avr 1, 2014

Programme de bourses doctorales pour l’Afrique du Sud

Un projet Erasmus mundus d’échange d’étudiants et de personnels académiques vient d’être lancé entre six universités sud-africaines et sept universités en Europe dont l’IEP de Bordeaux.
Ce programme offre 18 bourses de mobilités (de 12 à 24 mois) pour des doctorants européens en science politique, sciences sociales, sciences humaines et économie du développement, une opportunité pour financer un long terrain de thèse tout en étant hébergé dans une des universités sud-africaines partenaires (http://www.eusa-id.eu/).
La date limite pour soumettre un projet a été repoussée au 15 avril.

avr 1, 2014

7 PhD Student / Researcher position: ERC Advanced Grant Grassroots economics

We are very happy to announce that the ERC Advanced Grant “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood”, based at the University of Barcelona, invites applications for 7 PhD Student / Researcher positions (4 years). PhD Student / Researchers will conduct ethnographic research in Portugal (2 positions), Italy (2 positions), Greece (2 positions) or Spain (1 position).
You can check the full announcement here: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/jobDetails/33912357
For more information visit our website: http://www.ub.edu/grassrootseconomics/ and http://www.ub.edu/grassrootseconomics/research/

Deadline for Applications 15 May 2014.

avr 1, 2014

CFP: Inverting Globalisation, Amsterdam, October 9-10


Conference, October 9-10, 2014, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2014

Organised by the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS)

Whereas David Harvey has famously interpreted globalisation as a process of time/space compression, multiple trends proliferating globally suggest that its functional effects include the rooted, the local and the slow. The Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS) has developed four research clusters around the themes of mobility, sustainability, aesthetics and connectivity. This conference probes the flip side of these themes, engaging with those aspects of globalisation that too often remain in the shadows or are seen as antithetical to it. We want to analyse the tensions and interactions between mobility and immobility, between sustainability and precarity, between glossy and dirty aesthetics, and between connection and disconnection – not to arrive at yet another set of binaries, but to show how these inverse processes are also intrinsic to globalisation. Taking them into account will make possible a fuller understanding of the uneven, often unexpected and not always obvious ways in which globalisation impacts the contemporary world.

Keynote speakers:
· Fatma Müge Göcek (Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, US)
· Oliver Marchart (Professor of Sociology, Düsseldorf Art Academy, Germany)
· Ellen Rutten (Professor of Slavonic Literature and Culture, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
· Ulises Mejias (Associate Professor of Communication Studies, State University of New York College at Oswego, US)

The conference will comprise four sessions:

Session I: Immobility and the Rearticulation of Identities
Besides globalisation’s well-covered tendency towards a general condition of mobility, pervasive instances of immobility can be found. Factory workers whose cheap labour is indispensable for global trade, but who remain confined to their immediate surroundings constitute one tangible example. In addition, there are more intangible instances of immobility, such as the worldwide (re-)assertion of national and religious identities claimed to be timeless and sacrosanct. Are these rearticulated and reasserted identities merely instances of false consciousness? Is there a relation between ever more fluid processes of cultural production and exchange, and the attempts to block this mobility in the name of invented or imagined culture or tradition? Or are newly aggressive forms of identity politics part and parcel of contemporary globalised governmentality?

Session II: Unsustainability, Precarity, Ecology
The inverse of the sustainable is the unsustainable, evoking a sense of the unbearable or intolerable, a moment of crisis. Unsustainability can be attributed to global economic growth, energy needs, food provision, or to particular political structures or ways of life. It can be used in service of many goals, from the revolutionary to the conservative. This session asks how unsustainability can be understood (epistemologically, politically, affectively) and explores its relation to precarity, another term that inverts the emphasis on survival implicit in sustainability, and to ecology, which no longer applies exclusively to environmental matters but is increasingly linked to the (geo)political.

Session III: Dirty Aesthetics
Processes of globalisation inspire a dialogue but also tensions between different conceptualisations of the aesthetic. One such tension emerges in the quest for the authentic and/or local through the rough and the dirty. Folk singers aspire to authenticity by refusing technologies of amplification, fashion designers use untreated materials, and urban fringes are turned into creative districts. These proliferating “dirty aesthetics” validate local modes of production that are frequently coupled to artisanal craftsmanship. Can an aesthetics of roughness and imperfection claim to be resistant to the glossy surfaces of globalisation? Or will the margins be consumed as yet another resource for the integrating genius of a capitalist world market?

Session IV: Dis- and Misconnection
This session critically examines the claim of unlimited many-to-many communication through social media platforms by exploring the role of dis- and misconnection. It focuses on three sets of actors that facilitate and broker, but also obstruct and complicate, online connectivity. First, users of the Web divide into linguistic spheres and particular networks. Second, corporations zealously protect online platforms by walling off users and their data, blackboxing their technological architectures, and algorithmically steering and organising user interaction. Finally, states become increasingly sophisticated in controlling and “nationalising” online communication through surveillance and filtering, as well as through propaganda and cyber-attacks.

Panel Proposals:

Proposals for group panels should include the following information for the review process.

1. An 800-word summary of the overall panel proposal which contains the following:
· Title of the panel
· Preference for one of the above-mentioned sessions
· Objectives and main questions to be addressed in the panel
· Main perspectives and/or theoretical/conceptual frameworks
· Description of how the session will be structured

2. A 400-word abstract of each individual paper/presentation

3. A list of the panel members including their institutional affiliations and contact information

Standalone Papers:
Individuals submitting paper proposals should provide an abstract of 400 words including a title and a 100-word (max) bio-bibliography, plus indication of preference for one of the above-mentioned sessions.

Please send proposals in Word format before April 1 to Amani Maihoub A.Maihoub@uva.nl

See also the conference webpage: http://acgs.uva.nl/news-and-events/upcoming-events/item/inverting-globalisation.html

Organising Committee:
Robin Celikates
Johan F. Hartle
Jeroen de Kloet
Michiel Leezenberg
Esther Peeren
Thomas Poell
Marijke de Valck

avr 1, 2014

First call: Eric Wolf prize

Announcement for the 2014 Eric Wolf Prize
The Political Ecology Society (PESO) announces the 2014 Eric Wolf Prize for the best article-length paper. We seek papers based in substantive field research that make an innovative contribution to Political Ecology. To be eligible for the competition, scholars must be ABD or have received their Ph.D. within the three years prior to publication of this announcement. A cash prize of $500 accompanies the award, which will be presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. The paper will be published in the Journal of Political Ecology; the prize reviewers may suggest revisions before the item is published.
The preferred format for papers is electronic. (But, please contact us, if you need to send in some other format.) Please use the style guidelines provided on the Journal of Political Ecology webpage: http://jpe.library.arizona.edu/ . Electronic copies should be sent to Dr. Betsy Taylor ( betsyt@vt.edu ). The deadline for submission is August 1 2014.

mar 28, 2014

Parution, « Education et démocratie en Afrique et en Europe »


Irma Julienne Angue Medoux
Sous la direction de
Philosopher en Afrique

La mondialisation économique produit une dépotentialisation des démocraties et de l’éducation. Les institutions d’éducation se découvrent impuissantes à forger une culture humaine. En Afrique comme en Europe, l’éducation est focalisée sur l’enseignement scientifique et technologique, elle ne peut donc pas forger une formation culturelle des citoyens à la démocratie. Seule une montée en puissance de l’éducation peut guérir les démocraties néolibérales de leur volonté de puissance en promouvant l’exercice d’un jugement critique dans ce dialogue.

mar 28, 2014


The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation hereby launches an award, also in accordancew ith the Foundation’sb ylaws, for researchq n Economics, Medicine, Physics and Philosophy as applied to the field of Ontopsychology.
The Foundation aims to disseminate and promote Ontopsychological thought, as expressed in Professor Meneghetti’s fundamental books, and the adoption of integral humanism in philosophical, scientific, artistic and business practices. The Foundation has no specific support limitations and
does not engage in for-profit pursuits. The award is designed to give recognition to the scientific quality of an original study in the fields of economics, medicine, physics and philosophy that might be related in any way to ontopsychology.

Scientific and Humanistic Founda

mar 28, 2014

Contrat postdoctoral au labex Les passés dans le présent

Dans le cadre de son appel à candidatures pour des contrats post-doctoraux, le labex /Les passés dans le présent/ propose un contrat de recherche portant sur « les effets de la numérisation des archives de la recherche » s’appuyant sur les projets de numérisation en cours des archives de la Maison Archéologie et Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès, à l’Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
Vous trouverez l’annonce en français et en anglais sur le site du labex (www.passes-present.eu <http://www.passes-present.eu>).

mar 28, 2014

Table ronde « Penser avec ses enquêtés : réflexions sur des pratiques de recherche engagées » (prochaine séance du séminaire « Les aspects concrets de la thèse » (7 avril, Paris)

La prochaine séance du séminaire des Aspects Concrets de la Thèse aura lieu le lundi 7 avril, de 15h à 17h, en salle 5, à l’EHESS (105 bd Raspail, Paris
6ème). Elle prendra la forme d’une table ronde intitulée :
« Penser avec ses enquêtés : réflexions sur les pratiques de recherche engagées »

Invités :
Nicolas Jaoul, anthropologue, chargé de recherche au CNRS
Pascal Marichalar, sociologue, chargé de recherche au CNRS
Annie Thébaud-Mony, sociologue, directrice de recherche honoraire à l’INSERM

Ces trois chercheurs travaillent en lien étroit avec les personnes sur lesquelles portent leurs recherches, parfois en « défendant leur cause ».
Cette table ronde leur donne l’occasion de s’exprimer sur leurs manières de travailler avec leurs enquêtés. Quelles en sont les modalités concrètes?
Quels sont les questionnements et difficultés avec ce positionnement un peu particulier ? Quels en sont les possibilités et les risques ? Comment s’y
prendre pour répondre à la fois à ses propres questions de recherche et aux attentes des personnes sur/avec lesquelles l’on travaille ? Le « vieux
dilemme » entre engagement et distanciation est-il soluble dans la pratique ?

mar 28, 2014

Séminaire Lire le Brésil – Séance du 3 avril, Paris

L’ Association pour la Recherche sur le Brésil en Europe est heureuse de vous annoncer que

La prochaine séance du séminaire “Lire le Brésil” aura lieu le jeudi 3 avril 2014 de 18h à 20h  à l’Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine 28 rue Saint Guillaume, 75007 Paris Salle Bastide, 5e étage

Isabel Lustosa
Chercheuse à la Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa à Rio de Janeiro et titulaire de la chaire Sérgio Buarque de Holanda/ FMSH, Paris.
Aline dell’Orto Carvalho
Doctorante en Histoire à l’EHESS/ PUC- Rio, membre de l’EIRIS (Equipe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l’Image Satyrique)

« Les Contours d’une histoire. Historiographie sur la caricature au Brésil »

Commentaires à partir de la lecture de l’œuvre d’Herman Lima, « História da caricatura no Brasil », (1963)
Les extraits commentés sont disponibles sur le site http://assoarbre.free.fr/



