Call for Papers – Coherence and Incoherence in Migration Management and Integration: Policies, Practices and Perspectives / Appel à communications – Cohérence et incohérence dans la gestion des migrations et de l’intégration: Politiques, pratiques et perspectives
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies / L’Association canadienne des études sur les réfugiés et la migration forcée
La version française suit
7th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
Hosted by Centre for Research in Public Law (CRPL), University of Montreal in collaboration with the Research Chair in Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship (RCIEC), University of Quebec at Montreal Montréal, Quebec
May 7-9, 2014
In the past decade, immigration and asylum policies in Canada and elsewhere have undergone a profound shift. Preventive and repressive measures were taken against irregular migrants, including refugees and other forced migrants. While States have sought to achieve greater coherence in their migration management and integration policies and practices both at the national, regional and international levels the resulting consequences, in many instances, have been, rather, greater incoherence. Border controls were strengthened and international cooperation was intensified. On the pretext that asylum channels were abused by migrants, authorities adopted measures which made asylum and complementary forms of international protection harder to obtain. The decision-making process was accelerated, appeals were eliminated and detention became more systematic. Many states started to deny asylum seekers basic social and economic rights as part of a deliberate policy of deterrence. This exclusionary approach to forced migration management comes at a moment when States are pursuing more and more selective and diversified policies aiming at maximizing economic benefits of immigration. For instance, since 2000 the number of temporary migrant workers in Canada has tripled. Low-skill, low-wage migrant workers represent a flexible work force with few rights. A similar trend can be observed in other countries, where temporary workers and forced migrants find themselves legally, economically and socially marginalized. These developments are not only financially counterproductive but also strain States’ domestic and international obligations to provide human rights and refugee protection. Unsurprisingly, States have failed to address the root causes of forced migration. Due to stricter border controls and a harsher asylum system, more people turn to irregular means of migrating. This, in turn, creates an environment that is conducive to migrant smuggling and human trafficking. Heated debate on migration contributes to racism and xenophobic sentiments in many countries, creating a climate in which opportunities for sensible reflection are rare.
The 2014 CARFMS Conference will bring together students, researchers, policymakers, displaced persons and advocates from diverse disciplinary and regional backgrounds with a view to better analyse and understanding how contemporary migration and asylum policies, processes and structures have produced greater coherence and/or incoherence in the management of forced migration and integration. We invite participants from a wide range of perspectives to explore practical, social, legal, policy-oriented and theoretical questions of importance to the coherence of forced migration management. We also invite studies of short and long-term options for to integration and resettlement of forced migrants taking into account challenges and achievements.
The conference will feature keynote and plenary speeches from leaders in the field and refugees, and we welcome proposals for individual posters, papers, organized panels and roundtables structured around the following broad subthemes:
1. Coherence and Incoherence in the Management of Migration: Local, National, Regional, Comparative and International Issues and Concerns
This theme analyses discourse, norms, procedures and practices regarding border security, asylum and immigration and integration policy as well as their effectiveness, consequences and compatibility with domestic and international human rights and refugee protection standards. How can we ensure more coherent migration policies at the national, regional and international levels? What are the root causes of forced migration? What are the short and long-term implications of changes in the asylum and immigration system in Canada and abroad? What are the appropriate strategies to address irregular migration? What are the best practices in the reception of asylum seekers and the integration of migrants? How do international, regional, national and local actors, institutions and agencies, employers and members of civil society promote the legal, economic and social inclusion of migrants? How are the specific needs of women, children, elderly, disabled persons and other vulnerable persons met?
2. Coherence and Incoherence in the Integration of Migrants: Local, National, Regional, Comparative and International Issues and Concerns
This theme explores States’ utilitarian approach towards migration which challenges the balance between the objective of economic development, on the one hand, and integration and the fundamental rights of migrants, on the other. It also deals with the recent changes in the reception systems and in the treatment of forced migrants. What are the strengths and the weaknesses of reception, settlement, and integration policies? How should these policies be adapted to meet the needs of increasing numbers of temporary workers and of forced migrants, and foster their legal, economic and social inclusion? What is the role played by local, national and regional authorities, employers and members of civil society dealing with issues such as health, education, social welfare, employment and law enforcement? How does gender, sex, age, race, nationality or statelessness and other factors, taken individually or collectively, affect the coherence and/or incoherence in migration managemen t and integration?
3. Towards Greater Migration Management and Integration Coherence Without Incoherence : New Approaches, Research Methods and Theories
This theme solicits research on innovative approaches, grounded theories and methods in migration management and integration, developed within traditional disciplines or along interdisciplinary lines. New theoretical, conceptual, methodological issues from diverse critical and institutional perspectives lead to a better understanding of recent developments and challenges in the field of migration, and, ultimately, to more coherent policies and practices affecting the migrants in local, national, regional, and international contexts. What are the practical issues and challenges of researching migration management and integration and their coherent and/or incoherent consequences? How do we do research on these issues? How does our research influence theoretical foundations of citizenship and diversity, as well as policies of management, adaptation, and integration of refugees and other forced migrants? What are the implications of positioning ourselves as academics, policy m akers, displaced persons, advocates, or activists when we are looking into issues of displacement, management and integration?
Individuals wishing to present a paper at the conference must submit a 250-word abstract and 100-word biography by November 1st, 2013. The conference organizers welcome submissions of both individual papers and proposals for panels.
Please submit your abstract online here:…
As CARFMS will be applying for funding to support this conference, if you are in a position to submit an abstract by October 7, 2013, it would be greatly appreciated.
For more information, please contact:
Michele Millard
Coordinator, Centre for Refugee Studies
CARFMS Secretariat
8th Floor, Kaneff Tower
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Tel : 416-736-2100 ext. 30391
Fax : 416-736-5688
Email : mmillard
Offre d’emploi [Fidé / Les Impatientes] Fidé cherche stagiaire
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que trois nouvelles offres de stage sont a pourvoir pour accompagner l’organisation du prochain festival international du documentaire étudiant
Dates : octobre – décembre
Offres de stage
Offre d’emploi économiste de l’emploi en Afrique (CIRAD)
J’ai le plaisir de vous faire suivre cette offre d’emploi émanant du CIRAD.
Vous êtes attiré(e) par la dimension internationale du développement dans les pays du Sud. Le CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) recrute en CDI, pour l’UMR « Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires dans le développement », un(e) chercheur(euse) junior en économie, basé en Afrique, qui travaillera sur les questions d’emploi en milieu rural, au sein d’une équipe pluridisciplinaires en sciences humaines et sociales.
Produitdoc – Le bulletin trimestriel de l’Agence Française de Développement sur les matières premières
Le département de la Recherche de l’Agence Française de Développement vous invite à consulter PRODUITDOC, son bulletin trimestriel des matières premières
téléchargeable à partir de son site et en cliquant sur l’image
PRODUITDOC N° 161 – 2eme trimestre 2013
Edito : A l’issue de ce deuxième trimestre 2013, la tendance à la baisse des prix des matières premières s’est confirmée. Lors des six derniers mois, rien ne semble aller pour le mieux à l’exception du pétrole et, dans une certaine mesure, du coton. La crise égyptienne a instauré une tension sur le marché du pétrole, mais le Brent s’est, quand même, stabilisé autour de 102 dollars le baril en mai et juin. L’or, valeur refuge traditionnelle, a chuté de 26 % depuis janvier. Les cours du nickel, cuivre et aluminium ont subi une érosion de 15 % au premier semestre. La croissance en Chine qui montre des signes d’essoufflement a fini par tirer les prix vers le bas au London Metal Exchange (LME). Le marché des matières agricoles ne se porte guère mieux, à l’exception de certains oléagineux, en raison de la récolte américaine qui ne s’annonce pas très bonne et du cacao qui résiste grâce à une demande qui ne faiblit pas. Le café, toutes variétés confondues, a subi une baisse de l’ordre de 16 %. Le cours du caoutchouc a également reculé. Au plus haut en 2011, les prix des matières premières ont été, depuis, impactés par le déséquilibre des fondamentaux. Frédéric Lasserre (Belaco Capital), dans un article paru dans Le Monde du 09/07/2013, note que « les économistes commencent à s’interroger sur la pérennité de ce qu’ils ont appelé le supercycle des matières premières ». Ce « supercycle » devait être, justement, lié à la croissance économique dans les pays émergents. Hadj Lakhal |
Pour consulter les numéros précédents : |
Concepts et catégories des intégrations régionales – (20 septembre, Paris)
Le séminaire CONCEPTS ET CATEGORIES DES INTEGRATIONS REGIONALES se tiendra le vendredi 20 SEPTEMBRE dE 14H à 18H30 sur le Campus Paris Diderot (salle 1019 bât. Sophie Germain, rue
Albert Einstein, Paris 13e).
L’objectif de ce séminaire de l’axe Régionalisations dans le monde du CIST est d’échanger sur les notions, concepts et méthodes de l’analyse
de l’intégration régionale des différents chercheurs et différentes disciplines.
On rappelle qu’on entend ici par « régions » les grands ensembles plurinationaux comme l’Union européenne, l’Alena etc., l’axe du CIST
ayant décidé de partir de la définition institutionnelle des régions afin de mettre sur pied une grille de lecture commune de ces
Programme et inscription :[1]
Sciences Po-CERI: RAPPEL séminaire » « Energie et échanges commerciaux » (13 septembre, Paris)
Vendredi 13 septembre | 10h00
Dans le cadre de cycles de séminaires en coopération entre Sciences Po – CERI et EDF R&D
Equilibres et enjeux internationaux de l’énergie
Patrick Messerlin, professeur émérite d’économie, Sciences Po
Energie et échanges commerciaux : quel rôle pour l’OMC ?
Présidence :
François Bafoil, CNRS/CERI-SciencesPo
Ferenc Fodor, EDF R&D
Responsables scientifiques : François Bafoil, CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po, et Ferenc Fodor, EDF R&D
CERI-56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle Jean Monnet
Sciences Po-CERI: « Les ‘Ultimos Jueves’ de l’OPALC » (26 septembre, Paris)
Jeudi 26 septembre | 17h00
En hommage à la revue cubaine Temas qui, depuis 2002, organise des débats publics tous les derniers jeudis de chaque mois à La Havane, l’OPALC annonce sa programmation 2013 de rencontres. Les séances auront lieu au CERI (17h-19h) :
Último Jueves à La Havane. Débattre publiquement de l’actualisation du modèle cubain, avec Marie-Laure Geoffray, maître de conférences à l’IHEAL.
Responsable scientifique : Olivier Dabène, professeur des universités à Sciences Po, chercheur au CERI, président de l’OPALC
CERI-56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle des conférences
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles.
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Extended deadline Call for Papers « Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Perceptions of the International Criminal Court in Africa » The Hague, 23-24 May 2014
Conference « Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Perceptions of the International Criminal Court in Africa », The Hague, 23-24 May 2014
Extended deadline of Call for papers
Please note that the conference call for papers deadline has been extended to 5 October 2013.
The conference organising committee encourages contributions from a wide spectrum of disciplinary backgrounds, e.g. political science, sociology, anthropology, law, sociolinguistics, journalism and literature studies.
You’ll find more information in the attachment.
Looking forward to your response (<>).
Call for Papers Africans and Hague Justice Multidisciplinary Conference 2014
Revue Autrepart n°72 – Rappel – Appel à contributions/ Call for papers
Vous voudrez bien trouver ci-joint un appel à contributions pour le numéro 72 de la revue Autrepart qui portera sur « *L’enfant dans les
politiques et les actions de développement ».**