mai 13, 2014

Séminaire CiSav, « Circulation transnationale et champs d’expertise » (15 mai, Paris)

Vous êtes cordialement invité à la prochaine séance du séminaire « Analyser  la circulation des savoirs : contributions et méthodes » :

Jeudi 15 mai* de 11h à 13h
–  sur le thème
– « Circulations transnationales et champs d’expertise »
– Une discussion autour du numéro 59 de Critique Internationale
– –  –     Thibaud Boncourt (Institut Universitaire Européen) « Acteurs multipositionnés et fabrique du transnational. La création du *European Consortium for Political Research »
– – Vincent Gayon (IRISSO, Univ. Dauphine) « Homologie et conductivité internationales. L’Etat social aux prises avec l’OCDE, l’UE et les gouvernements »

– – LIEU: La séance se déroulera au CEPED, 19 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris
– – Pour tout renseignement, veuillez contacter
– – Un carnet de recherche est également en ligne sur lequel il est possible d’écouter les enregistrements des séances précédentes :

– prochaine séance le 11 juin sur la circulation des répertoires militants.

Résumés :

Thibaud Boncourt : Multi-Positioned Actors And The Construction Of The Transnational: The Creation Of The European Consortium For Political Research.

Given the very diverse ways in which political science has been structured at the national level and the lack of interaction among national fields, the creation of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in 1970 was on the face of it improbable. This article explains the genesis of this transnational scholarly organization by reference to two phases: first, by creating the International Political Science Association (IPSA), UNESCO encouraged growth in the transnational circulation of actors and knowledge involved in the study of politics; this circulation subsequently contributed to transforming the physiognomy of European national fields and created the conditions of emergence of a subversive project for a new scholarly organization. The present article thus reveals the hybrid structure of transnational spaces in terms of the knowledge and resources that are involved.

– Vincent GAYON: Homology and International Conductivities: The Social State Grapples with the OECD, the EU, and Governments

An examination of the job and unemployment programs of the OECD and the European Commission in the two decades since 1990 shows that their circuit of production and homologous legitimation has been marked by the domination of governments and the economic sectors of these organizations over social sectors. Each of these institutional universes is characterized by an asymmetric relationship between the ?economic? and the ?social,? something that affects the content of their diagnostics and prescriptions as well as the flow of transactions between them. This paper thus takes seriously the effects and actualizations of the process of isomorphic differentiation between the ?economic? and the ?social? that has been pursued over the long term by Western states, a process that affects the very structures of these internationalized spaces.

