sept 5, 2013

CFP Green and social: managing synergies and trade-offs, Bonn 12-14 March 2014

Dear colleague,

It is with great pleasure that we issue this call for papers (see  attached pdf) for the international workshop on
‘Green and social: managing synergies and trade-offs’,

Tulpenfeld 6, Bonn, Germany, on 12-14 March 2014.
Existing development pathways need to be transformed so that they are  more environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive. These two  agendas can be synergistic or conflicting. Synergies have been  explored to some extent in recent concepts such as the ‘green  economy’, while the associated trade-offs and conflicts have received  less attention.

With the workshop ‘Green and social: managing synergies and  trade-offs’, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für  Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth  Network (PEGNet) aim to address the gap between environmental and  social perspectives on development by bringing together research and  practice, but also the environmental and the social inclusion  communities.

The workshop will be split into two phases: The first two days will  provide room to discuss the workshop themes in panel sessions, working  groups and during keynote presentations. The third day aims to  translate the findings into practice and offers researchers and  practitioners the opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the practical  implications of the earlier discussed issues.

Because of the multidimensional nature of the topics, we invite  submissions from across disciplines such as economics, political  science, sociology, and geography. We are particularly interested in  interdisciplinary approaches.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: 30 September 2013

Notification of acceptance: 11 November 2013

Full paper submission: 31 January 2014

Please submit your abstract(s) of up to 500 words electronically to  Sonja Neweling  (<>),  using’PEGNet 2014′ as subject matter. For organizational matters such  as travel and accommodation please contact Sonja Neweling  (<>). For  content related information please contact Anna Pegels  (<>) or Carmen  Richerzhagen  (<>).

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