oct 7, 2013

EADI eNewsletter #10/2013 (October) EADI Publications| Responsible Development -Extension of Deadline| Migration and Development

News from EADI

New EADI Publication from the Chance2 Sustain Project

The Development of Kalyan Dombivili: Fringe City in a Metropolitan Region

In this new Chance2Sustain City Report, Isa Baud and fellow Chance2Sustain researchers examine how fast-growing cities in metropolitan regions define their growth strategies, particularly the role of mega-projects in city development, in combination with large-scale investment programmes by government.

New Publication from EADI’s Working Group

Edited by Astrid Carrapatoso and Edith Kuerzinger, this book critically discusses climate-resilient development in the context of current deficiencies of multilateral climate management strategies and processes. It analyses innovative climate policy options at national, (inter-)regional, and local levels from a mainly Southern perspective, thus contributing to the topical debate on alternative climate governance and resilient development models.

Extension of Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts for EADI’s 14th General Conference 23 -26 June 2014
The deadline for conference participants to submit their abstracts has been extended to 15 December 2013. Submissions can be done in English or French. For more information on the conference, please visit the conference website on  www.gc2014.org

Call for Papers: Understanding the Links between Labour and Development – European Journal of Development Research (EJDR)
Guest editors Ralitza Dimova and Christophe J. Nordman of EADI’s EJDR, are pleased to launch this call for papers, seeking submissions on the links between labour and development to include in a 2014 Special Issue. Deadline for submissions is 30th October 2013. For full details, please refer to the call or email the guest editors with your queries.

EADI Masterclasses

10 – 11 October 2013 | EADI Masterclass: Managing Projects in Development Organizations: Tools and Techniques
*Two more spaces available

4 – 5 November 2013 | EADI Masterclass: Europe’s Next Research Era: Horizon 2020

Featured EADI member

The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) is an independent, non-partisan think tank dedicated to increasing knowledge of policy discussion in Turkey by bridging the gap between academic research and policy implementation. The organization publishes freely available policy papers, briefs and reports.


The Dag Hammarskjoeld Foundation has an ongoing resource page for the Post-2015 process which includes videos, power-point presentations as well as publications.

Post-2015 – Why Another Approach is Needed
Author: Jan Vandemoortele

Will the new development agenda make a real difference? No, not necessarily writes Vandemoortele. Only strong leadership on the part of the UN Secretariat can prevent an overloaded and fuzzy development agenda. More consultations and intergovernmental negotiations alone will not make it.

European Journal of Development Research

Revisiting the Meaning of Development: A Multidimensional Taxonomy of Developing Countries
Sergio Tezanos Vázqueza & Andy Sumner

Many have challenged the use of income per capita as the primary proxy for measuring development since Seers’s seminal works. This article continues this tradition with a more recent twist. We use cluster analysis to build a multidimensional taxonomy of developing countries using a set of indicators covering four conceptual frames on ‘development’. The value-added of the article is not to suggest that our classification is the end in itself, but – more modestly – to demonstrate that more work on taxonomies is required in light of the weakness of classifications based solely on income and the changing distribution of global poverty.

The EU Council also adopted conclusions and endorsed the statement on the 2013 UN High-Level Dialogue on Migration and Development and on broadening the development-migration nexus. The High-Level Dialogue on Migration and Development will take place on 3 and 4 October to identify concrete measures to strengthen coherence and cooperation with a view to enhancing the benefits of international migration for migrants and countries alike.


Call for Papers: Third World Agroforestry Congress
Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Deadline: 21 October 2013
Interested Applicants to contact:
Call for Papers: Alternative Perspectives of Development (International Congress of Development Studies)
Spanish Network of Development Studies (REEDES) and University of Huelva, Deadline: 30 October 2013

Call for Papers: Strategic Actors for Inclusive Development
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Deadline: 13 November 2013

Call for Papers: Productive Employment
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Deadline: 14 January 2013

More calls on the EADI Website

Head of Strategic Operations and Partnerships
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Deadline: 13 October 2013

Researcher – Climate Change
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Deadline: 14 October 2013

Research Officer – Sexuality
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Deadline: 16 October 2013

Humanitarian negotiations: engagement with armed groups in Sudan and South Sudan
10 October 2013 (14:00 – 15:30 GMT+01 (BST)
Venue: Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and Online Streaming
EADI Premium members

Winning Hearts and Minds:Chinese Soft Power Foreign Policy in Africa
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief), Autthors: Shubo Li and Helge Ronning

How do European Donors engage with emerging development partners?
European Center for Development Policy Management (ECDPM Discussion Paper), Authors: Anna Rosengren  et al.

Spaghetti and Noodles. Why is the Developing Country Differentiation Landscape so Complex?
Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS), Authors: Djalita Fialho and Peter A.G. van Bergeijk

Post-2015: Special Event on Post-2015: Stuck in the process?
Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik (DIE Brief), Author: Nicole Rippin

Le monde urbain en développement :Recherche et action dans les pays du Sud, quelle perspective se donner depuis l’Europe?
Cooperation@epfl, Ecoles Polytechnique federales de Lausanne

Whose Goals Count? Lessons for Setting the Next Development Goals
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Editors: Richard Manning et al.

Working with the Politics: How to Improve Public Service Delivery for the Poor
Overseas Development Institute (ODI Brief), Author: Leni Wild and Marta Foresti

More highlights in EADI Research, the gateway to the latest publications from over 150 EADI members.

Migration and the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Author: IOM

Engaging Science and Politics in a Post-2015 Framework
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Authors: Julia Day et al


Energy Management in Small and Medium Scale Industries
28 October 2013 – 06 December 2013 at University of Twente

Child Protection in Development Practice
Kimmage Open and Distance Education – the Global Classroom
Begins on 05 October 2013 (Duration: 8 weeks)

Project Management, Governance and Accountability
Kimmage Open and Distance Education – the Global Classroom
Begins on 12 October (Duration: 5 weeks)

Monitoring and Evaluation
Kimmage Open and Distance Education – the Global Classroom
Begins on 26 October 2013 (Duration: 5 weeks)

Impact Evaluation Design -A Short Course
31 March – 04 April 2014 at Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

A 5 day course on Impact Evaluation Design aimed at researchers, project managers and practitioners. The Course Leader Dr Edoardo Masset and the rest of the teaching staff will provide participants with the necessary methodology and practical knowledge to meet a growing demand for rigorous evaluation of development programmes.


Influencing progress towards the Millennium Development Goals
Development Progress Blog, September 2013, Author: Dr. Renosi Mokate

Social Policy: Is it Making a Difference?
The Broker Online, September 2013, Author: Arjan de Haan

Time to Reboot Our Policy Approach to Skilled Migration and Development
Center for Global Development, September 2013: Author: Michael Clemens

What do the world’s biggest brands have to do with land rights?
Oxfam Policy and Practice, October 2013, Author: Irit Tamir

