nov 14, 2013

CFP VAD 2014 : ‘The futures of the African (middle) classes’ ((Bayreuth), June 11th-14th 2014,)

CFP: VAD Congress 2014 FUTURE AFRICA, June 11th-14th 2014, Bayreuth (Germany)

The futures of the African (middle) classes

Panel Organizers:
David O’€™Kane (MPI Halle)/Tabea Scharrer (MPI Halle)/ Lena Kroeker (Uni Bayreuth)/ Florian Stoll (Uni Bayreuth)

In recent years, a new social category has emerged in Africa, becoming a major focal point of theoretical interest and debate – the new African Middle Class. Increased economic growth, enhanced political democratization and the social change associated with both are widely seen as driving the emergence of a larger “middle class” or “middle layer” in African societies. Some accounts assume that the formula for successful economic development and stable political democratization in Africa has finally been discovered, and that the new African middle classes are essentially the same as their counterparts in the developed world. In our view, the reality is more complex. We agree that a new social actor is emerging in many (though not all) African countries, and that the concept of a “middle class” or “middle stratum” is appropriate for understanding that actor. We do not agree, however, that these concepts can be used exactly in the same way
as in the societies where they were developed. Therefore, we propose that for a fuller understanding of this new social category, the “African middle class”, more research is needed.
The idea of African middle classes as carriers of economic progress and as a democratizing force is strongly connected with their visions of future. These images of the middle classes as drivers of development contain strong, imaginative, visions of the African future. Therefore, another main focus of this panel are the future visions and future concepts related to and held by African middle classes: these may be, for example, development strategies, political initiatives, or cultural and economic arrangements.
Who are the middle classes in Africa, and how do they live? We invite case studies and synoptic surveys which can contribute to a “mapping” of the African middle classes, identifying their locations, levels of affluence education etc.
Following this, we seek conceptual papers that consider what “middle class” or middle stratum really means in specifically African contexts.
What is the relationship between class and other key concepts, such as gender, ethnicity and religion? In relation to this question, we seek papers on the relationship between actually existing middle class networks and other groups and entities
What sort of future are Africa’s middle classes or middle layers aspiring to?
What is the real significance of the African middle class for the continent’s future political and economic development?


Papers presented at the panel will be considered for publication. Please submit your abstract [250 words] to the panel organisers not later than 17th of November 2013.

For more details visit the conference website:[

