jan 24, 2014

Call for Papers has opened for EASA2014

We are happy to announce that the Call for Papers is now open for EASA2014, the 13th EASA Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), taking place in Tallinn, the beautiful capital city of Estonia, on 31st July – 3rd August, 2014.

The 2014 EASA conference is organized by the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University in conjunction with the EASA.
The theme of the conference is Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution: innovation and continuity in an interconnected world (please read more about the theme here: http://www.easaonline.org/conferences/easa2014/theme.shtml ).

In order to propose a paper, please visit the website to read the instructions http://www.easaonline.org/conferences/easa2014/cfp.shtml and to view the list of accepted panels http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easa/easa2014/panels.php5 .

All proposals must be made to specific panels via the ‘Propose a paper’ link found beneath the panel abstract on that panel’s webpage.
Proposals should consist of:

* a paper title
* authors/co-authors
* a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
* a long abstract of fewer than 250 words.

The deadline for the CFP is February 27th, 2014.

