sept 6, 2013

Call for Papers Interdisciplinary Conference ‘Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Representations of the ICC in Africa’ 22-23 May 2014 (The Hague)

« Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Representations of the International Criminal Court in Africa »

On 22 and 23 May 2014 NVAS organizes, in close partnership with Hague University of Applied Sciences and the School for Human Rights Research Utrecht, the multi-disciplinary conference « Africans and Hague Justice » to be held in the Hague. With this conference, the organizers aim to highlight African perspectives on the International Criminal Court and the jurisdiction with which it operates. The conference theme closely connects to the current African cases at the International Criminal Court and the vocal and mixed reactions from the African continent towards them.  We are proud to host internationally renowned scholars, such as Kamari Clarke (Anthropology),  Charles Jalloh (International and Criminal Law) en Makau Mutua (Human Rights) featuring as key-note speakers at the conference.

Shortly, a call for papers will be published on the NVAS website ( <>), to which we warmly welcome you to respond.

The Organising Committee

Froukje Krijtenburg (chair)

Abel Knottnerus (treasurer)

Eefje de Volder (secretary)

Ingrid Roestenburg-Morgan (member for SHRR)

Jos Walenkamp (member for HHS)

For questions, mail to Froukje Krijtenburg: <>

Call for Papers Africans and Hague Justice Multidisciplinary Conference 2014

