nov 13, 2013

MSU Two Post Docs

Post Doc. 1

Agência FAPESP –  The Thematic Project “Social  and Environmental Processes associated with the Construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam in Brazilian Amazonia”,  with funding from FAPESP, offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NEPAM in the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

The fellowship holder will work in the interdisciplinary área of human-environment research, and the work will focus on the impacts of Belo Monte on the riverine populations near Altamira and which will be directly affected by the reservoir that will flood many riverine communities. The postdoc will evaluate the social and economic system of these traditional populations during the process of dam construction, how their lives will be changed, and where they are  resettled. In theoretical terms, the postdoc will gain experience with new approaches to human-environment research, in order to better understand how people make decisions and how they adapt to a situation of rapid environmental, social and economic change.

The Project will be coordinated by professor Emilio F. Moran,  together with Profs. Ademar Romeiro, Lucia Ferreira and Leila Ferreira of NEPAM at Unicamp, and Prof. Jose Antonio Herrera of UFPa, Altamira Campus.This thematic Project is parto f a new special program  Excellence Chairs at FAPESP, which brings Professor Emilio Moran, from Michigan State University, USA and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences to work at Unicamp with a group of human-environment scholars around the above thematic Project.

This postdoc fellowship builds on decades-lomg studies of Prof. Moran in Altamira and is concerned with understanding adaptive processes of riverine Amazonian populations. The postdoc should demonstrate experience interviewing riverine and traditional Amazonian populations, experience with survey research methods, a range of sampling methods, and ethnographic and statistical expertise. The survey parto f the work will try to build a comprehensive understanding of how the construction of Belo Monte is changing the lives of riverine populations, and how they make decisions about their future within this context. The postdoc will collaborate with another Postdoc that will focus on the urban population of Altamira. It is expected the postdoc will spend a minimum of three months a year in the riverine communicities, to work with other team members and help facilitate the field work of the entire team, and to travel to Michigan to coordinate some of the work and publications with the PI. The PI needs to have fluente knowledge of Portuguese and working knowledge of English, have previous experience with rural and riverine populations in Amazonia, and be willing to reside parto f the year in Altamira and Campinas.

The selection process will occur in two stages. In the first stage, the candidate willhave the documentation evaluated and in the second stage, the evaluation will be based on a personal interview.

To apply, the candidate needs to senda n application letter explaining qualifications and interest in the Project, copy of an uptodate curriculum, a copy of the PhD diploma, and two letters of recommendation addressed

Deadline for applications is Dec. 2, 2013. More information is available at

The postdoc fellowship is open to brazilians and foreign scholars. The person selected will receive a Postdoctoral Fellowship award (value to
R$5,908.80 per month) and a Technical Reserve valued at 15% of the value of the stipend which can  be used for other expenses associated with the Project. If the person selected does not reside in Campinas, and needs to move and relocate to Campinas, there are funds available for relocation.
More imformation is available at

Other Postdoctoral opportunities are to be found at the website


Agência FAPESP –  The Thematic Project “Social  and Environmental Processes associated with the Construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam in Brazilian Amazonia”,  with funding from FAPESP, offers a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NEPAM in the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

The fellowship holder will work in the interdisciplinary área of human-environment research, and the work will focus on the impacts of Belo Monte on the urbn populations in and around Altamira and which will be directly affected by the reservoir that will flood some neihborhoods and communities, and disrupt traditional residents’ lives. The postdoc will evaluate the social and economic system of the urban populations during the process of dam construction, how their lives will be changed, and how they deal with the economic boom conditions during the construction stage of the dam. In theoretical terms, the postdoc will gain experience with new approaches to human-environment research, in order to better understand how people make decisions and how they adapt to a situation of rapid environmental, social and economic change.

The Project will be coordinated by professor Emilio F. Moran,  together with Profs. Ademar Romeiro, Lucia Ferreira and Leila Ferreira of NEPAM at Unicamp, and Prof. Jose Antonio Herrera of UFPa, Altamira Campus.This thematic Project is parto f a new special program  Excellence Chairs at FAPESP, which brings Professor Emilio Moran, from Michigan State University, USA and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences to work at Unicamp with a group of human-environment scholars around the above thematic Project.

This postdoc fellowship builds on decades-lomg studies of Prof. Moran in Altamira and is concerned with understanding adaptive processes of Amazonian populations. The postdoc should demonstrate experience interviewing urban and Amazonian populations, experience with survey research methods, a range of sampling methods, and ethnographic and statistical expertise. The survey parto of the work will try to build a comprehensive understanding of how the construction of Belo Monte is changing the lives of the old residentes, newcomers and other populations, and how they make decisions about their future within this context. The postdoc will collaborate with another Postdoc that will focus on the riverine population of Altamira. It is expected the postdoc will spend a minimum of three months a year in Altamira, to work with other team members and help facilitate the field work of the entire team, and to travel to Michigan to coordinate some of the work and publications with the PI.
The PI
needs to have fluente knowledge of Portuguese and working knowledge of English, have previous experience with populations in Amazonia, and be willing to reside parto of the year in Altamira and Campinas.

The selection process will occur in two stages. In the first stage, the candidate willhave the documentation evaluated and in the second stage, the evaluation will be based on a personal interview.

To apply, the candidate needs to senda n application letter explaining qualifications and interest in the Project, copy of an uptodate curriculum, a copy of the PhD diploma, and two letters of recommendation addressed

Deadline for applications is Dec. 2, 2013. More information is available at

The postdoc fellowship is open to brazilians and foreign scholars. The person selected will receive a Postdoctoral Fellowship award (value to
R$5,908.80 per month) and a Technical Reserve valued at 15% of the value of the stipend which can  be used for other expenses associated with the Project. If the person selected does not reside in Campinas, and needs to move and relocate to Campinas, there are funds available for relocation.
More imformation is available at

Other Postdoctoral opportunities are to be found at the website

