Actualités dans "OFFRES"
sept 18, 2013

Ph.D. course: ‘Women, Energy and Health: Questioning Current Paradigms for Development and Social Change’


Ph.D. course: ‘Women, Energy and Health: Questioning Current Paradigms for Development and Social Change’

Date: 6 – 8 January 2014

Venue: Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, Norway

Organised by: The Centre for Development and the Environment’s (SUM) research area on Energy and Consumption, SUM Research School and the Interfaculty research area Livelihoods in Developing Countries (LEVE) at the University of Oslo, Norway

Objective: The principal objective of this course is to review and question the underlying assumptions on social change that inform the current paradigms within development discourses on women, energy and health. We wish to enable doctoral students to better understand key concepts, debates and perspectives in energy, health and gender equality for the purposes of research, policy making and/or concrete programmes and projects.


  • Jane L. Parpart, Research Professor, Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance, McCormack Graduate School University of Massachusetts Boston, USA.

  • Emma Crewe, Research Associate, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology,  The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

  • Rachel Tolhurst, Senior Lecturer in Social Science in International Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK.

  • Sidsel Roalkvam, Associate Professor, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway.

  • Tanja Winther, Senior researcher, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway.


Who may apply?

The interdisciplinary nature of the course will appeal to doctoral students from a variety of backgrounds, such as anthropology, sociology, geography, political science, medical science, public health, gender studies, development studies, engineering, economics and area studies. While doctoral students will be prioritised, a few places may be available for well-qualified researchers, practitioners and final year masters students.

Application procedures and funding

Please visit our website or consult the attached course document for information about application procedures and funding. Applications are invited from 15 August. The final deadline is 1 October 2013. Due to space constraints, an early application is highly recommended.

Should you have any practical inquiries, please do not hesitate to email the course secretariat at

sept 18, 2013

Offre d’emploi – enseignant

Dans le cadre de la préparation d’une offre pour la Banque Intéraméricaine de Développement nous sommes à la recherche du CV suivant:

– Especialista Social, antropólogo, sociólogo o similar de al menos 7 años de experiencia con *5 años en proyectos de desarrollo en medio rural  y al
menos 2 años de experiencia en el ámbito del saneamiento. Maitrisant l’espagnol et l’anglais.*
Les personnes intéressées et répondant à ce critère peuvent adresser leur CV à au plus tard le vendredi 20 septembre.

sept 18, 2013

DEADLINE: Research Fellowships and Meneghetti Awards 2014

DEADLINE: 15 October 2013

The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation awards two research fellowships of Euro 16,500.00 each.

Research activities must be centred on Ontopsychology and address the following topics:

1) The modes of information. The primary communication that precedes any sensory perception: the semantic field.

2) Formalizing the use of intuition in economic activities: Business Intuition.

The funds will be provided to the Department/School/University/Research Institution to which the applicant belongs.

These research activities will last one year. At the end of the year, the applicant that was awarded the research fellowship will deliver a final research paper on the work performed and the results obtained.

The application must be submitted either by e-mail to: or in paper format to:  Fondazione di Ricerca Scientifica ed Umanistica Antonio Meneghetti, Via Cattori 11 – 6900 Paradiso –Svizzera (CH) and must be received by the Foundation no later than 15 October 2013.

sept 18, 2013

Offre d’emploi [Fidé / Les Impatientes] Fidé cherche stagiaire

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que trois nouvelles offres de stage sont a pourvoir pour accompagner l’organisation du prochain festival international du documentaire étudiant






Dates : octobre – décembre

Offres de stage


sept 18, 2013

Offre d’emploi économiste de l’emploi en Afrique (CIRAD)

J’ai le plaisir de vous faire suivre cette offre d’emploi émanant du CIRAD.

Vous êtes attiré(e) par la dimension internationale du développement dans les pays du Sud. Le CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) recrute en CDI, pour l’UMR « Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires dans le développement », un(e) chercheur(euse) junior en économie, basé en Afrique, qui travaillera sur les questions d’emploi en milieu rural, au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaires en sciences humaines et sociales.

sept 12, 2013

Call for Applications – MA in Human Rights and Conflict Management (a.y. 2013-2014) – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy). Call for Applications for the XII Edition of the Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management (a.y. 2013-2014).

Applications shall be submitted online at

Applications for admission by EU citizens shall be sent no later than 17th October 2013.

The selection process of Non-EU citizens will instead be held in two rounds. The application deadline for the first round of selection of non-EU candidates was set on 2nd July 2013, while the application deadline for the second round is set on 17th September 2013.

We encourage applicants to apply in the first round, as space in the class may be limited by the second round. In addition, applying in the first round leaves more time for visa procedures.


The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management is designed to provide students from different cultures and backgrounds with a deep understanding of the linkages between human rights and conflict management theory and practice. The curriculum, strongly field oriented, prepares participants for working with NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN system and regional organisations, also operating in the context of complex emergencies and joint operations.


The Programme is divided into two didactic modules, running between mid January and the end of July 2014, followed by an internship or field experience of min. 3 and max. 6 months, starting from August 2014, and a presentation of the students’ final dissertation in spring 2015.

Key features:

• 1 year post-graduate professionalizing and field-oriented programme

• Interdisciplinary nature of the programme with a methodology characterized by a combination of theory and practice

• Lecturers and trainers chosen among high level academics, diplomats, international organizations officers and NGOs activists, thus offering a wealth of both academic and field expertise

• Mandatory internship/field experience in leading organisations working in the areas of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution, humanitarian assistance or development, either in the field or at Headquarters

• Career service with specific sessions on career coaching and recruiting session with UNV

• International and multicultural student environment

Why should I apply?

You should apply if you are looking for a professionalizing and mission/field-oriented international master programme, as offered by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, an example of academic excellence in training and research. If your training needs include practical skills, besides relevant theoretical knowledge, as well as internship/field-experience with prestigious international organizations, this training programme is highly relevant for you.


The curriculum is strongly multidisciplinary and field oriented and includes courses in: International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, Geopolitics, HRs philosophical dimension, Economic Development, Theories and Techniques of Conflict Management, International PK and PB operations, International HR Field operations, International Election Observation missions, International Humanitarian operations, International Project Development, Personal security, Stress Management, Preventive Medicine & First Aid, Essentials of Research and Writing, Career coaching.


The internship is meant to supplement the in-class training with a relevant hand-on experience, to be carried out with a renowned organization working in the areas of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution, humanitarian assistance or development, either in the field or at headquarters.

Tuition fee:

The tuition fee for the full Programme is 7.250,00 euros, payable in two installments. It covers the following: attendance costs and participation to field trips, didactic material (in electronic format), tutorship, lunch (on class and exam days), access to all facilities of the Scuola (including library and computer rooms). It does not include accommodation costs in Pisa and during the internship, nor travel expenses.

The Master Programme offers one scholarship in memory of Gualtiero Fulcheri – former UN Assistant Secretary General – covering the full tuition fee and to be awarded to the most deserving applicant. Depending on financial availability, reduced tuition fee might be offered to citizens from non-OECD countries who are eligible for a study visa for Italy .

Contact us

For further details, please visit or contact:

Master of Arts in “Human Rights and Conflict Management”

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Via Cardinale Maffi, 27 56126 Pisa – ITALY


Tel. +39 050 882653/55

Fax +39 050 882665

Brochure_Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management_2014

sept 12, 2013

Job in Indigenous Studies, U of Oregon

Assistant Professor in Native American, Pacific Islander or Indigenous Studies Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies

Posting: 13223
Location: Eugene
Closes: Open Until Filled

University of Oregon:  The Departments of Ethnic Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies invite applications for a jointly appointed tenure-track
Assistant Professor position in Native American, Pacific Islander, or Indigenous Studies with a research and teaching specialization in feminist
and/or gender studies.  Sixty percent of the position will reside in Ethnic Studies, and forty percent in Women’s and Gender Studies.  Minimum
qualifications: Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies, American Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, or appropriate humanities or social science discipline by
September 15, 2014; scholarship and teaching on people of Native American or Pacific Islander descent in comparative ethnic studies or comparative
indigenous studies with substantial focus on indigenous peoples of the United States.  Beginning Fall 2013, the Department of Ethnic Studies will
offer a Native American Studies minor.

The University of Oregon has approximately 20,829 undergraduate students and 3,702 graduate students.  Of these, there are 4,803 U.S. students of color, 2,656 international students, approximately 171 Native American and Alaska native students, and 157 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students.
The university has an institutional commitment to diversity and multiculturalism, and actively supports this goal. Campus resources for
Native Americans include the President’s Native American Advisory Board (including representatives of the nine federally recognized tribal
governments in Oregon), the Many Nations Longhouse, an active Native American Student Union (host of an annual pow wow and other events), the
Sapsik’wala program in the College of Education, and a growing body of faculty and staff working to support Native American studies and Native
American peoples at the University of Oregon.

Located 110 miles south of Portland, the Eugene metro area (pop. 215,000) is in a region noted for its dynamic quality of life and progressive cultural
environment.  We are about an hour’s drive from the Pacific coast and the Cascade Mountains.  The University is an AAU research institution and a
member of the Pac-12 conference.

Applications, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, writing sample (limit 40 pages), and syllabi and teaching
evaluations, if available should be submitted through Academic Jobs on-line:  Hard copies will not
be accepted.  To be assured of consideration, please submit application materials by November 1, 2013. The position will remain open until filled.
The University of Oregon is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.  Candidates who promote and enhance diversity are strongly desired.  For more information contact the Department
of Ethnic Studies 541-346-0900, or Department Head, Lynn Fujiwara,


sept 12, 2013

Formation CETRI: nouveaux enjeux Nord-Sud dans la mondialisation

Le CETRI avec la collaboration d’Autre Terre
vous propose un nouveau programme de formation générale :

« Nouveaux enjeux Nord-Sud dans la mondialisation »
Les clés pour comprendre

>>> dégager les rapports de force internationaux qui conditionnent les discours dominants sur les enjeux du développement;
>>> analyser les processus d’appropriation, d’infléchissement ou de mise en cause de ces discours au Sud;
>>> discuter les stratégies alternatives expérimentées par les acteurs sociaux et politiques émergents au Sud.

du 6 novembre au 4 décembre 2013 (les mercredis après-midi à Herstal, près de Liège)

Programme et inscription

sept 12, 2013

Bourses Fernand Braudel (incoming & outgoing)

Bourses Fernand Braudel*

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme offre 39 bourses incoming et 9 bourses outgoing de recherche postdoctorale en sciences humaines et sociales d’une durée de 9 mois dans le cadre de son programme « Fernand Braudel-IFER » (International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers), soutenu par l’Union européenne (Programme Action Marie Curie — COFUND — 7ème PCRD).

Conditions d’éligibilité, procédure et formulaire de candidature en ligne:

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