mar 4, 2013

Oppenheimer Chair Monthly Newsletter – March 2013 / Bulletin mensuel de la Chaire Oppenheimer – mars 2013

Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko, e-International Relations
Writing in 1795 Kant in his famous treatise “Perpetual Peace” notes: “The people of the earth have thus entered in varying degrees into a universal community, and it has developed to the point where a violation of rights in one part of the world is felt everywhere. The idea of a cosmopolitan right is therefore not fantastic or overstrained (…)”[1] Almost everybody today has heard the story of the gang rape of a young Indian student which occurred in Delhi on December 16th, 2012. The gang rape (…)

Highlights En primeur
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
BBC Radio 5 Live
International Organization for Migration, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Population Fund
Les samedis du monde, Radio-Canada
Database Base de données
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Report of the 2012 Day of General Discussion
Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Forum réfugiés, Cosi, ECRE and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee
Jean-Yves Carlier, FMW – Online Journal on Free Movement of Workers (No 5)
Michel Peterson
Philippe Goossens, L’Association Europeene pour la defense des droits de l’Homme
Michael Barutciski, UNHCR
Elizabeth Deheza and Jorge Mora, Royal United Services Institute
Open Society Justice Initiative
International Migration News Les migrations internationales dans les médias
Sean Rehaag
Sandrine Morel
ECRE Weekly Bulletin: Editorial
Corporate Watch
Ashley Parker
Edward C. Corrigan
The New York Times Editorial
Paul Mason, BBC Newsnight
Shushanik Makaryan, Migration Policy Centre Blog
Nicholas Keung
Shannon Jensen
BBC News
Julia Preston
Jane Merrick
The Economist
BBC News
Nikolaj Nielsen
Efrat Arbel and Peter Showler
European Council on Refugees and Exiles
Nicholas Keung
Aura Bogado
BBC news
Claire Bigg
Jose Antonio Vargas
Somini Sengupta
Adam Davidson
Donald Kerwin
Veronica Escobar
N. Gregory Mankiw
Chris Hall, CBC News
Kathryn Lum, Migration Policy Centre Blog
Ross Eisenbrey
Susan Saulny
Steven Greenhouse
Rachel Donadio
Keith Fraser
The New York Times Editorial
The Globe and Mail Editorial
Karen Barlow
The Montreal Gazette/Associated Press
Noteboard Babillard
University of Leicester
L’Équipe de recherche et d’intervention transculturelles
Detention and Deportation – September 2013 issue
York University
A Conference at the VU University Amsterdam

