mai 13, 2013

Submit Research Paper(s)

Science Journal Publications (SJPUB) is an International Open Access Journals in English published monthly. We cover all areas of scientific researches, humanities, social sciences and behavioral sciences. And we welcome the submission of manuscript(s) with a significance and scientific excellence, and we will publish:

1. Original articles in basic and applied research.

2. Case studies.

3. Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.

Papers for publication in the SJPUB are selected through rigid peer review to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance and readability.

Science Journal Publications is indexed by well recognize international database such Google Scholars, Gale centage Learning, Serial Solutions, Ulrich Periodical and others. Submitted paper in the SJPUB is reviewed within 1 to 2 weeks.

Submit your article directly to: <>

