Call for papers – REA
Call for Papers
Local Cultural Responses to the Economic Challenges of Climate Change: Anthropological Investigations (provisional title)
(Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 35)
Research in Economic Anthropology (REA) is a peer-reviewed book series focusing on the anthropological investigation of economy and culture/society, including both contemporary socio-cultural (“ethnographic”) and archaeological approaches. It was first published in 1978 by JAI Press and edited by George Dalton. The next editor was Barry Isaac, who managed the series for nearly 20 years. Elsevier later acquired REA, and the editorial team of Norbert Dannhaeuser and Cynthia Werner kept it on track during this transition. Since 2005 the series has been edited by Donald Wood, and it is currently owned by Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
Anthropological papers with an economic focus that deal with local cultural contributions and adaptations to climate change are now being sought for Volume 35 of REA, scheduled for publication in 2015. Although a broad range of articles and essays can be accepted for consideration, preference will be granted to manuscripts that draw on original ethnographic research (i.e., empirical case studies).
❉ Deadline: Sept. 1, 2014 ❉
It is becoming increasingly difficult to deny that human activity is a factor in global climate change. This special volume of REA does not seek to confirm this so much as it attempts to better understand the ways in which people around the world have adapted (or failed to adapt) culturally to changing economic conditions caused by climate change. It will focus on specific situations in particular locations, showcasing (and confirming) the strength and value of intensive ethnographic—or archaeological—investigation. Questions it will attempt to answer include (but are not limited to): 1) How has climate change affected production, distribution, or consumption at the local level? 2) Are environmental conservation and economic development mutually exclusive? 3) What roles can public and private institutions play in successful adaptation? 4) What kinds of parallels can be drawn between current social situations and those in the past with regards to climate change?
In principle, submissions should be under 10,000 words and sent electronically as MS Word files. Initial submissions should be double-spaced, and all images/figures (with captions) need to be included in the document. A structured abstract of 100-150 words is also needed, and all works cited should be included in a references section at the end. Self-identification should be avoided if possible.
Please submit manuscripts to:
Donald C. Wood
Associate Professor, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
1-1-1 Hondo, Akita City, 010-8543 Japan