fév 17, 2014

Appel à communication » Les normes corporelles comme enjeu d’altérité »

Trois unités de recherche, l’Urmis, le Lapcos et le Lamhess sont à l’initiative de ce colloque pluridisciplinaire qui se déroulera à l’Université Nice Sophia Antipolis les 9-10 octobre 2014 sur « Les normes corporelles comme enjeu d’altérité ». Au croisement de la sociologie, de l’anthropologie, de l’histoire et de la psychologie, ce colloque a pour objectif de susciter un dialogue entre disciplines et champs de recherche autour de la question du corps et des normes corporelles. Il propose plus précisément d’explorer les processus de régulation sociale des normes corporelles sous l’angle de la (re)production des différences et de l’altérité. Son objectif est d’engager une réflexion sur le corps comme lieu d’imposition et/ou de subversion de normes corporelles au sein des rapports sociaux de sexe/genre, de classe et interethniques/de « race », mais aussi en lien avec d’autres critères tels que l’âge, le handicap, la religion ou l’orientation sexuelle.

Date limite pour l’envoi des propositions de communication : 28 Mars 2014

Les propositions de communication (au format doc ou pdf) comporteront un titre et un résumé de 2000 signes environ. Il devra être précisé dans quel axe elles s’insèrent.

Elles sont à déposer sur la plateforme : http://norm-corpo-2014.sciencesconf.org

Adresse-mail de contact : norm-corpo-2014@sciencesconf.org

Après évaluation, les réponses du comité scientifique seront communiquées pour le 15 mai 2014

Le colloque aura lieu à Nice les 9 et 10 octobre 2014.

fév 17, 2014

Groupe de réflexion sur le Brésil contemporain (19 février, Paris)

Groupe de Réflexion sur le Brésil Contemporain
Mercredi 19 février 2014 à 17h, en salle 1, 190 Avenue de France, Paris 13e

Gustavo Onto, doctorant du PPGAS – Museu Nacional de l’UFRJ, chercheur accueilli par l’IRIS/EHESS
Rendre la concurrence visible : une étude ethnographique de la politique anti-trust au Brésil

fév 17, 2014

Séminaire Histoire et anthropologie de l’Amérique latine: « Propriété, appartenance territoriale et droits politiques en Amérique portugaise (XVIIIe siècle) » (20 février, Paris)

Séminaire commun CERMA/CRBC
Anne-Marie-Losonczy, Jacques Poloni-Simard, Claudia Damasceno
Histoire et anthropologie de l’Amérique du Sud

Jeudi 20 février – 15h-17h
Salle 4 – 105, Boulevard Raspail – Paris 6e

Claudia Damasceno, EHESS-CRBC-Mondes américains
Francisco Andrade, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Propriété, appartenance territoriale et droits politiques en Amérique portugaise (XVIIIe siècle)



fév 17, 2014

Registration open for the 14th EADI General Conference on “Responsible Development in a Polycentric World », (23 – 26 June 2014), Bonn

We are very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 14th EADI General Conference, and we invite you register online at www.gc2014.org/registration. We recommend you to book the Conference Package, which includes three nights’ accommodation (Monday 23th, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th June), all meals and full access to all Conference sessions. Early Bird Rate ends 31 May.

The theme of the conference is “Responsible Development in a Polycentric World: Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes” and we have an exciting range of over 60 panels and working group sessions (http://www.gc2014.org).

We will be holding a book exhibition on the Tuesday and Wednesday, where publishers, NGOs and research organisations are showcasing research, publications and items of interest to the development community. Please see the conditions here: www.gc2014.org/registration/book-exhibition

Among the key speakers are:
Prof. Dr. Isa Baud, EADI President
Dr. Nancy Birdsall, President of Centre for Global Development
Dr. Francois Bourguignon, Paris School of Economics
Prof. Jie Chen, University of Idaho
Olivier Consolo, Former irector of the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD)
Dr. Francisco Ferreira, Acting Chief Economist for World Bank Africa
Prof. Jayati Ghosh, Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General and former Executive Secretary of ESCAP
Prof. Pierre Jacquet, President of the Global Development Network
Prof. Raphael Kaplinsky, Open University in the United Kingdom
Prof. Louka Katseli, University of Athens and former Greek Minister of Economy, Shipping and Competitiveness
Prof. Peter Knorringa, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam
Assoc. Prof. Adrian Gurza Lavalle, Sao Paulo University
Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute
Dr. Branko Milanovic, Lead Economist at the World Bank
Jürgen Nimptsch, Mayor of the City of Bonn
Dr. Jose Gabriel Palma, Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University
Dr. Angelika Schwall-Düren, Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media
Bright Simons, President of mPedigree-Network

fév 17, 2014

Journée d’étude internationale « America Latina-Francia, violencia, migración, participación política » (21 février, Saint Denis)

Cette journée internationale d’études et de débats analyse les violences dans une perspective de genre. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un échange entre l’Université d’UnCuyo (Mendoza Argentine) et l’Université de Paris 8. Les universitaires argentines, engagées également dans des associations féministes, présenteront une conceptualisation de leurs expériences, illustrées par des vidéos et des témoignages.
Nous mettrons leurs études en résonance avec d’autres contextes latino-américains et européens, prenant en compte la diversité des terrains. La problématique de la frontière entre le Mexique et les Etats-Unis cristallise les effets concrets de la violence et les silences qu’elle impose selon des modalités différentes de ce qui se passe plus au Sud, où seront discutés l’emprise historique de la dictature, d’une part, la globalisation de l’immigration
et des trafics humains, d’autre part. Les terrains français permettront d’analyser d’autres situations, d’autres postures tout en remettant en débat l’ensemble des questionnements, au-delà des différences structurelles.
Le public sera invité à favoriser ces questionnements.

Flyers violence migrat fev 2014

fév 17, 2014

Conference Registration | EADI-City of Bonn Partnership Launch Event | Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities

News from EADI

Conference Registration Now Open!

The 14th EADI General Conference set for 23 -26 June 2014 on Responsible Development in a Polycentric World is now open for registration!To register follow this link http://www.gc2014.org/logistics/registration/

Keynote Speakers

We are extremely delighted to inform you Dr. Nancy Birdsall, President of Center for Global Development (CGD), Washington D.C is among the confirmed participants for the conference. Dr. Birdsall will also deliver the keynote address during the EADI 40 Years celebration, one of the outstanding highlights of the conference program. Brief biographies of the confirmed speakers and the latest conference program are also now available on the conference website www.gc2014.org

Conference Event: EADI Book Exhibition

In the framework of its 14th General Conference, EADI will host a Book Exhibition on Tuesday 24th June and Wednesday 25th June 2014. EADI extends a warm invitation to publishers to present publications at the conference venue in the two large exhibition rooms. To register as an exhibitor, please proceed to www.gc2014.org/registration/book-exhibition and download the form.

EADI – 2014 in Partnership with the City of Bonn: 1st Milestone

The opening event of the 2014 annual partnership between EADI and the City of Bonn will start off with a plenary discussion contextualizing the dynamics of poverty and inequality in Germany. The discussants selected to take on this topical issue represent various voices in society; the church, academics, policy makers and a representative from a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). This opening event in German, will take place at the Town hall in Bonn on 18 February 2014 at 1630 hours. It is open to the public and more information can be accessed on  http://eadi40.tumblr.com/auftakt

Mobility Between Europe and South Africa: Apply Now!

EUSA_ID is a mobility program offering study, training and research periods in Europe for South African Master and PhD candidates and staff and provides European PhD candidates the opportunity to spend a research period in South Africa. EADI is a partner in the programme and invites you to apply. Deadline: 31st March 2014

Summer School 2014: The Politics and Economics of Aid

Between 2nd of June 2014 until 13th of June 2014, the University of Antwerp (BE), Universidad de Cantabria (ES), Universidad de Murcia (ES), University of Birmingham (UK), Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL), the University of Florence (IT) in collaboration with EADI, will jointly hold the second edition Summer School on the Politics and Economics of Aid. The primary objective of the program is to support ongoing research on the political, economic and institutional aspects of development cooperation (aid) and aid effectiveness. More information can be found here.

Socio-Economic Social Sciences (SSH) Funding Opportunities – Horizon 2020
Theme I : Health, Demographic Change and Well-being

To assist SSH researchers in identifying funding opportunities for different topics, EADI has established this new section. It lists current funding opportunities with relevance to Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in various research areas within Horizon 2020. To view the list of calls under the themes of health, demographic change and well-being for the year 2014, click here.

Featured EADI Member

Mundus Maris is made up of scientists, artists, school teachers, concerned parents from different regions of the world, joining forces to promote transitions towards sustainability values and practices as well as human and dignified lives. Members of the organization strive to provide scientific and relevant indigenous knowledge and encourage artistic expression about the sea in order to promote its restoration, conservation and sustainable use, to further the study, understanding and respect of aquatic ecosystems and associated biological and cultural diversity. More information can be found on  www.mundusmaris.org/index.php/en/

European Journal of Development Research

Working for the Few Political Capture and Economic Inequality
Authors: Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva and Nicholas Galasso

Almost half of the world’s wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population, and seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years. The World Economic Forum has identified economic inequality as a major risk to human progress, impacting social stability within countries and threatening security on a global scale.
In this paper, Oxfam shows how extreme inequality is not inevitable, with examples of policies from around the world which have reduced inequality and developed more representative politics, benefiting all, both rich and poor.

Learning, Capability Building and Innovation for Development. Edited by Gabriela Dutrenit, Keun Lee, Richard Nelson, Luc Soete and Alexandra Vera-Cruz

EADI in partnership with Palgrave Macmillan in late 2013, launched in this first book from the EADI Global Development Series. This initial volume presents excellent and timely contributions from a global cast of academics and policy makers examining economic development as a process of learning and technological accumulation, showing how economic development is a process involving creative destruction.


Call for Applications: Learning Events for Researchers from Developing Countries
2014, Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE), Switzerland, Deadline: 28 February 2014

Call for Proposals: Visiting Research Fellowship in Critical Diversity Studies
2014 – 2016, Swiss University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. Deadline: 20 March 2014

Call for Applications: Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarships
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Deadline: 31 March 2014

Call for Papers: Political Reflection in South America and Post-Communist Europe
The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Deadline: 31 July 2014

More calls on the EADI Website

Pull, don’t Push! Servicing the Motor of a Fragile Economy
The Broker Online Blog, Author: Rens Twijnstra

What Will it Take to Really Tackle Inequality?
Oxfam Policy and Practice, Author: Katherine Trebeck

A Solution to the Inequality Politics of Post-2015?
Center for Global Governance Blog, Author: Alex Cobham

Securing Livelihoods Informal Economy Practices and Institutions
Book, 2013, Edited by Isabelle Hillenkamp, Frédéric Lapeyre, and Andreia Lemaître
*First Chapter is Open Access

Creating Robust Evidence through Knowledge Integration
Working Paper, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2013, Author: Wenny Ho

The negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreements between East Africa Community (EAC) member states and the European Union have once again failed to strike a deal. The two parties failed to agree on contentious issues of duties and taxes on exports and on Most Favoured Nations. However the meeting managed to conclude on the issues of the institutional arrangements and dispute settlement.
EADI Premium members

CMI Brief vol.13 no.1, 2014 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute, Authors: Camila Gianella-Malca, Siri Gloppen
ECDPM Report, 2014, Includes articles by: Roland Michelitsch, International Finance Corporation and Agnes Soucat & Rosemond Offei-Awuku from the African Development Bank
DIE Discussion Paper 2/2014, Author: Schoenwaelder Gerd
Exporting Legality: The Rise and Fall of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Ottoman Empire and China
The Graduate Institute, Geneva, 2014, Author: Mariya Tait Slys

Will Changes to the International Tax System Benefit Low Income Countries?
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brief, 2014, Author: Moore, M.

Human Trafficking, Globalisation and Transnational Feminist Response
ISS Working Paper, 2014, Institute of International Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, Author: Truong Thanh-Dam

Inequality in Post-2015, Focus on the Targets not Goals
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2014, Author: Claire Melamed

More highlights in EADI Research, the gateway to the latest publications from over 150 EADI members.

Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process
GPF, Brot für die Welt and MISEREOR, Author: Lou Pingeot

Measuring Urban Quality of Life, Can We Do Better?
Development Progress Blog, Author: Judy baker

New Paths for Development Finance
Post2015 Online Resource, Author: Mahmoud Mohieldin


PR Sociologie Politique – Sociologie du Developpement
Institute of Economic and Social Studies, University of Paris, Starting Date : 01 September 2014

Environmental Change – Research Fellow
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Deadline: 19 February 2014

Participation, Power and Social Change – Research Fellow
Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Deadline: 20 February 2014

Program Officer – Fellowship
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Deadline: 23 February 2014

Principal Researcher – Environmental Economics
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Deadline: 26 February 2014

Research Fellow – Humanitarian Policy
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Deadline: 26 February 2014

More jobs on the EADI Website.

Workshop on Ethics in International Development
15 February 2014, University of East Anglia, UK (free of charge)
Interested parties to email: g.neff@uea.ac.uk

Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance: The Green Economy
16 June 2014 – 27 June 2014, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (free of charge) Deadline: 20 February 2014

2014 Summer Workshop: Local Justice, Global Standards and Critical Contemporary Challenges
11 – 19 July 2014, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, The Hague. Deadline: 21 February 2014

Global Poverty and Inclusive Development
22 June 2014 – 27 June 2014, University of Amsterdam, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Deadline: 01 April 2014

Sexuality, Culture and Society
13 July 2014 – 07 August 2014, University of Amsterdam, Deadline: 01 April 2014

EADI is the leading professional network for development and regional studies in Europe. Our membership includes a wide range of development research and training organisations, think tanks, national bodies and researchers throughout Europe. You can be part of this network as an individual member or if your institution joins.

Copyright © 2014 European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or are a member of EADI.

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Register of Associations: Bonn 20VR 7686
Tax number: 205/5773/0783

fév 17, 2014

Journée Portes ouvertes à l’IHEAL (6 mars, Paris)

Vous trouverez en ficher attaché l’affiche concernant la  Journée « Portes ouvertes à l’IHEAL »
qui aura lieu le  6 mars 2014 de 13h30 à 17h dans l’amphithéâtre de l’IHEAL


fév 17, 2014

Conférence-débat : Au cœur des métropoles brésiliennes (20 février, Paris)

Au cœur des métropoles brésiliennes,

Nouveaux enjeux dans les centre-villes à Rio et São Paulo

Alors qu’au Brésil les dynamiques de métropolisation ralentissent, on peut observer à Rio ou à São Paulo un mouvement de retour au centre, en termes de peuplement comme d’investissements. La période actuelle voit ainsi émerger de vastes opérations largement tournées vers les exigences de rentabilité du secteur privé de la construction et de l’immobilier, qui semble dominer et orienter les interventions urbaines. Par ailleurs, la brutalité du changement social et urbain en cours tend à stimuler l’émergence de mouvements de résistance sociale, en réaction directe aux projets et, plus largement, aux objectifs affichés de gentrification de ces quartiers centraux.
Le débat vise ainsi à discuter les enjeux des grands projets de rénovation urbaine du centre des deux plus importantes métropoles brésiliennes.


    Professeur à l´Institut d’Architecture et d´Urbanisme de l´Université de São Paulo (USP)
  • Sarah FELDMAN
    Professeure à l´Institut d’Architecture et d´Urbanisme de l´Université de São Paulo (USP)
  • Rafael Soares GONCALVES
    Maître de Conférénces (professor adjunto) à l´Université Catholique de Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Débat animé par : Aurélie LANDON
Centre SUD / PFVT

Centre Sud

fév 17, 2014

Colloque du CIST – (27 et 28 mars, Paris)

Le Collège international des sciences du territoire (CIST) a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à son 2e colloque international, qui se tiendra les jeudi 27 et vendredi 28 mars prochain sur le campus Paris Diderot :

Fronts et frontières des sciences du territoire

« /Les territoires sont à la fois une construction sociale et une matérialité observée par différents champs disciplinaires. Cette interdisciplinarité large constitue un front pionnier difficile mais nécessaire. Une autre frontière à dépasser est celle qui, trop souvent, éloigne les chercheurs des acteurs du développement territorial. Les données territoriales constituent un des domaines
par lesquels ces confrontations sont rendues fécondes/. »
Durant ces deux journées, 60 communications donneront lieux à des débats au sein de 18 sessions : conflits et compromis ; information territoriale ; médias et territoires ; mobilité, individu et territoire ; territoire comme fédérateur ; les territoires du vivre ensemble ; la cohésion territoriale comme projet ; les enjeux de la patrimonialisation ; intégration régionale ; données citoyennes ; transfrontalier ; les territoires à l’épreuve des flux ; territoires et proximités ; les individus acteurs du territoire ; territoires et alternatives énergétiques ; fractures territoriales ; indicateurs territoriaux.
Par ailleurs, deux séances plénières seront consacrées l’une à l’agriculture mondiale et l’autre aux intégrations régionales dans le monde.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant /via/ le site http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org[1] où vous trouverez également le programme prévisionnel[2].

/The Collège international des scienc//es du territoire (CIST) is happy to invite you to its 2nd international conference on March, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th in Paris./

« Territories are both a social construct and a materiality observed by different disciplinary fields. This broad interdisciplinarity is a difficult, yet necessary, pioneer front. Another frontier to be crossed is the all too frequent gulf between researchers and the actors of territorial development. Territorial data are a field that offers opportunities for fertile debate. »
These two days will see 60 interventions within 18 sessions: /conflicts and compromises; //territorial /information; medias and territories; mobility, subject and territory; territoire as coordinator; the territories of the living togetherness; territorial cohesion as project; patrimonialisation at stake; regional integration; contributive data; cross-bordering; how territories resist to streams; territories and proximity; /individuals as territorial players; territories and energy alternatives; territorial gaps; // territorial /indicators.
/Besides, 2 plenary sessions will deal with worldwide agriculture and regional integration in the world./

Register now via http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org[3], where you’ll find the provisional programme[4].

[1] http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org
[2] http://www.gis-cist.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/cist2014-programme_previsionnel.pdf
[3] http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org
[4] http://www.gis-cist.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/cist2014-programme_previsionnel.pdf
[5] http://www.gis-cist.fr
[6] http://cist2014.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/9
[7] http://www.gis-cist.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/cist2014-programme_previsionnel.pdf
[8] mailto:actu-join@gis-cist.fr
[9] http://www.gis-cist.fr/axes-scientifiques/inscriptions-aux-axes-du-cist/
[10] mailto:actu-join@gis-cist.fr
[11] http://www.gis-cist.fr/index.php/main-sections/axes-de-recherche/formulaire-d-inscription-aux-axes-de-recherche/

