avr 17, 2013

Fellowships at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen

The Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation offers  *Fellowships *in Research Unit 3 « Global Governance revisited » and  Research Unit 4 « Paradoxes and Perspectives of Democratisation ». The  fellows work at the Centre for a period of six to twelve months. The  fellowships *will start between September 2013 and April 2014*. They  entail office space in fully equipped offices and a competitive  stipend commensurate with the applicant’s level of professional  experience.

The *Centre for Global Cooperation Research* is an independent  research institution of the University of Duisburg-Essen, sponsored by  the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It cooperates closely  with the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) in Duisburg, the  Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in Essen, and the  German Development Institute (DIE) in Bonn. The Centre is located at  Duisburg’s Inner Harbor, which combines industrial heritage with  modern office buildings and a vibrant urban culture. Please see for  further information on our profile and activities:

*Applications for Research Unit 3 (« Global Governance Revisited »)*  should focus on one of the following topics:
–    the role of new actors in international diplomacy and negotiations;
–    emerging powers as norm entrepreneurs;
–    South-South cooperation as pattern of global governance

*Applications for Research Unit 4 « Paradoxes and Perspectives of  Democratisation »* should focus on one of the following topics:
–    notions of democracy beyond the Western model;
–    the nexus between political culture, legitimacy and democratisation;
–    democracization on the international level / notions of global democracy

The Centre is especially interested in applications from the Global  South. We would particularly encourage qualified women to apply.
Please find further information in the attached pdf document or at:

Applications should be emailed to Jan Schablitzki  <jan.schablitzki@uni-due.de>.

The *deadline* is *15th May 2013*.


