déc 18, 2012

The Directory of African Foundations 2013

This newly revised directory of foundations, trusts, charitableand grant-making NGO’s provides a comprehensive picture of foundation activity in Africa.

This comprehensive new directory lists every major national and international foundations, NGOs and other charitable and grant-making organizations located throughout Africa.

All of the major established foundations and NGOs are included, as well as some of the less well-known grant-making organizations. Presenting names and contact details for hundreds of institutions, this new edition is the most comprehensive and up to date information on this growing sector.


* Entries are arranged alphabetically by country with main foundation centres/co-ordinating bodies listed at the beginning of each chapter, followed by the charities, NGO’s and foundations.

* Each entry contains the institution’s name, postal, internet and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, together with date of foundation, and details of its function, activities, restrictions on grants, geographical area of activity, finances, publications and key executives where available.

* Includes an index of foundations, by geographical area of operations and by main activities.

* A wide range of activity is covered including aid to less developed countries, the environment, education, the arts and humanities, and medicine and health.

* Includes information on foundation centres and co-ordinating bodies.

From Egypt to South Africa, Tanzania to Senegal, the Directory would be an important reference resource to organizations, public and academic libraries, NGOs, charities and other grant-making and grant-seeking organizations and institutions concerned with or interested in the work of foundations throughout Africa.

6th Edition. Published January 2013.

Book,CD-Rom or PDF Edition

To purchase your copy of the The Directory of African Foundations 2013

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Tel: 61 2 4934.6290 Fax: 61 2 4934.3692

E-mail: aapi@aapi.com.au Website: http://www.api-publishing.com/

