Actualités dans "OFFRES"
oct 30, 2013

Bourses REFEB Brésil / clôture de l’appel à candidatures le 14 novembre 2013

Le Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France au Brésil, au titre du Réseau Français d’Études Brésiliennes (REFEB), a lancé le 26 août 2013 son appel à candidature annuel pour des bourses de mobilité au Brésil (session 2014).

Date limite de dépôt des dossiers a été fixée au jeudi 14 novembre 2013. Les modalités de candidature ainsi que le dossier complet peuvent être téléchargés sur le site de l’Ambassade de France au Brésil :

oct 30, 2013

Offre d’emploi : Chargé(e) de mission partenariat pour l’Amérique Latine Caraïbe

Un poste de Chargé(e) de Mission pour l’Amérique Latine et Caraïbes est à pourvoir au sein du Service Amérique Latine-Caraïbes de la Direction du Partenariat International du CCFD-Terre Solidaire.

oct 30, 2013

Travel Grant

The African Studies Association (ASA) is pleased to announce the Royal Air Maroc-African Studies Association Student Travel Award. This award aims to facilitate and increase the movement of students and the exchange of ideas between students of African Studies in Africa and the United States. The overarching aim of the award is to acknowledge outstanding scholarship by future Africanists. The award will be given every year at the ASA’s Annual Meeting, and will consist of one or two round-trip tickets per student between the United States and any Royal Air Maroc (RAM) destination in Africa. Award tickets may be used to facilitate research, study abroad, and/or travel home for African students studying in the United States. The first set of Royal Air Maroc-African Studies Association Student Travel Awards will be made during the award ceremony of the ASA’s 56th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. Driss Benhima, Chairman and CEO of Royal Air Maroc, will be present to officially launch the award, and will also announce a new and exciting multifaceted partnership between ASA and RAM- of which the Student Travel Award is one component.

Students from Africa pursuing studies and/or conducting research in the United States, and students from the United States pursuing studies and/or
conducting research in Africa are eligible to apply for the award. Please note that travel must occur within 12 months of receiving the award.

To Apply
Applications are being accepted one of the following ways: Nominations- Only nominations from ASA members will be accepted. To renew
your membership, please visit the ASA’s membership page ASA Members are eligible to nominate outstanding students for the award.
Once students are nominated, they will receive notification via email of their nomination, and information on next steps. ASA members nominating
their students can submit their nomination here. Individual Applications Students applying without the nomination of an ASA member will be requested to submit an online application, and at least one letter of recommendation from a current Professor. Students can indicate in their application whether they would like to apply for one or two round-trip tickets. Requests for two tickets must be justified during the application process.

All nominations and applications received on or before November 7th, 2013 will be considered for this year.

2013 Annual Meeting participants: Do not miss Royal Air Maroc’s CEO Mr. Driss Benhima’s official announcement of the ASA’s new partnership with RAM and its benefits to ASA members at the Award Ceremony! The Award Ceremony will take place at 8:30 pm on Saturday November 23,
2013 at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore (Grand Ballroom Salon VI).

For more information visit

oct 30, 2013

Les cours d’arabe de l’ADTF pour adultes débutent dans les locaux de la FTCR

A partir du Dimanche 27 octobre 2013, les cours d’arabe de l’A.D.T.F. (Association démocratique des Tunisiens en France) pour adultes débutent. De 11h à 13h, ils sont ouverts à tous et seront assurés par un professeur compétent. Ils se dérouleront dans les locaux de la F.T.C.R. situés au 23 rue du Maroc, 73019 Paris, Métro Stalingrad
Pour l’A.D.T.F.

pour tous renseignements envoyer mail à :

oct 30, 2013

Job Offer: Journalists on Temporary Assignment

Job Offer: Journalists on Temporary Assignment
APO is hiring Journalists to work as consultants throughout Africa for a 2 month temporary assignment

DAKAR, Sénégal, October 30, 2013/ APO is hiring Journalists to work as consultants throughout Africa for a 2 month temporary assignment.

If you are a professional journalist with experience of at least 3 years in a national media, click here to send your application:

Application must include your resume and two articles, news, radio or TV program published by a national media and mentioning the name of the applicant.

Deadline for application: Friday, November 8 at midnight.

oct 29, 2013

Post-doc Opportunity/Williamsburg, VA/USA

The Latin American Studies Program
( [1]) of the College of William & Mary invites applications from recent Ph.Ds for the position of a Mellon Faculty Fellow in the humanities or social sciences. Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary major, and is supported by more than 20 faculty affiliates from 10 departments. The successful candidate will have a two-year appointment, a three-course load per year, and will also benefit from mentorship and research support. The qualifications are Ph.D. in hand at the time of appointment (August 10, 2014), and a demonstrated interest in blending undergraduate teaching with research in Latin American Studies. Additional expertise in Afro-Latin America and the Caribbean is preferred.

For full consideration, application materials are due by November 11, 2013. Review of applications will begin at that time. Applications received after the review date will be considered if needed until Feb.
1, 2014.

Application materials, including a letter of application, CV, a syllabus for a proposed topics course in the candidate’s area of specialization, and three letters of recommendation, at least one of which must speak directly to teaching ability, should be submitted electronically to the online recruitment system [2].
Please note that the system will prompt applicants for the contact information for their references. After submission of the application, those individuals will be contacted by us via email to submit letters of recommendation. Applications not submitted online or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The College of William & Mary is committed to providing a safe campus community. W&M conducts background investigations for applicants being considered for employment. Background investigations include reference checks, a criminal history record check, and when appropriate, a financial (credit) report or driving history check.

William & Mary is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Equal Access employer and actively encourages applications from minorities, women, disabled persons and veterans.


oct 29, 2013

Recrutement d’un(e) animateur(trice) scientifique pour une chaire de recherche

Recrutement d’un(e) animateur(trice) scientifique pour une chaire de recherche « Enjeux sociaux de la sécurisation alimentaire et nutritionnelle en Afrique subsaharienne »

oct 24, 2013

Appel à manuscrits – Éditions du CTHS

Ethnologues, anthropologues, ethnolinguistes, ethnohistoriens, adressez-nous vos manuscrits
Les publications de la section « Anthropologie sociale, ethnologie et langues régionales » du CTHS s’inscrivent dans plusieurs
collections, en particulier :
« Le regard de l’ethnologue », qui accueille les manuscrits originaux, mais aussi les thèses remaniées ;
« Orientations et méthodes », collection destinée aux étudiants de 2e et 3e cycles, qui regroupe manuels, ouvrages de méthodologie ou ouvrages pour les classes préparatoires aux concours des grandes écoles ;
« Format », collection de poche qui publie à des prix abordables les classiques, ouvrages étrangers, mais aussi des textes inédits.

• La section propose prioritairement pour publication les manuscrits concernant le domaine français, y compris les Départements et Territoires d’Outre-Mer, les comparaisons entre la France et d’autres pays européens. Sont donc exclus les manuscrits traitant exclusivement d’un ou de pays étrangers, fussent-ils européens. La section ne publie ni les actes de colloques (sauf quand ceux-ci sont organisés par le CTHS), ni les thèses de doctorat non remaniées selon des normes éditoriales raisonnables. Elle refuse en outre d’examiner tout texte déjà accessible sur Internet.

• Les critères d’évaluation des manuscrits sont, outre l’intérêt scientifique, la conformité à la politique éditoriale de la section et du comité de publication du CTHS, l’estimation des ventes en librairie. L’existence de financements extérieurs est appréciée.

• Les manuscrits sont fournis en deux exemplaires sur papier et un exemplaire numérique (CD-Rom, DVD, etc.) sous leur forme considérée comme définitive par leurs auteurs. Les manuscrits « provisoires » ou incomplets ne seront pas pris en compte.

• La section nomme alors parmi ses membres deux rapporteurs qui se prononcent par écrit sur la pertinence d’une publication et indiquent la collection la plus appropriée. La section désigne également parmi ses membres titulaires un responsable du suivi du manuscrit, chargé de transmettre à l’auteur les demandes éventuelles de modifications de son texte qui sera ensuite, avec ceux que proposent les autres sections, soumis à la commission générale de publication du CTHS.

Le catalogue de nos collections est consultable sur le site Internet du
Carine Chavarochette –

oct 24, 2013

Offre postes Brésil

Ancien élève de l’EHESS (avec un stage à l’IHEAL, en 1995/1996) et actuel professeur/chercheur à l’UNILA (,  je me permet de vous faire parvenir cette offre de postes d’enseignant-chercheur au Brésil
Celle-ci est ouverte aux lusophones ainsi qu’aux hispanophones de toute nationalité, de préférence, avec un intérêt  scientifique démontrable pour des sujets latino-américains. Il est aussi important remarquer que les candidats doivent être docteurs ou doctorants.
Les concours de Sciences Sociales (sciences-po et sociologie), en principe, sont prévus pour la première semaine de Décembre mais il est très important que les interesé(e)s s’inscrivent (via web) des maintenant.
oct 24, 2013

Call for post-doc project – Local and Regional Electoral Studies

Call for Post-Doctoral Projects (one year – Quito, Ecuador)

The Institute for Democracy ( is a research centre specialised in election studies and attached to the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador. In the framework of analyses of comparative electoral systems, national and sub-national elections, electronic voting, and direct democracy, we are seeking two (2) Post-Doctoral researchers. The appointment will begin on February 1st, 2014 or upon agreement.

Research Priorities for 2014
The Institute for Democracy is a public institution attached to the National Electoral Council of Ecuador (CNE). The institute is involved in the triple function of scientific research, training and technical assistance to electoral public servants and political parties, and the service to the community in the area of empowerment, political and civil rights, and citizenship.

Our research priorities for 2014 are:
· Quantitative analysis of the 2014 sub-national elections with special emphasis on variables such as gender parity, panachage, district magnitude and proportionality.
· Comparative analysis of the 2014 electronic voting pilot projects in Ecuador with special emphasis on electoral turnout, security, transparency and efficiency.
· Quantitative and qualitative analysis of local institutions with special emphasis on local governance, local governability and direct democracy.

Position / Profile
Candidates should be interested in comparative electoral and democracy studies and have a very good knowledge of quantitative methods. They must have completed a PhD in political science, statistics or related fields including communication science and sociology. Candidates need to be fluent in English. The knowledge of Spanish is an asset. The selected Post-Doctoral researchers will participate to the different scientific activities of the Institute for Democracy (publications, conferences, etc.).

Terms of employment
The work location is the Institute for Democracy in Quito, Ecuador. The selected candidates will be part of the Prometo Program and the salary is determined according to the Senescyt pay scale (4.320 USD/month) plus benefits (health care, travels, housing, etc.). The position is limited to one year. Feel free to contact Felipe Cisneros (<>) for further information. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2013 or until the position is filled.

Applications should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae (along with a list of publications) and the names and coordinates of three reference persons. Applications should also include a detailed research project on a topic related to the priorities of the Institute for Democracy for 2014 and contain:
– a short bio of the candidate (100 words)
– the objectives of the research project (200 words)
– the research question(s) and its limitation in time and space (500 words)
– the contribution to the discipline and the literature (200 words)
– the methodology (200 words)
– the expected outcomes (publications, teaching materials, resources for public service, etc.) (200 words)

Please send your electronic application (in English) to Felipe Cisneros (<>)


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