2021 Les actualités d’HypothèsesCette semaine nous atteignons les 4 000 carnets au catalogue !La lettre d’OpenEdition présente les publications de la plateforme de carnets de recherche Hypothèses, avec une sélection de billets à la Une et de carnets récemment ajoutés au catalogue d’OpenEdition. Bonne lecture !Billets à …

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EADI eNewsletter #7/1 2021 | COVID-19: Solidarity versus Crisis Capitalism & More

Welcome to the fortnightly newsletter of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI). 1st Issue July 2021EditorialWe’re on the final day of the EADI/ISS #Solidarity2021 conference, and are more than happy that everything has worked so well! We not only enjoyed the EADI community getting together again, but also the …

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[newsletter_7_achac] Newsletter #1 – 7 juillet 2021

Newsletter #1 – 7 juillet 2021    Tribune    Histoire(s) d’enfants en migration Par Marie Poinsot        Forte d’une collection d’articles spécialisés sur les migrations internationales réalisée sur plus de cinquante ans, la revue Hommes & Migrations assure un triple rôle de médiation scientifique, de valorisation des patrimoines et des cultures de l’immigration, et de scène d’expression pour les acteurs engagés …

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IDDRI : Carbon neutrality starts today: the importance of LTS for robust climate multilateralism

LIVE NOW Carbon neutrality starts today: the importance of LTS for robust climate multilateralism WATCH LIVE   Introduction by Siddharth Pathak (2050 Pathways Platform) Joint keynote presentation by Katie Ross (WRI) and Henri Waisman (IDDRI) Panel with :Fiona Clouder, the COP26 presidency’s Regional Ambassador for Latin America and the Caribbean Allen Fawcett, Climate Economics Branch Chief, United States Environmental Protection Agency Javier Mendoza, …

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