sept 18, 2013

DEADLINE: Research Fellowships and Meneghetti Awards 2014

DEADLINE: 15 October 2013

The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation awards two research fellowships of Euro 16,500.00 each.

Research activities must be centred on Ontopsychology and address the following topics:

1) The modes of information. The primary communication that precedes any sensory perception: the semantic field.

2) Formalizing the use of intuition in economic activities: Business Intuition.

The funds will be provided to the Department/School/University/Research Institution to which the applicant belongs.

These research activities will last one year. At the end of the year, the applicant that was awarded the research fellowship will deliver a final research paper on the work performed and the results obtained.

The application must be submitted either by e-mail to: or in paper format to:  Fondazione di Ricerca Scientifica ed Umanistica Antonio Meneghetti, Via Cattori 11 – 6900 Paradiso –Svizzera (CH) and must be received by the Foundation no later than 15 October 2013.

