oct 14, 2013

Reminder: Ph.D. course: ‘Women, Energy and Health: Questioning Current Paradigms for Development and Social Change’_ Just a few days left!


Ph.D. course: ‘Women, Energy and Health: Questioning Current Paradigms for Development and Social Change’

Extended deadline: 15 October 2013. Date: 6 – 8 January 2014

Venue: Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, Norway

Organised by: The Centre for Development and the Environment’s (SUM) research area on Energy and Consumption, SUM Research School and the Interfaculty research area Livelihoods in Developing Countries (LEVE) at the University of Oslo, Norway

Objective: The principal objective of this course is to review and question the underlying assumptions on social change that inform the current paradigms within development discourses on women, energy and health. We wish to enable doctoral students to better understand key concepts, debates and perspectives in energy, health and gender equality for the purposes of research, policy making and/or concrete programmes and projects.


  • Jane L. Parpart, Research Professor, Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance, McCormack Graduate School University of Massachusetts Boston, USA.

  • Emma Crewe, Research Associate, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology,  The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

  • Rachel Tolhurst, Senior Lecturer in Social Science in International Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK.

  • Sidsel Roalkvam, Associate Professor, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway.

  • Tanja Winther, Senior researcher, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway.

Who may apply?
The interdisciplinary nature of the course will appeal to doctoral students from a variety of backgrounds, such as anthropology, sociology, geography, political science, medical science, public health, gender studies, development studies, engineering, economics and area studies. While doctoral students will be prioritised, a few places may be available for well-qualified researchers, practitioners and final year masters students.

Application procedures and funding
Please visit our website or consult the attached course document for information about application procedures and funding.
Should you have any practical inquiries, please do not hesitate to email the course secretariat at weh-2014@sum.uio.no.

WEH 2014 Course Description and Application Procedures extended

