mar 21, 2014

Call for papers – Anthropology in Action

The Anthropology in Action journal welcomes research-based papers, commentaries and debate and literature review articles as well as reviews of events, books, films and blogs.

We are keen to increase the diversity of writing included in the journal, so in addition to reports of research that is relevant to engagement of anthropology with public policy and practice, we would like to see more pieces that discuss career options for anthropologists and more writing about experiences of those who are working outside academic anthropology. Research-based articles are peer reviewed, but other submissions will receive editorial review.

Word length for submitted articles should normally be between 5-6,000 words, but shorter pieces are also welcome. Please contact the editor if you wish to submit a longer article. Email submissions are accepted (please send to ), but we are currently moving to an online submission system. When submitting an article, please also supply an abstract (100-150 words) together with up to eight key words. You should at the same time submit a brief biographical note. Full instructions on how to submit articles and other contributions, style guides and so on can be found on the publisher website at:
Dr Christine McCourt
Editor, Anthropology in Action

Professor of Maternal & Child Health
School of Health Sciences
City University London
Bartholomew Close
London EC1A 7PN

Tel: 0207 040 5863

