Voici un appel à communications pour celles et ceux qui travaillent sur le Chili. C’est une rencontre interdisciplinaire, donc toutes les disciplines sont bienvenues.
Date limite de réception de propositions est le 28 février.
Encuentros 2012 est une conférence de la communauté internationale de chercheurs chiliens et d’autres pays qui travaillent sur le Chili. Cette année, la conférence aurait lieu à Paris, les 4, 5 et 6 juillet.
Encuentros Paris 2012 Conference has opened a multidisciplinary call for oral presentations and/or posters, in order to represent the thematic diversity of our community research areas and their relationship to the Chilean reality. You are invited to propose papers and/or posters for this event. The official language is English, with the possibility of communication in French or Spanish only to be considered in exceptional cases. The participation of leading researchers, including Nobel laureates and National Science Award winners from Chile is expected. At the same time, an ample space for emerging scholars in order to promote innovative ideas and exchange academic experiences will be offered.
The papers will be organised in three parallel sessions, framed within seven thematic areas which are included in this conference, namely: Natural Sciences, Renewable Energy and the Environment, Health and Life Sciences, Economics, Sociology and Law, Political Science and Urban Studies, Educational Science, Psychology and Communication, Engineering and Information Technology, Interdisciplinary Applied Sciences.
The subjects included in each session can be found in the program section.
This call for Communications will be held between November 15, 2011 and February 28, 2012. If interested parties wish, they may also participate in the presentation of posters, the two things not being exclusive of one another. A central aspect for the evaluation of the communications to be received will be their relation to an actual or potential applicability in our country, either through good practices and experiences around the area of communication or a future design and/or application to Chilean reality.
- Call opening: November 20, 2011
- End of submissions: February 28, 2012
- Evaluation results: April 1, 2012
- Reception of conference presentations: from May 15 until June 15, 2012
Cordialement, Myriam Paz Hernandez O. 06 12 21 26 03