oct 1, 2013

Global Migration Governance and Migrants’ Rights after the 2013 UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

François Crépeau

Monday, October 7, 2013

Room 609 NCDH
McGill Faculty of Law
3644 Peel Street, Montreal

The second United Nations High Level Dialogue (HLD) on Migration and Development will take place on 3-4 October 2013. The first one took place in 2006. Due to the reluctance of States to let go of one of the last few symbolic attributes of territorial sovereignty – the control of persons at borders – global migration governance remains embryonic. In particular, although there exist various outfits outside the UN, such as the International Organisation for Migration or the Global Forum on Migration and Development, there’s still no UN agency in charge of this most important human phenomenon, affecting 232 million migrants in 2013. The HLD will be a unique opportunity to take stock of the progress accomplished in the global discussions about migration, and to reflect on the mainstreaming of human rights into all aspects of the migration debate. Pr. Crépeau, as United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, is one of the institutional actors of the HLD and will present his views on the results achieved at the HLD and on the challenges ahead regarding global migration governance and the rights of migrants.

François Crépeau is United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Professor in Public International Law, McGill University. See biography here.

PDF - 185.2 kb
François Crépeau: Global Migration Governance and Migrants’ Rights after the 2013 UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development

