Call for papers : Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference University of Manchester, 11-12 April 2013
Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference University of Manchester, 11-12 April 2013. Call for Papers Panel 12: ‘Paradigms, policies and practices of diversity: pluriculturalism, language use and education among Latin American indigenous peoples’
Convenors :
Rosaleen Howard (Newcastle University)
Sheila Aikman (University of East Anglia)
Josep Cru (Newcastle University)
In the context of constitutional reforms in the new millennium, many Latin American countries have brought fresh legislation to bear on issues of language rights, cultural diversity, and pluricultural education for indigenous peoples. The 1990s principle of equality in diversity, enshrined in the contested (‘neo-liberal’) concepts of multiculturalism and interculturalism (Hale 2002, JLAS 34, 3), has evolved, and may now be expressed in emergent (‘indigenist’) discourses of intraculturality, decolonization and ‘living well.’ The panel will examine whether, and in what ways, the new legislation, and the principles evoked in the emergent discourses, are being carried through in practice. We shall seek to highlight the political, social, and ideological conditions which may underpin the frequent inconsistencies in the relationship between policy design and its implementation – in the fields of indigenous language and education rights. Papers are invited that look at any aspect of these issues in any country or region of Latin America, for example: the politics of language and education policy; language ideologies; curriculum design; language planning for indigenous languages; language rights in theory and practice; and others. Comparative and/or critical discourse frameworks of analysis are welcome. The panel will build on the debates that emerged from the British Academy UK-Latin America and the Caribbean Link Project ‘Paradigms of Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion’ (2010-2012;
Papers are invited for the following panel. Abstracts should be submitted on-line via the Conference website at
Closing date for abstract submissions: 25 November 2012