Actualités dans "OFFRES"
nov 19, 2013

Post-Doctoral Fellowship Applications for 2014-2015, Tulane University (fwd)

The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research is accepting applications for a 2014-2015 post-doctoral fellowship.  If you cannot read the below text, please see the attached PDF or contact

Tulane University: Inter-American Policy and Research Fellowship

The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR) invites applications for three (3) research fellowships for the Academic Year of 2014-2015, two with program administration duties and one with light teaching.  Applications from the social and historical sciences in the fields of international relations, international political economy, comparative politics, political sociology, and policy studies are encouraged.  Latin American expertise and Spanish or Portuguese fluency required.  Fellows will be selected based on intellectual merit, experience, the potential impact of their planned research for CIPR programs, and teaching needs of the host department.

Fellowships are one-year, residential, full-time appointments with a stipend of $47,500 plus benefits.  In addition to their planned research, applicants must be prepared to carry out either program administration or adjunct teaching responsibilities.   In the program administration track, fellows will be expected to work with CIPR’s director to develop programmatic content and projects in Inter-American relations, comparative political economy, citizenship rights, human development, and others. The other fellowship carries a one course per semester adjunct teaching load in the department of the fellow’s primary discipline and in the candidate’s major subfields, without administrative responsibilities.  In both cases, specific responsibilities will be defined jointly during the initial phase of the appointment. Applicants must plan to complete their Ph.D. no later than May 2014.  Recent graduates with no longer than three years since receiving their Ph.D. are especially encouraged to apply.

Please send a curriculum vitae, a cover letter describing your research interests and fit to the program and teaching experience, a graduate transcript, two recommendation letters, a writing sample, and teaching evaluations if available to Research Fellowship Search, Center for Inter- American Policy and Research, 100 Jones Hall, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5698.  For further information, please contact Ludovico Feoli, Director, Center for Inter-American Policy Research.  Applications will be reviewed starting February 15, 2014 until the positions are filled.

Tulane University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity.  All eligible candidates are invited to apply for position vacancies as appropriate.

nov 14, 2013

Bourses d’excellence Eiffel / Appel à candidatures

Bourses d’excellence Eiffel / Appel à candidatures

Date limite de candidature : 08 Janvier 2014

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères  lance un appel à candidatures dans le cadre du programme de bourses d’excellence Eiffel, pour l’année universitaire 2014-2015.

Il permet de financer :
des formations de niveau master,
une mobilité de dix mois dans le cadre d’une cotutelle ou codirection de thèse (de préférence la deuxième ou troisième année de doctorat).

L’appel et les modalités de candidature sont disponibles sur le site web

nov 14, 2013

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geography at the University of Basel

Job: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geography at the University of Basel, Switzerland

We would like to draw your attention to the following job offer:
One-year position in Geography at the University of Basel, Switzerland, starting around January/February 1st 2014:

Identification of Potential Intervention Mechanisms for Improving Small-scale Farmers Livelihood and Reducing Land Degradation with the Support of PES in the Communal Farming Areas of Northern Namibia
Position and eligibility

The department of Physical Geography and Environmental Change ( at the University of Basel is seeking a postdoctoral fellow (or someone with similar experience, i.e. Master’s Degree and around 5-years working experience) to lead the project outlined below for one year. The position is funded by the Syngenta Foundation For Sustainable Agriculture and aims at identifying and initialising applied activities linking livelihoods of small-scale farmers and PES in north-central Namibia.

We are seeking a young scientist preferably from a southern African country to undertake or coordinate this project. Women are especially encouraged to apply. While the postdoctoral will be based in Basel, around 2-5 months will be spent in Namibia undertaking fieldwork. The project is embedded in further activities of the University of Basel in Namibia.
Suitable candidates should have some basic knowledge of soil management, the reality of farming in drylands, experience with development cooperation, a thorough knowledge of the relevant stakeholders in Namibia and some basic knowledge about dealing with larger data sets (statistics).

Payments for Environmental Services (PES) offer opportunities to fund soil quality and yield improvements on cropland through Carbon (C) credits, and the improvement of other ecosystem services such as biodiversity or the provision of clean water. The project already had a first phase. For further information please see the job announcement (pdf).

Fostering soil and land management aimed at increasing landscape Carbon stocks is best done by promoting existing practices that rely on a high SOC status on cropland or the surrounding pastures and forests used by farmers for firewood or timber supply. The second phase of the project will therefore focus on:
1. An assessment of the actual area where integrated farming could be introduced and thus in the case of Carbon, the potential to earn credits; the quality of the organic Carbon, in particular in the soil, and thus its longevity and potential to earn Carbon credits.
2. An identification of land management practices that offer an improvement of yields and environmental quality as well as farm income; the incentives required to engage farmers, government and NGOs to in activities related PES; identification of potential stakeholders for the implementation phase; suggestions on the structure of development projects that support the implementation of the feasible land management practices; and the dissemination of results to stakeholders in Namibia and the scientific community.
The activities of the postdoctoral fellow supported in this project will focus on point 2 but include the information gathered concerning point 1.

Please submit to Lena Bloemertz:
* CV and a motivation letter (together in one pdf file – with your surname as title of the document)
* a published paper or equivalent and the name of at least two referees.

For further questions and the submission of an application please contact:
Lena Bloemertz, Physical Geography and Environmental Change, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Email:

Application deadline: 30th of November 2013

nov 13, 2013

MSU Two Post Docs

Post Doc. 1

Agência FAPESP –  The Thematic Project “Social  and Environmental Processes associated with the Construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam in Brazilian Amazonia”,  with funding from FAPESP, offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NEPAM in the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

The fellowship holder will work in the interdisciplinary área of human-environment research, and the work will focus on the impacts of Belo Monte on the riverine populations near Altamira and which will be directly affected by the reservoir that will flood many riverine communities. The postdoc will evaluate the social and economic system of these traditional populations during the process of dam construction, how their lives will be changed, and where they are  resettled. In theoretical terms, the postdoc will gain experience with new approaches to human-environment research, in order to better understand how people make decisions and how they adapt to a situation of rapid environmental, social and economic change.

The Project will be coordinated by professor Emilio F. Moran,  together with Profs. Ademar Romeiro, Lucia Ferreira and Leila Ferreira of NEPAM at Unicamp, and Prof. Jose Antonio Herrera of UFPa, Altamira Campus.This thematic Project is parto f a new special program  Excellence Chairs at FAPESP, which brings Professor Emilio Moran, from Michigan State University, USA and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences to work at Unicamp with a group of human-environment scholars around the above thematic Project.

This postdoc fellowship builds on decades-lomg studies of Prof. Moran in Altamira and is concerned with understanding adaptive processes of riverine Amazonian populations. The postdoc should demonstrate experience interviewing riverine and traditional Amazonian populations, experience with survey research methods, a range of sampling methods, and ethnographic and statistical expertise. The survey parto f the work will try to build a comprehensive understanding of how the construction of Belo Monte is changing the lives of riverine populations, and how they make decisions about their future within this context. The postdoc will collaborate with another Postdoc that will focus on the urban population of Altamira. It is expected the postdoc will spend a minimum of three months a year in the riverine communicities, to work with other team members and help facilitate the field work of the entire team, and to travel to Michigan to coordinate some of the work and publications with the PI. The PI needs to have fluente knowledge of Portuguese and working knowledge of English, have previous experience with rural and riverine populations in Amazonia, and be willing to reside parto f the year in Altamira and Campinas.

The selection process will occur in two stages. In the first stage, the candidate willhave the documentation evaluated and in the second stage, the evaluation will be based on a personal interview.

To apply, the candidate needs to senda n application letter explaining qualifications and interest in the Project, copy of an uptodate curriculum, a copy of the PhD diploma, and two letters of recommendation addressed

Deadline for applications is Dec. 2, 2013. More information is available at

The postdoc fellowship is open to brazilians and foreign scholars. The person selected will receive a Postdoctoral Fellowship award (value to
R$5,908.80 per month) and a Technical Reserve valued at 15% of the value of the stipend which can  be used for other expenses associated with the Project. If the person selected does not reside in Campinas, and needs to move and relocate to Campinas, there are funds available for relocation.
More imformation is available at

Other Postdoctoral opportunities are to be found at the website


Agência FAPESP –  The Thematic Project “Social  and Environmental Processes associated with the Construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam in Brazilian Amazonia”,  with funding from FAPESP, offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NEPAM in the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

The fellowship holder will work in the interdisciplinary área of human-environment research, and the work will focus on the impacts of Belo Monte on the urbn populations in and around Altamira and which will be directly affected by the reservoir that will flood some neihborhoods and communities, and disrupt traditional residents’ lives. The postdoc will evaluate the social and economic system of the urban populations during the process of dam construction, how their lives will be changed, and how they deal with the economic boom conditions during the construction stage of the dam. In theoretical terms, the postdoc will gain experience with new approaches to human-environment research, in order to better understand how people make decisions and how they adapt to a situation of rapid environmental, social and economic change.

The Project will be coordinated by professor Emilio F. Moran,  together with Profs. Ademar Romeiro, Lucia Ferreira and Leila Ferreira of NEPAM at Unicamp, and Prof. Jose Antonio Herrera of UFPa, Altamira Campus.This thematic Project is parto f a new special program  Excellence Chairs at FAPESP, which brings Professor Emilio Moran, from Michigan State University, USA and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences to work at Unicamp with a group of human-environment scholars around the above thematic Project.

This postdoc fellowship builds on decades-lomg studies of Prof. Moran in Altamira and is concerned with understanding adaptive processes of Amazonian populations. The postdoc should demonstrate experience interviewing urban and Amazonian populations, experience with survey research methods, a range of sampling methods, and ethnographic and statistical expertise. The survey parto of the work will try to build a comprehensive understanding of how the construction of Belo Monte is changing the lives of the old residentes, newcomers and other populations, and how they make decisions about their future within this context. The postdoc will collaborate with another Postdoc that will focus on the riverine population of Altamira. It is expected the postdoc will spend a minimum of three months a year in Altamira, to work with other team members and help facilitate the field work of the entire team, and to travel to Michigan to coordinate some of the work and publications with the PI.
The PI
needs to have fluente knowledge of Portuguese and working knowledge of English, have previous experience with populations in Amazonia, and be willing to reside parto of the year in Altamira and Campinas.

The selection process will occur in two stages. In the first stage, the candidate willhave the documentation evaluated and in the second stage, the evaluation will be based on a personal interview.

To apply, the candidate needs to senda n application letter explaining qualifications and interest in the Project, copy of an uptodate curriculum, a copy of the PhD diploma, and two letters of recommendation addressed

Deadline for applications is Dec. 2, 2013. More information is available at

The postdoc fellowship is open to brazilians and foreign scholars. The person selected will receive a Postdoctoral Fellowship award (value to
R$5,908.80 per month) and a Technical Reserve valued at 15% of the value of the stipend which can  be used for other expenses associated with the Project. If the person selected does not reside in Campinas, and needs to move and relocate to Campinas, there are funds available for relocation.
More imformation is available at

Other Postdoctoral opportunities are to be found at the website

nov 13, 2013

Première formation « Genre, Coopération et Développement » (13 déc, Paris)

Le groupe « Genre et Développement ( « , créé par Pauline Chabbert, Caroline De Haas et Elsa Manghi, vous propose une formation spécialement construite pour les élu-es et agent-es des collectivités locales sur les moyens d’intégrer le genre dans les politiques de coopération et de développement. Cette formation présentera un panorama global de l’égalité femmes – hommes, en France comme à l’international. Elle permettra également de présenter les outils nécessaire à une meilleure intégration du genre dans les projets de coopération décentralisée.

Cette formation est organisée avec l’Institut Européen des Politiques Publiques (IEPP), organisme agrée pour la formation des élu-es.

** Vendredi 13 décembre 2013 de 9h à 17h, à Paris

Téléchargez le bulletin d’inscription (

Objectifs de la formation :

–        Comprendre les enjeux des inégalités femmes-hommes au niveau international et des problématiques « genre » dans le domaine du développement
–        Connaître la nouvelle stratégie «  Genre et développement » du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et ses déclinaisons pour la coopération décentralisée
–        Comprendre les mécanismes de l’intégration de l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les projets de coopération décentralisée

Public : Elu-e-e et agent-s de la fonction publique en charge des questions internationales, de la coopération décentralisée ou de l’égalité femmes – hommes

Durée : 1 journée

Programme :

1. Inégalités femmes-hommes dans le développement et concept de genre :
* Chiffres clés de l’inégalité et stéréotypes de genre : présentation de la sensibilisation créée à l’automne 2012 pour les ministres du Gouvernement
* Les Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement du point de vue des femmes et des filles
* Le genre : concept sociologique et définition

2. L’approche intégrée du genre dans les politiques publiques et les programmes de développement
* Repères historiques sur l’évolution de la prise en compte des droits des femmes et de l’égalité femmes-hommes au niveau international
* Différences entre besoins pratiques et intérêts stratégiques – Introduction à l’approche « genre et développement »

3. La nouvelle stratégie « Genre et Développement »
* Présentation de la nouvelle stratégie « Genre et développement »
* Ses implications pour une collectivité locale

4. Comment intégrer le genre dans un projet de coopération décentralisée ?
* Présentation de projets de coopération décentralisée intégrant le genre
* Exercice d’identification des points clés pour l’intégration du genre dans la coopération décentralisée

nov 8, 2013

Offre d’emploi au REMDH/ job vacancy at EMHRN

Le Réseau euro-méditerranéen des droits de l’Homme (REMDH) est à la recherche d’un  <> chargé (e) de communication/agent (e) de liaison (pour les médias en Europe) qui travaillera au renforcement de la présence régionale et de la visibilité du REMDH au sein de l’UE, conformément au mandat du Réseau qui consiste à promouvoir les droits de l’Homme des deux côtés de la Méditerranée.
Les responsabilités du poste incluent la rédaction/révision de contenu, la mise en place et l’entretien d’un réseau de contacts médias dans certaines capitales de l’UE, l’organisation d’événements médiatiques dans des pays de l’UE pour soutenir les activités et les positions du REMDH ; et le suivi du renforcement et de l’impact de la présence du REMDH dans les médias européen.
Le/la candidat(e) sélectionné(e) doit être titulaire au minimum d’un baccalauréat universitaire en journalisme, en communication ou dans un domaine connexe. Les candidats doivent disposer de trois à cinq ans d’expérience professionnelle et d’une bonne connaissance du fonctionnement des campagnes réalisées via les médias sociaux. Les journalistes et spécialistes de la communication parlant le français et/ou l’anglais, ainsi que l’arabe sont particulièrement invités à postuler.

Date de début du contrat : début janvier 2014 ou dès que possible à partir de cette date
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 29 nov. 2013
Lieu : Bruxelles
Salaire : le REMDH vous propose un contrat conforme au droit belge du travail assorti d’un salaire global adéquat et compétitif.
EMHRN comm officer Europe_FR

Les candidatures ne seront acceptées que jusqu’à 18h le 29 novembre 2013. Les entretiens seront organisés pendant la semaine du 2 décembre 2013.
Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer (par courriel et en anglais ou en français uniquement) votre CV et une lettre de motivation à Marie Picalausa, à l’adresse  <>

Veuillez noter que le REMDH n’envisagera de rencontrer que les candidats qui envoient des copies d’articles de presse écrite, blogs ou  magazine électronique démontrant leurs  aptitudes techniques et rédactionnelles (extraits d’articles, ou liens vers des articles de blogs ou des articles publiés en ligne).

Si vous avez des questions concernant ce poste, veuillez contacter :
Hayet Zeghiche, Directrice de la Communication du REMDH
+32 488080041

The  <> Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) is seeking a Communication and Media Outreach Officer (for the Media in Europe) who will work to promote EMHRN’s regional presence and enhance its visibility in the EU, in line with the EMHRN’s mandate to champion human rights on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Job responsibilities include drafting/editing content, developing and maintaining media contacts in selected EU capitals, organising media events in the EU in support of EMHRN activities and positions; and monitoring both growth and impact of the EMHRN’s presence in the European media.
The successful candidate must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Communication or related field. Applicants should have from three to five years’ professional experience and familiarity with social media campaigns. Journalists and communication specialists proficient in French and/or English as well as Arabic are warmly invited to apply for this position.

Start Date: early Jan 2014 or as soon as possible hereafter
Closing Date for Application: 29 Nov 2013
Location: Brussels
Salary:  You will be contracted by EMHRN according to Belgian labour legislation with a competitive, fair and comprehensive salary.
EMHRN comm officer Europe_EN

Applications will be accepted until no later than 6 pm on 29 November 2013. Interviews may take place during the week commencing 2nd December 2013.

To apply, please send – by email only and in English or French- your CV and a covering letter to Marie Picalausa at  <>

Please note that EMHRN will only consider candidates who send in samples to support claims of editing and technical abilities (cuttings of articles, or links to blog pieces or web posts).
If you have any queries about this role, please contact:
Hayet Zeghiche, EMHRN Communications Director
+32 488080041

nov 6, 2013

GRANT: PhD at the British Library on Latin America

The British Library has just opened its call for proposals from HEI for PhD CDP 2014-2015, including a Latin American project.
More information on the project and the application process can be found here:

nov 6, 2013

V. Convocatoria Colegio Franco-Mexicano en Ciencias Sociales

México, América Central y Francia.

Dirigido a:
Investigadores franceses, mexicanos y centroamericanos.

Nombre del programa:
V Convocatoria de El Colegio Franco-Mexicano en Ciencias Sociales Extensión América Central

Tipo de actividad:
Apoyos a proyectos de investigación y cooperación científica.


  • Reforzar la cooperación Universitaria
  • Desarrollar nuevas formas de intercambios.
  • Desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y cooperación científica entre las diversas instituciones.

El Colegio se compromete a financiar los boletos de avión Francia-México-América Central (en sus diferentes sentidos).

Importante: Las instituciones mexicanas( UdeG: Centros de Investigación y Centros Universitarios), centroamericanas y francesas participantes en el proyecto, se comprometen a tomar bajo su responsabilidad los gastos de la estancia, pero también a organizar las actividades de una manera más fluida con el compromiso de proyectarlas por video conferencia.

Organismo financiador:
El Colegio Franco-Mexicano en Ciencias Sociales- Extensión América Central


  • Los proyectos presentados deberán tener lugar entre febrero y junio 2014 y/o septiembre y diciembre 2014. Ningún proyecto fuera de estas fechas será aceptado.
  • Se deberá establecer contacto previamente con los profesores o investigadores que podrían colaborar en las actividades, a fin de que ambas partes tengan la certeza de que éstas podrán realizarse.
  • El expediente deberá estar debidamente cumplimentado.

Documentación requerida:

  • Formato de proyecto en PDF (documento adjunto) con las firmas solicitadas.

Documentación que deberá acompañar el formulario anterior:

  • El calendario del o de los invitados (este calendario tiene que ser lo más preciso posible, con fechas y horarios, mencionando la dirección URL de la video conferencia, para beneficio de todos).
  • El Currículum Vitae del portador del proyecto (máximo una página).
  • El Currículum Vitae del o de los invitados (máximo una página).
  • Si a través del año existe la posibilidad de una inscripción en tesis de un estudiante de doctorado, favor de precisar la escuela doctoral en Francia o el programa en el cual se van a inscribir en el Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad en México. Especificar el título de la tesis y el nombre del estudiante.
  • Carta de apoyo del Centro Universitario (formato adjunto).

Criterios de elegibilidad:

  • Participación de los invitados en una o varias conferencias magistrales y en intervenciones al lado de estudiantes y de colegas universitarios (cursos, seminarios, talleres).
  • Contribución de los invitados a una actividad de cooperación, en los ámbitos de enseñanza, del medio estudiantil, de la investigación.
  • Implicación de varias instituciones en uno o varios países (en particular para el caso de América Central).

Fecha límite para recepción de expediente:
20 de diciembre de 2013

Dónde entregar o enviar expediente:
El expediente completo deberá enviarse vía electrónica en formato PDF a:
Correo electrónico: direcció
Asunto: Colegio Franco-Mexicano en Ciencias Sociales Extensión América Central 2014.
Importante: Concursantes de la comunidad universitaria de la UdeG, favor de notificar su participación a mediante el envío de expediente electrónico completo así como el Formulario de registro CGCI (campos aplicables).

Se recomienda ampliamente revisar la convocatoria original adjunta.

Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos
México: (52) 55 55 40 59 21/22/23
Guatemala: (502) 24 40 24 01

Información adicional y apoyo en CGCI:
Información y asesoría exclusivamente para estudiantes, egresados y/o personal de la Universidad de Guadalajara:
Manuel Favela
Unidad de Organismos Internacionales
Coordinación General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
Universidad de Guadalajara
+52 (33) 36 30 98 90, Ext. 12926

Unidad de Organismos Internacionales
Tel. (52) (33) 3630 9591, 3630 9890, 3615 3528,
Fax: 3630 9592

Se adjuntan:
– V. Convocatoria  COFRAMESS
– Formulario de candidatura

En pièce jointe vous trouverez:
– le 5ème Appel à projets du COFRAMESS
– le formulaire de candidature

V Convocatoria COFRAMESS 2014 ESP – copia
Formulaire COFRAMESS 2014 FR
Formulario COFRAMESS ESP 2014
V Convocatoria COFRAMESS 2014 ESP – copia
V Appel d’Offre COFRAMESS 2014 FR – copia

nov 5, 2013

Poste action collective à Lausanne (assistants-doctorant)

Ci-joint une annonce de poste de la part d’Olivier Fillieule, de Lausanne.
annonce assistants

oct 30, 2013

Aides à la mobilité 2014 du CEMCA

Le Centre d’ E‰tudes Mexicaines et Centraméricaines propose plusieurs aides à la mobilité d’une durée de 3 à 12 mois renouvelable.

Il s’€™agit d’€™aides au terrain et à la réalisation du programme de thèse destinées :
– aux étudiants de Master 2 recherche candidats à un doctorat;
– aux doctorants inscrits en thèse dans l’une des disciplines relevant des sciences humaines et sociales.

Les candidats présenteront un projet de recherche original impliquant un travail de terrain dans la zone géographique de compétences du CEMCA
(Mexique, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Salvador ou sur plusieurs de ces pays). Les projets s’articulant avec les Axes de
recherche du CEMCA seront sélectionnés en priorité.

Ces aides seront réparties sur une période allant du 1er Septembre 2014 au 31 Août 2015. Les candidatures sont ouvertes aux ressortissants de l’€™Union européenne, à condition qu’ils soient francophones et inscrits dans une université française.

Date limite de candidature: 30 novembre 2013

Appel à candidatures et formulaire d’€™inscription sur le site du CEMCA:

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