fév 4, 2013

Field Exchange december 2012 Issue 44

Field Exchange: The ENN Magazine

Field Exchange is a tri-annual magazine containing field articles, research and news pieces for those working in emergency nutrition and food security.

Issue 44: December 2012

  • Food, goats & cash for assets in Kenya
  • SMART anaemia analysis in Bolivia
  • Integrating IYCF support in Ethiopia
  • Food security in Afghanistan
  • Cross-sectoral approach to Konzo in DRC
  • Mitigating soil salinity effects in Bangladesh

Download here or view and download using Scribd

Subscribe to Field Exchange

If you find the publication useful, why not subscribe? It’s free.


If you have field experiences, research, news or issues to air, please look at contribute page and find out how to submit material.

We are planning a special edition of Field Exchange in the first half of 2013 focused on nutrition and food security emergency programming in urban contexts. The ‘emergency’ scope includes chronic situations, preparedness and recovery and we will consider relevant experiences, research and news from development contexts.

We are gathering material for this now. Please send us any ideas/outlines/research or news that you would like to feature. Please also share this email with your colleagues or send us contacts that we can follow up with.

The schedule for submissions:
· Send ideas/outlines/programme reports/news: NOW
· Deadline to submit first draft of approved submissions: 1 October 2012
· Deadline for final draft completion: 31 December 2012

Submit ideas, articles, research or news to: Marie McGrath, marie@ennonline.net  or call: +44 (0)1865 249745

Nutrition Exchange

In May 2011 the ENN announced the first pilot edition of a new publication, Field Exchange Digest, now Nutrition Exchange. This new annual publication has been developed to condense previous quarterly issues of the ENN flagship publication Field Exchange and to reach out to a national audience. The second edition of Nutrition Exchange was published earlier this year, and  is currently available in English and French and Arabic.. The development of pilot edition was been supported by Irish Aid and USAID have supported its ongoing development.  Click here to download the first edition in English and French.

