mar 21, 2014

TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme

The TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme provides postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) with the opportunity to make a ‘Cooperation Visit’ to an institute in Germany of no more than 3 months.

Under this programme, researchers are assisted in making a ‘Cooperation Visit’ to an institute in Germany. Such visits will have a duration of no more than three (3) months and must be undertaken within 12 months of the award.

The aim of the visit is to discuss research collaboration with German scientists, possibly including some preliminary experiments, with the ultimate goal of developing longer-term collaboration, perhaps through other Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, or German Research
Foundation) programmes. TWAS will cover visa, health insurance and travel expenses, while DFG will provide subsistence costs for the stay in Germany. The administration and financial operation of TWAS is undertaken by UNESCO in accordance with an agreement signed by the two organizations.

Deadline: 31 March each year.

mar 21, 2014

Political & Economic Dictionary of Africa

This invaluable dictionary provides an essential guide to the politics and economics of the African continent. Each individual entry provides clear and concise information, and entries are fully cross-referenced to enhance the book’s usability. Organizations listed include contact details wherever possible.

The Dictionary provides concise, clear definitions of the terms, organizations and personalities making up the economic and political fabric of Africa.
Containing up-to-date, detailed information, this book will prove a key reference to anyone studying the region, an area which is coming to the forefront of international affairs.
Short essays on recent history and economy profile each country in the region, while other entries detail eminent politicians or heads of state, important national and international organizations, political parties, religions, border disputes and geographical features.
Key Features:
  • A concise guide to one of the most important regions of the world today
  • Covers information in one volume that may otherwise only be available in a number of sources
  • Each country’s recent history and economy are described and analysed in separate essays.
All 54 Countries from Algeria to Zimbabwe.
A well-balanced, well-judged and remarkably comprehensive volume, this Dictionary is probably the best reference work on Africa.
Hardcover. 450 pp.

US$295.00 including delivery.

mar 21, 2014

Sciences Po-CERI: séminaire « L’Islam, une religion américaine ? » (1er avril, Paris)

Mardi 1 avril | 17h00

Séminaire dans le cadre du groupe de recherche Analyse comparée des politiques de laïcité et de sécularisation »

Nadia Marzouki, CESPRA/EHESS
autour de son livre L´Islam, une religion américaine ?, Paris, Le Seuil, 2013

Discutante : Amandine Barb, ATER à l´Université Paris-Est Créteil, docteure associée au CERI-Sciences Po
Contact : et
CERI-56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle de conférences
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles.

mar 21, 2014

EMHRN – Advocacy Director / REMDH – Directeur plaidoyer

We have now started the recruitment of a new Advocacy Director in the Brussels office. I attach for your information the vacancy ad that has been published today and will be diffused widely in the coming days. The vacancy and related documents are also available on EMHRN website at

The deadline for applying is Monday 7 April (12.00)
Advocacy Director 2014_Vacancy Ad


Nous avons lancé le processus de recrutement d’un/e Directeur/trice du plaidoyer pour notre bureau de Bruxelles. Vous trouverez ci-joint l’offre d’emploi (en anglais uniquement) qui est publiée aujourd’hui et sera diffusée largement dans les prochains jours. L’offre et tous les documents y afférents sont aussi disponibles sur notre site à

La date limite pour postuler au poste est fixée au lundi 7 avril (12h00).

mar 21, 2014

Denis Merklen sur France culture

lundi 17 mars  Denis Merklen sera l’invité de l’émission de Marie Richeux, Pas la peine de crier, sur France culture, pour parler de l’Argentine dans le cadre des activités du Salon du livre de Paris où l’Argentine est invité d’honneur.

mar 21, 2014

Conférence-Débat:les conflits fonciers en Afrique: quelles approches pour vivre ensemble? (1er avril, Paris)

Conférence sur : « les conflits fonciers en Afrique : quelles approches pour vivre ensemble? »  organisée par Thinking Africa  , se tiendra le
1 avril 2014 au
centre Malher à 17h45,
amphéâtre DUPUIS
9 rue Malher
75004 Paris

AfficheIMAF conflits fonciers

mar 21, 2014

Call for papers – Anthropology in Action

The Anthropology in Action journal welcomes research-based papers, commentaries and debate and literature review articles as well as reviews of events, books, films and blogs.

We are keen to increase the diversity of writing included in the journal, so in addition to reports of research that is relevant to engagement of anthropology with public policy and practice, we would like to see more pieces that discuss career options for anthropologists and more writing about experiences of those who are working outside academic anthropology. Research-based articles are peer reviewed, but other submissions will receive editorial review.

Word length for submitted articles should normally be between 5-6,000 words, but shorter pieces are also welcome. Please contact the editor if you wish to submit a longer article. Email submissions are accepted (please send to ), but we are currently moving to an online submission system. When submitting an article, please also supply an abstract (100-150 words) together with up to eight key words. You should at the same time submit a brief biographical note. Full instructions on how to submit articles and other contributions, style guides and so on can be found on the publisher website at:
Dr Christine McCourt
Editor, Anthropology in Action

Professor of Maternal & Child Health
School of Health Sciences
City University London
Bartholomew Close
London EC1A 7PN

Tel: 0207 040 5863

mar 21, 2014

Programme Point Sud Appel à candidature

Les chercheurs, les institutions scientifiques et les fondations pour la recherche basés en Allemagne oeuvrent avec succès au-delà des frontières établies par les anciennes puissances coloniales majeures. Non seulement ces chercheurs dépassent les barrières nationales et linguistiques, mais ils ont su encourager les échanges entre différentes traditions de pensée. C’est pourquoi l’université allemande peut apporter une contribution importante à l’élaboration d’une science postcoloniale.
Programme Point Sud Call for Application 2015
Programme Point Sud Appel a Candidature 2015

mar 21, 2014

Call for Pre-Proposals for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa

Knowledge for Tomorrow?
Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
Call for Pre-Proposals for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan and North Africa

The Foundation’s funding initiative « Knowledge for Tomorrow – Cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa » aims at providing sustainable
support for research and research capacity development in Sub-Saharan Africa. This funding scheme represents a fundamental career development
strategy for African researchers, as it provides promising postdoctoral researchers based in Africa with opportunities to enhance both their skills
and academic qualifications; ultimately, it enables them to establish professional perspectives in academia. This is to be achieved in cooperation
between African and European scholars, as any postdoctoral project funded under this scheme needs to be carried out in collaboration with a European partner institute as well as further partners. Through this African-European cooperation, the initiative aims to support the development and extension of academic networks within, and beyond the African continent.

This Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, jointly funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation and Volkswagen Foundation, aims at providing sustainable
support for research in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan as well as North Africa. It offers opportunities for postdoctoral researchers at both
junior and senior level (i.e. 3 to 6 years post-PhD) to develop and conduct their own research projects.

More information and deadlines: see annexe MB 81i_Social_Sciences_032014_

mar 21, 2014

Parution | Sylvie Bredeloup, Migrations d’aventures | Éditions du CTHS

Pierre-Emmanuel Potey

Service Presse I CTHS
Tél : 01 55 95 89 62
Adresse postale : 110 rue de Grenelle
75357 Paris cedex 07

