Processo seletivo para Cartografia/Geoprocessamento na Unifal (MG)
Gostaria de divulgar o processo seletivo para professor substituto na Unifal para área de Cartografia, Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento. As inscrições começaram na última sexta e terminam no dia 14 de dezembro.
1/2 poste d’Ater au concours Anthropologie de la santé/Anthropologie générale (Aix-Marseille)
L’AMU (université Aix-Marseille) propose un 1/2 poste d’Ater dans le laboratoire au fil de l’eau Anthropologie de la santé/Anthropologie générale :
Le dépôt de candidature est le 07/12/2012 pour une prise de fonction prévue le 1er février.
La procédure est indiquée sur le site de la DRH de l’AMU :
EADI’s Programmes
Mapping social and economic inequalities in cities can be a strategic instrument in understanding spatialized differences between neighborhoods. However, maps can also present a partial or slanted view of urban inequalities, depending on how they are constructed. Read the latest opinion piece by Isa Baud, Javier Martinez and Karin Pfeffer.
Master’s Programmes : Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB)
The Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB) is part of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) located in the very heart of Europe. It has several decades of experience in organising international education programmes in the field of development studies.
IOB currently offers three one-year master’s programmes in Development Studies.
EADI’s jobs
King’s College: Lecturer/Senior Lecturers:
International Development and Emerging Economies – A8/BVI/1201/12-SC:
Political Economy of Emerging Markets – A8/BVI/1200/12-SC:
Institute of Development Studies Brighton
IDS is providing opportunities for up to three Teaching and Learning Fellowships for academics or practitioners from Rising Powers countries.
Fellowship details
More jobs in development research.
CNRS : ouverture des concours chercheurs 3 décembre
Calendrier du concours chercheurs 2013
Ouverture des inscriptions | 3 décembre 2012 |
Clôture des inscriptions | 7 janvier 2013 |
Présélection sur dossier, suivie ou non d’une audition |
février-juillet |
Résultats | juillet |
Prise de fonction | 1er octobre |
Formation « Gestion d’un contrat de subventions Europaid » (4 & 5 décembre, Paris)
Governance for Development in Africa Initiative at SOAS – Funding opportunities and Residential school
Governance for Development in Africa Initiative at SOAS, University of London funded by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation
We offer 1 PhD Scholarship and 3 MSc Scholarships in Governance and Development related subjects.
Deadline to apply 30 April 2013. Details to be found on <>
2.Residential school
The next school will take place in Ghana, Accra on 6-10 May 2013.
Deadline to apply 15 January 2013. Call for Applications : CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
Postdoc and PhD positions in social and cultural anthropology Georg August University of Göttingen: Urban Food
The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Georg August University of Göttingen offers 1 Postdoc position (Post Doctoral Position), 1 PhD position (PhD Position) and 1 PhD scholarship (Phd Scholarship) in the newly created research project Urban Food^Plus – African-German partnership to enhance resource use efficiency and improve food security in urban and peri-urban agriculture of West African cities.
Deadline for application is December, 31 2012
For more information see the website and the attached job descriptions :
Doctoral fellowships available « Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Space »
IAS member Astrid Fellner from the University of the Saarland in Saarbrücken, Germany announces that as part of an International Graduate School on « Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Space » there will be ten doctoral fellowships available. She is seeking candidates who would do a dissertation directed by her. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2012. The doctoral program will start April 1, 2013.
On Nov. 9, the German Research Foundation (DFG) decided to fund the International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Space,” a joint interdisciplinary doctoral education program of the University of Trier, Saarland University and the Université de Montréal (starting April 1, 2013). The speakers of this IRTG are Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehmkuhl (Trier), Prof. Laurence McFalls (Montréal) and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Saarland U).
The IRTG invites applications of highly qualified applicants from diverse fields, including history, political science, literature (Francophone and Anglophone Canadian literature), linguistics, intercultural communication and media studies, philosophy, sociology/cultural anthropology, gender studies and human geography. Principal Researchers Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kloos (Trier) and Prof. Dr. Astrid M. Fellner (Saarland U) represent Anglophone Canadian/North American literatures and cultures in this IRGT.
Please note that there are ten 50%-positions available within this IRTG. The deadline for application is December 31, 2012.
For more information, see:
Should you have further questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Astrid Fellner at