Actualités dans "APPELS"
sept 5, 2013

AFRICA editorial board + ASAUK conference 2014

To the members of the AFRICA editorial advisory board:

As discussed at our most recent editorial advisory board, the IAI/AFRICA is able to sponsor one or two panels at the next ASAUK
conference being held 9-11 September 2014. The kind of sponsorship we anticipate is a modest financial contribution of e.g. £500 to a panel
to help an African scholar to attend the conference who would not be able to access full funding through other means.

At the 2012 ASAUK conference for example, the journal sponsored a panel on radio convened by Harri Englund; and at the recent AEGIS
conference, a round table on ‘the popular’ convened by Birgit Meyer/Filip De Boeck/Karin Barber.

The ASAUK’s CFP is attached. Please note that the deadline for submissions of panels is 20 September 2013. If you are proposing a panel, which you would like the IAI/AFRICA to consider sponsoring, please inform us about your panel by the same deadline giving an indication of the support being sought.

All requests for support from the IAI/AFRICA will be considered by the journal editors and Institute.

Call for Panels ASAUK Biennial Conference 2014

sept 5, 2013

Revue Autrepart n°71 – Appel à contributions/ Call for papers

Vous voudrez bien trouver ci-joint un appel à contributions pour le numéro 71 de la revue Autrepart qui portera sur * »**Quelle place pour
les jeunes ? L’accès à l’emploi dans les Suds ».
Appel à communication

Please find attached a call for paper for Issue number 71 of the Journal Autrepart on * »What place for young people? Access to employment in
developing countries** ».*
Call for paper

sept 5, 2013

Convocatoria: primer congreso internacional de geografìa – Bogota – 20-22 nov 2013



*TURISMO: PERSPECTIVAS Y RETOS EN COLOMBIA.**Cultura, medio ambiente, política pública y territorio*

*Bogotá, D.C. 20, 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2013*


– Primera circular –


·Hoja de vida, especificando formación académica y trayectoria de investigación relacionada con el tema. Titulo y resumen de la ponencia (*Lunes 19 de agosto 2013*)

·Aceptación resumen ponencia y comunicación autores *(Lunes 09 de septiembre 2013)*

·Entrega del documento completo de la ponencia (*Martes 05 de noviembre 2013*).


*Las normas para autores son las mismas empleadas por la revista Colombiana de Geografía, las cuales se encuentran disponibles en: *

* *


1ra convocatoria 1er congreso internacional geografia

sept 5, 2013

CFP Green and social: managing synergies and trade-offs, Bonn 12-14 March 2014

Dear colleague,

It is with great pleasure that we issue this call for papers (see  attached pdf) for the international workshop on
‘Green and social: managing synergies and trade-offs’,

Tulpenfeld 6, Bonn, Germany, on 12-14 March 2014.
Existing development pathways need to be transformed so that they are  more environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive. These two  agendas can be synergistic or conflicting. Synergies have been  explored to some extent in recent concepts such as the ‘green  economy’, while the associated trade-offs and conflicts have received  less attention.

With the workshop ‘Green and social: managing synergies and  trade-offs’, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für  Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth  Network (PEGNet) aim to address the gap between environmental and  social perspectives on development by bringing together research and  practice, but also the environmental and the social inclusion  communities.

The workshop will be split into two phases: The first two days will  provide room to discuss the workshop themes in panel sessions, working  groups and during keynote presentations. The third day aims to  translate the findings into practice and offers researchers and  practitioners the opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the practical  implications of the earlier discussed issues.

Because of the multidimensional nature of the topics, we invite  submissions from across disciplines such as economics, political  science, sociology, and geography. We are particularly interested in  interdisciplinary approaches.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: 30 September 2013

Notification of acceptance: 11 November 2013

Full paper submission: 31 January 2014

Please submit your abstract(s) of up to 500 words electronically to  Sonja Neweling  (<>),  using’PEGNet 2014′ as subject matter. For organizational matters such  as travel and accommodation please contact Sonja Neweling  (<>). For  content related information please contact Anna Pegels  (<>) or Carmen  Richerzhagen  (<>).

DIE_PEGNet Workshop_Call

sept 5, 2013

Call for papers – Iberian International Business Conference, Braga 4,5 of October. Deadline 31 of July

Iberian International Business Conference, Braga, 4 and 5 of October
Deadline for submissions – July 31st

We are inviting all to participate in the 9th Iberian International Business Conference, in Braga, 4 and 5 of October of 2013. We aim at bringing together Portuguese and Spanish scholars actively researching in topics related to Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade, Firm Internationalization and International Management.

As in earlier IIBC Conferences, this event is a privileged forum to discuss recent work done by researchers in the interdisciplinary areas of International Business, International Entrepreneurship, International Marketing, International Trade strategies, International Finance, International Production and Operations and International Management. Papers do not have to be focused on the cases of Portugal and Spain only, although these are welcome.

The next 9th IIBC meeting will take place in Braga, Portugal, hosted by NIPE and the School of Economics and Management from University of Minho, with the main theme “Globalization of Iberian Firms in a Challenging World”.
We hope you will join us.

Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Chair of the 2013 IIBC Conference

Contributors are requested to send their submissions in electronic format (PDF or Word file) by July 31st, 2013.
All papers should be submitted in English with a reference to IIBC Conference, no later than the deadline. Please see the style guidelines for further information.
Submissions should be sent to: Dina Guimarães []


Early registration (By September 13th, 2013) – 180 Euros

Early registration for PHD students (By September 13th, 2013) – 80 euros

Late registration (By September 28th, 2013)– 200 euros

The price includes the documentation, lunch (on the 4th  and 5th), the conference dinner, coffee breaks and a social program on the last day of the conference (visit to Port Wine cellars in Porto). Hotels in Braga range from 25 euros per night (Basic hotel) to 70 euros per night (5 stars hotel).
More information in:

sept 5, 2013

Revue Autrepart n°70 – Appel à contributions/ Call for papers

Vous voudrez bien trouver ci-joint un appel à contributions pour le numéro 70 de la revue Autrepart qui portera sur  » *Quand les entreprises
des Suds investissent dans les Suds ».

Dans les Suds

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached a call for paper for Issue number 70 of the Journal Autrepart on  » *When companies from developing countries invest in
developing countries ».*

Pour le Comité de rédaction
Irène Salvert
Secrétaire de la rédaction

sept 3, 2013

Call for Participation – special track on Central & South America and the Caribbean

Call for Participation

Borders and Boundaries in an Age of Global Urbanization (With a special track on Urban Issues in Central & South America and the Caribbean)

Abstract/Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2013

Urban areas have grown at an unprecedented rate in the last decade. More of the world’s population now lives in cities than in any other context. International trade, capital investment and divestment, migration, and porous economic, social and political boundaries fuel this global urbanization. Enormous governance challenges result for megacities and fast-growing urban centers due to in-migration and other trends, particularly in the global south. Ethnic, racial and economic disparities across the globe create new tensions and vehicles for exclusion, while also creating interesting possibilities for cooperation and collaboration. Economic, political, and environmental crises further burden governance and demand innovative solutions to problems unique to global urbanization.  All of this raises old and new civic and policy questions about boundaries and borders of global urbanization.  Consequently, the 2014 conference theme is « Borders and Boundaries in an Age of Global Urbanization. » The conference site, San Antonio, is a global city with a population of approximately 1.3 million, in a significant border region with boundaries that defy simple conceptualizations. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, and one of its most ethnically diverse, with almost 70 percent of its native and immigrant residents being of Hispanic descent. It provides a particularly apt setting to explore borders and boundaries and how they shape urban affairs in the 21st Century.

To broaden the conference discourse on the theme of global urbanization, UAA will sponsor a special track on Urban Issues in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.  We welcome and will actively reach out to our research colleagues across these regions.

Topical Categories

In keeping with the tradition of UAA Annual Meetings, we encourage proposals that focus on an array of research topics including:

*     Arts, Culture, Media

*     Disaster Planning for Urban Areas, Disaster Management, Emergency Preparedness, Cities & Security

*     Economic Development, Redevelopment, Tourism, Urban Economics, Urban Finance

*     Education in Urban Contexts, Urban Schools, Higher Education Institutions and Urban Communities

*     Environmental Issues and Cities, Sustainability and Cities, Urban Health, Technology and Society

*     Globalization and Urban Impacts, International Urban Issues

*     Governance in Cities /Urban Regions, Intergovernmental Relations, Regionalism, Urban Management

*     Historic Preservation, Space and Place

*     Historical Perspectives on Cities and Urban Regions

*     Housing, Neighborhoods, Community Development

*     Human/Social Services for Urban Populations, Nonprofit Sector in Urban Contexts

*     Immigration Dynamics and Impacts on Urban Areas, Population and Demographic Trends

*     Infrastructure, Capital Projects, Networks, Transport, Urban Services

*     Labor, Employment, Wages, Training

*     Land Use, Growth Management, Urban Development, Urban Planning

*     Poverty, Welfare, Income Inequality

*     Professional Development, The Field of Urban Affairs

*     Public Safety in Urban Areas, Criminal Justice, Household Violence

*     Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Identity, Diversity

*     Social Capital & Urban Communities, Democracy & Civil Society in Urban Contexts, Religion & the City

*     Urban Design, Urban Architecture

*     Urban Indicators, Data/Methods, Satisfaction/Quality of Life Surveys

*     Urban Politics, Elections, Citizen Participation

*     Urban Theory, Theoretical and Conceptual Issues in Urban Affairs

Proposal Submission Formats and Policies

Submit a proposal via the UAA website for one of the following presentation formats:

*     Research paper presentation–(proposal requires an abstract) OR

*     Pre-organized panel–(proposal requires a group of 4-5 paper abstracts with moderator) OR

*     Pre-organized colloquy session– (proposal requires theme statement & names of 4-5 formal discussants) OR

*     Breakfast roundtable–(proposal requires theme statement & names of 1-2 conveners) OR

*     Poster–(proposal requires an abstract)

Participation Policy —One Session Rule

Individuals are limited to participating (as a presenter or moderator) in one (1) conference session.

A conference session is defined as: a panel, a colloquy, a poster display, or a breakfast roundtable.

There is no limit to the number of papers/posters for which you are a co-author. But, you cannot be scheduled to participate in more than one session. Do not agree to participate in more than one session.

Policy exception: persons who are asked to play a service role (e.g., plenary speaker, professional development session speaker) for UAA can participate in one additional session.

Late Proposals

After October 1, 2013, UAA will only accept proposals for the poster option.

Proposal Review Decision Date

Acceptance or rejection notices will be sent by November 18, 2013.

Conference Hotel and Participant Registration Rates

All conference activities (except where noted) will take place at The Westin Riverwalk Hotel located along the famous San Antonio River promenade.  Very competitive room rates <>  have been secured for conference attendees: $179 (single/double) plus applicable state and local taxes. This rate applies 3 days before/after the event if rooms are available. Cut-off date for conference rate room reservations is February 20, 2014. Early reservations <>  are strongly advised.

ALL PARTICIPANTS (faculty, students, practitioners) must pay the designated fees for their registration category. Conference registration rates <>  can be found on the UAA web site.

Conference Planning

Local Host: University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Committee members: Heywood Sanders (Committee Chair), Chris Reddick, (Chair-UTSA Public Administration); Francine Romero (Assoc. Dean-UTSA College of Public Policy), Ivy Taylor, Public Administration.

Program Committee

Chair, Gordana Rabrenovic (Northeastern University), Roland Anglin (Rutgers University), Robert Chaskin (University of Chicago), Cecilia Giusti (Texas A&M University), Deidre Oakley ( Georgia State University)


Visit the UAA website: <>  (info on special tracks, proposal submissions, registration, hotel reservations, etc.), contact us at or 1-414-229-3025.


sept 3, 2013

Appel colloque « L’Homme et l’air »

Appel à communication pour le colloque scientifique organisé par le laboratoire SENS pendant la Coupe Icare 2014.

1er Appel L’Homme et l’air

sept 2, 2013

Appel à contribution : L’exil chilien en France

Dans le cadre du partenariat avec la Revue de Hommes et Migrations, nous avons le plaisir d´annoncer l´appel à contribution pour la prochaine table ronde organisée par cette Revue sur le thème : L’exil chilien en France

Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe l’annonce .Revue Homme et Migrations

juil 12, 2013

Call for Papers: Disciplining the Transnational Mobility of People – New Actors and Approaches in Migration Governance Association of American Geographer


Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, Tampa (Florida), April 8-12, 2014

“Disciplining the Transnational Mobility of People – New Actors and Approaches in Migration Governance”

Session Organizers: Martin Geiger (Carleton University) and Bethany Hastie (McGill University)

New approaches to migration and cross-border mobility of people rely heavily on claims to regulate and discipline mobility ‘through’, ‘in the interest of’, and ‘with the help of’ the individual persons crossing national borders. Challenging traditional concepts of state territoriality and conceptualizations of the border as a closed and bounded system, modern migration management is based on strategies which aim to ‘filter’ and ‘inform’ transnational movement, rather than simply ‘restrict’ human cross-border flows. Conventional ‘coercive’ border management is gradually being complemented and replaced by more indirect and subtle tactics and methods of ‘disciplining’ mobility. A further key characteristic of transnational migration governance is its multi-actor, multi-level and multi-dimensional character, utilizing non-state actors both within and beyond formal state borders to ‘assist’ and ‘regulate’ migration flo ws and information on different levels and through a multiplicity of normative sites and institutions.

This paper session will critically evaluate and debate the evolution of modern migration management, the actors involved, and tactics and strategies used to influence and discipline the mobility of individuals locally and globally. Grounded within the proposed, Foucauldian-inspired concept of ‘disciplining’, paper topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conceptual and theoretical aspects of migration management as well as the empirical materialisations of innovative ‘management’ of flows and people;
  • The role of non-state actors in influencing and implementing migration management policies, including intergovernmental/international organizations, civil-society/non-governmental and migrant organizations, private companies, and individual migrants;
  • Power relationships between various actors involved in migration management;
  • The new political geography of migration management;
  • Specific topics, such as irregular migration, human trafficking, skilled migration, gender and identity in migration, etc.;
  • The various tools of management, such as biometrics, integrated border management, information campaigns, anti-trafficking, etc.

Potential session participants should contact Bethany Hastie (bethany.tapp by 01 September to indicate their interest in participating in the session(s).

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