jan 24, 2014

Appel Com – RGS/IBG 2014: Greenest Cities? Urban Sustainability and the (Post-)Politics of Territorial Competitiveness

Call for Papers: RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2014, London, 26 to 29 August 2014

Greenest Cities? Urban Sustainability and the (Post-)Politics of  
Territorial Competitiveness

Convenors: Marit Rosol (University of Frankfurt / Main), Samuel  
Mössner (University of Freiburg), Vincent Béal (University of  

Urban sustainable development and green economies have become
        important elements of strategies aimed at fostering urban
        competitiveness at the global level. In many places, climate and
        environmental policies are transformed into marketing tools and
        in practice, sustainable and economic urban development has
        given way to hybrid and variegated forms of neoliberalism. While
        ?eco-cities? are broadly hailed to equally matching ecological
        responsiveness, social integration and economic prosperity, most
        of today?s ?best-practices? show that climate and environmental
        policies are often subjugated to overarching goals of economic
        growth. More often, sustainability goals have been hijacked in
        order to legitimize economic development. In today?s capitalism,
        we witness a strange relationship of ?sustainable? economic
        activities and policies that are driven by a global
        competitiveness. This competitive and entrepreneurial character
        becomes especially obvious in global ?Green City?-competitions
        and rankings.

In this session we are interested in better understanding the
        consequences of the commodification and economization of
        sustainable practices. We are particularly keen to conceptualize
        the competitive and entrepreneurial character of urban
        sustainability, its consequences for the governance of cities
        and particularly its implications for democracy and social

Therefore, the objective of this session is twofold: First, we
        seek empirical reflections from cities/places across the  
world that critically reflect on entrepreneurial sustainable  
development such as Green Cities competitions. Second, we seek to  
further debate and critique of urban sustainability under contemporary  
capitalism through various theoretical perspectives such as  
post-politics, hegemony, governmentality, the urban sustainability  
fix, neoliberalisation, political economy etc.Thus, we welcome  
theoretically informed empirical papers that explore (but are not  
limited to) one or more of the following questions:
	* What role does urban sustainability play in interurban global 
	* How do cities try to position themselves in interurban competition  
through (selective) recourse to sustainability policies and practices?  
How do these policies and practices get invented?
	* What kind of actors, groups or institutions, are involved in the  
transnational construction of urban sustainability models, best  
practices, ranking, etc., which feed interurban global competition?
	* How does this change urban governance? What are, for example, the  
relationships between urban sustainability and the rise of consensual  
and post-political arrangements in cities?
	* What are the implications for questions of democracy and social 
	* What kind of conflicts, struggles, movements, resistances and  
expressions of dissent exist around these ?green cities? projects?
	* Are ?alternative Green Cities? possible?

Format: Short presentations (20 minutes including questions)
Please send abstracts (max 250 words) including the title of the  
proposed paper presentation, name of author(s), and contact  
information to Marit Rosol (rosol@geo.uni-frankfurt.de), Samuel  
Mössner (samuel.moessner@geographie.uni-freiburg.de) and Vincent Béal  
(vbeal@unistra.fr) by Thursday 6th February 2014.
For general information on the conference see:  

Vincent Béal
Maitre de Conférences en sociologie
SAGE (UMR 7363) - Université de Strasbourg


