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News from EADI
Public discussion: The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Potential Elements of a Joint EU Strategy
Public debate on 3 June 2013 at the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, organised by EADI
Spencer Henson new Chief Editor of European Journal of Development Research
EADI and Palgrave Macmillan are delighted to announce the appointment of a new editor-in-chief. Effective from Volume 25, Issue 4, Spencer Henson from the Institute of Development Studies and University of Guelph will lead EADI’s flagship journal and its editorial team as a successor to Rajneesh Narula. We welcome him to the journal and look forward to working with him.
Annual EADI Directors’ Meeting at Sapienza University of Rome
from 5 – 6 November 2013
The meetings of EADI in Rome – will be organised within the «Euro-Mediterranean Days» at SAPIENZA University of Rome, 4-9 Novemebr 2013. A workshop of the EADI Working Group on Sustainable Development, Vulnerability and Resilience will take place on 5 November.
Save the date: International Conference – Global Justice through Global Citizenship – The role of Global Education –
Brussels – 20-21 November 2013
What do we know about the role of global education in relation to global citizenship and global justice? What constitutes good practice? What are the challenges and how can we address them? These are some of the questions that we will answer during the conference. A cooperation of PULSE research platform, HIVA, CIDIN, NCDO, CONCORD/ DEEEP, EADI.
ISS Development Dialogue « Bridging Voices »
The 11th Development Dialogue will be held on 10 and 11 October 2013, in co-operation with EADI.
EADI has started a Google+ Account, and a MDG Post-2015 Community. Please have a look and join!
More on www.eadi.org