jan 24, 2014

CFP: The changing landscape of the global political economy and foreign aid: has the Cold War ended? (EASA 2014)

CFP: The changing landscape of the global political economy and foreign aid: has the Cold War ended? (EASA 2014)*

The panel aims to counter the existing debates on ‘new donors’ which by ignoring the Cold War history of development are facilitating the
reformulation of mainstream discourses of development. What are the chances for ‘non-traditional’ donors to include their perspectives in the global

*Long Abstract*

This panel deals with the contemporary changing landscape of the global political economy and foreign aid, and explores the fuzzy boundaries
between national and international governance and the tension in the ethical and practical motivations of global, national and local actors.

The existence and wide usage of categories such as ‘traditional’ vs. ‘new’ donors – coinciding not only with the distribution of power in the colonial
era and Cold War divisions, but also with the existing world division – reveals the dominant position of Western actors and the ongoing
naturalisation of their activities. By the persuasive naturalisation of their own ‘traditional’ presence in development, and by questioning the
practices of ’emerging donors’, these ‘established’ actors have set the tone for the existing debates about development. Even though the history of
development is rooted in the rivalry between the First and the Second World, this past has largely been neglected. The dismissal of the past has
strong political implications facilitating reformulation of mainstream development discourses and changes in the modes of global governance.

For that reasons, this panel has a twofold aim. First, we invite papers aiming to counter the existing debates ignoring the 50-year Cold War
history of development, and investigating the past involvement of non-Western donors in international development. Secondly we are looking
for presentations which though historically motivated, are asking the question about the contemporary possibilities for ‘non-traditional’ donors
(including private agencies/foundations) for including their national and other perspectives in the current debates about development.

This is a call for papers for the Panel of Anthropology of International Governance Network at the *EASA 2014 (European Association of Social
Anthropologists Biennial Conference)*

*Location*: Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia
*Date*: 31st July – 3rd August 2014 (the date of the panel tbc)


Ela Drazkiewicz, PhD (University of Cambridge/NUI Maynooth) edrazkiewicz@gmail.com
Patty Gray, PhD (National University of Ireland Maynooth)

To propose a paper please go to http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easa/easa2014/panels.php5?PanelID=3122

If you have any questions regarding this panel, or the topic we wish to discuss, you can contact the convenor directly via email:

