oct 14, 2013

CfP: Economics and Minorities in Africa in the Post-Colonial Age: Institutional, Historical and Socio-Economic Factors

Call for Contributions: Economics and Minorities in Africa in the Post-Colonial Age: Institutional, Historical and Socio-Economic Factors*

This call for contributions on “Economics and Minorities in Africa in the Post-Colonial Age” has been announced by the CSAS – Centre for African
Studies in Sardinia (Italy) – for the next book of its special series on “Minorities in Africa”, titled *Nova Collectanea Africana*. The call is
aimed at selecting articles proposals on the economic conditions under which today’s minority groups live in Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The term ‘minorities’ should be interpreted widely in order to include ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual, social, cultural, economic and
political minorities, that can be historically disadvantaged or advantaged.

All the African states have consistent minorities residing within their territory. Modern democracies have been trying to organize their
institutional framework in order to ensure participation to the life of minorities, both those that are indigenous to the region, and others that
are beginning to articulate their minority identities in response to shifting political, social and especially economic contexts.

The 2013 issue of *Nova Collectanea Africana* aims to continue to investigate minorities in the African state in a broader perspective, not
just focusing on exclusion or discrimination. Particular focus has been given to economic factors which have changed or given rise to various
“minorities,” taking into account how minorities navigate the economic structures of their countries and regions and how they are affected by the
post-colonial legacy. The prospects for minority communities to contribute to the wider process of economic change in the region is another possible
topic. Contributions should be focused on how the economic status of these minority groups transform over the years, how they participate in the
economic processes in their countries.**

*Eligible topics for the special issue*

Papers can address theoretical or empirical issues related to œEconomics and Minorities in Africa in the Post-Colonial Age”, including case studies.
A non-exhaustive list of topics include the following issues:

– The Status of Minority Groups in the Economics.

· The Diversity of the Economic Profession among Minorities.

· Economic Cohesion of Societies and Regimes in North and
Sub-Saharan Africa.

· Representation of Minorities in the Economics Profession.

· Minorities: between Marginality and Participation in Africa.

· Minorities Economic Autonomy.

· Minorities in the Labour Market.

· Non-labour Discrimination.

– The Economic Ascent of Islamic Minorities in Africa.
– Conflict for Control of Economic Power among Ethnic Groups in Emergent
African Nation-States.
– Minorities in the Education Sector.**


Applicants should submit a 300 word article proposal + short biographical note at prof. Antonio Sassu and dr. Nicola Melis (University of Cagliari)
by November 15, 2013.**

*Information & contacts*

e-mail: sassu@unica.it or nmelis@unica.it **


Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 30 November 2013.

Notification of acceptance of articles: 15 January 2014.

*About the series***

*Nova Collectanea Africana* is a refereed series and acceptance of full-length articles for publication is subject to anonymous peer-review.

