Appel à communications : « Social economy on the move … at the crossroads of structural change and regulation » (24-26 octobre, Belgique)
Following an initiative of its international scientific commission “Social and Cooperative Economy” CIRIEC decided in 2005 to organize every two years a major scientific encounter aiming at gathering senior and junior scientists, authors of researches in various fields of the social and cooperative economy. International research on social economy is booming and this prolific and diversified scientific output deserves recognition and debate.
Three conferences already took place in Victoria (Canada) in October 2007, in Östersund (Sweden) in October 2009 and the third one in Valladolid (Spain) in April 2011; the latter around the theme: « The Social Economy, prop of a new model of sustainable economic development ». Each time those conferences gathered around 350 participants.
The 4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy (ICOSE) will be organised by CIRIEC-Belgium with the collaboration of the University of Antwerp. It will take place at the University of Antwerp on October 24-26, 2013.
The 10 following themes will be dealt with in the above sketched general perspective:
Theme 1: Policy and ideology of social economy
Theme 2: Measurement and assessment of the social economy
Theme 3: Laws on social economy, legal statutes and types of undertaking
Theme 4: Financing mechanisms, state aid and public policies
Theme 5: Innovative management
Theme 6: Governance models
Theme 7: Network management, partnerships and stakeholders
Theme 8: Globalization and local anchoring
Theme 9: Social economy, social inclusion and fight against poverty
Theme 10: Social innovations, products and services
• For long version of selected papers: September 1, 2013
• Only the papers for which one author at least is registered by September 1 (payment validated) will be included in the Conference programme.