Offre de stage
Offre de stage – Caritas France
Début : Mai 2013
Durée : 6 mois.
Lieu : Paris.
Profil souhaité : Master 2 en Science politique, Humanitaire, Action internationale. Une expérience associative est un plus. Intérêt pour la thématique. Capacités d’analyse, de synthèse et de rédaction. Capacités organisationnelles et autonomie. Adaptabilité et réactivité.
Mission : En France, l’action du Secours Catholique s’inscrit dans une participation active à différents réseaux et groupe de travail tels que Romeurope. En Europe, le Secours Catholique soutient les projets de Caritas et d’autres partenaires en faveur de la promotion et défense des droits des Roms. Le/la stagiaire effectuera sa mission sous la responsabilité du Pôle Europe (responsable : Geneviève Colas) et sera rattachée à une chargée de projets et de partenariats concernée du Pôle Europe (Aliette Chauveau). Elle travaillera en cohérence avec l’ensemble du Pôle Europe, le Département Migrations / Roms et la Direction France Europe. Il/elle devra notamment:
– Contribuer au travail de veille et d’analyse sur la situation des Roms en Europe, en particulier sur les politiques de l’Union européenne et du Conseil de l’Europe dans ce domaine.
– Participer à l’animation du réseau et aux activités de communication mettant en évidence des actions avec Roms et non-Roms et l’engagement en faveur de la dignité de tous.
– Contribuer au suivi et à la gestion de projet.
Rémunération :436,05 euros par mois.
Adresser une lettre de motivation et un CV par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante:
Plus d’information sur le site de Coordination Sud
Deadline : Le 31 mai 2013.
Sciences Po-CERI: séminaire « Les réformes des universités russes et ukrainiennes » (23 mai, Paris)
Jeudi 23 mai | 17h00 avec
Tatiana Kastoueva-Jean, IFRI
Russie : quels moyens pour quels objectifs ?
Guillaume Colin, attaché de coopération scientifique et universitaire à Kiev de 2008 à août 2012
Ukraine : l’in(sou)tenable changement dans la continuité
Discutant : Julien Vercueil, INALCO
Présidence : Anne de Tinguy, INALCO et CERI-Sciences Po
Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean a récemment publié « Les universités russes sont-elles compétitives ? », CNRS Editions, 2013
Responsable scientifique : Anne de Tinguy, INALCO et CERI-Sciences Po
CERI-56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle des conférences
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles.
BE Lettonie 10
Un projet innovant de gestion du bruit ferrovaire
Assainissement de la mer Baltique d’ici 2020
Les recherches les plus marquantes en Lettonie en 2012
La Lettonie améliore ses performances en matière d’innovation
Des conditions toujours plus nombreuses pour le maintien du projet de la centrale nucléaire de Visaginas
Vers la conception de bâtiments à énergie zéro
Vers de nouvelles méthodes de dépistage du cancer colorectal en Lettonie
Politique de recherche
La fin de la liberté scientifique et académique en Lettonie ?
Coopération bilatérale
Visite en France du Ministre de l’éducation et des sciences de Lettonie
Bulletin de veille n°215 – 2 mai 2013
Sécurité alimentaire
Point de vue FARM : Sécurité alimentaire : pour des stocks de réserve
Rapport Oxfam : « Un bilan de la réponse à la crise alimentaire 2012 au Sahel pour construire la résilience »
Initiative AGIR : adoption d’une feuille de route
Manuel sur la résilience pour les acteurs de l’aide et les décideurs
Entretien avec Muriel Saragoussi, coordinatrice de la Campagne Cultivons de OXFAM au Brésil
Politiques agricoles et commerciales
Agritrade : Le TEC de la CEDEAO finalement adopté tandis que les OP expriment des craintes
Atelier Régional CEEAC/PROPAC pour l’examen d’une politique agricole commune : des vidéos et les communications
Agritrade : La politique du secteur des céréales au Bénin et l’impact du commerce régional
Filières et marchés agricoles
Article Cahiers Agricultures : Filières oignon en Afrique de l’Ouest : étude comparée des filières nigérienne et béninoise
Publication AFD : Revue de littérature sur l’agriculture contractuelle dans les pays en développement
Guide des bonnes pratiques de production, stockage et conservation de l’oignon
Noorda blitealis Walker, un ravageur majeur du Moringa au Niger
Organisations paysannes
La 16ième journée du paysan au Burkina Faso
Dajaloo (SOS Faim) – Organisations paysannes : seul on marche plus vite ; ensemble, on va plus loin
Coopération internationale
Vidéo SOS Faim : Les contradictions d’AGRA
Code rural Niger : L’occupation des terres du domaine de l’Etat dans le département de Kollo
Enjeux environnementaux
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel : Un site web rénové
Evergreen Agriculture
Capitalisation et gestion des savoirs
Documents produits par le projet Capitalisation de la FAO
Outils et documents sur la Gestion des Savoirs
Submit Research Paper(s)
Science Journal Publications (SJPUB) is an International Open Access Journals in English published monthly. We cover all areas of scientific researches, humanities, social sciences and behavioral sciences. And we welcome the submission of manuscript(s) with a significance and scientific excellence, and we will publish:
1. Original articles in basic and applied research.
2. Case studies.
3. Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.
Papers for publication in the SJPUB are selected through rigid peer review to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance and readability.
Science Journal Publications is indexed by well recognize international database such Google Scholars, Gale centage Learning, Serial Solutions, Ulrich Periodical and others. Submitted paper in the SJPUB is reviewed within 1 to 2 weeks.
Submit your article directly to: <>
L’Union européenne lève les sanctions…
(Info Birmanie) URL :
Autour des mines mongoles, croissance, pollution et ninjas
par Coralie Griell , Marie-Alix Comerre (les blogs du diplo) URL :
Une élection au-delà des appartenances ethniques
par Christine Chaumeau (Courrier international) URL :
Cartes’ Election: What it means and the challenges ahead
by Claudia Pompa (Cipamericas) URL :
Political Reform in Burma and Consequences for Ethnic Conflict
(Transnational Institute) URL :
The World Social Forum: Still Meeting Its Challenge
by Immanuel Wallerstein URL :
América Latina
I Asamblea Continental de Movimientos Sociales
(Alai) URL :
Revolución vs. contrarrevolución
por Gilberto López y Rivas (La Jornada) URL :
Otro triunfo de la « vía hondureña »
por Carlos Aznárez (Rebelión) URL :
Publication du CETRI
Alternatives Sud
Économie verte : marchandiser la planète pour la sauver ? URL :
Forum de midi – La première
Un autre monde est-il possible ?
par François Polet, Arnaud Zacharie, Rabab Khairy URL :
Discours et légitimité humanitaire : les « codes » implicites
par Frédéric Thomas URL :
« Mise en tourisme » des Bijagos : entre consommation d’authenticité et désacralisation du territoire
par François Polet URL :
Agenda du CETRI
13 mai 2013
Agrocarburants : les ressorts de la controverse URL :
14 mai 2013
Amérique latine : état des lieux URL :
6 juin 2013
L’échec humanitaire URL :
6 juin 2013
Industries minières : enjeux et conflits URL :
10 juin 2013
Promouvoir les agrocarburants ou la sécurité alimentaire ? URL :
Aporde Call for Applications 2013
Supported by The Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa (the dti), The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
We are pleased to announce that the seventh edition of the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) will be held in Johannesburg (South Africa) from 2nd to the 14th of September 2013. APORDE is a high-level training programme in development economics which aims to build capacity in economics and economic policy-making. The course will run for two weeks and consist of lectures and seminars taught by leading international and African economists. This call is directed at talented African, Asian and Latin American economists, policy makers and civil society activists who, if selected, will be fully funded.
We encourage anyone with an interest in development to read and distribute this call for applications.
Please note that we receive many high quality applications and that, as a result, entry into APORDE will be very competitive (only 30 applicants will be selected).
APORDE is an initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) with the support of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). This year, lecturers will include among others, Ha-Joon Chang (University of Cambridge), Mushtaq Khan (SOAS) and Gabriel Palma (University of Cambridge).
APORDE is being conducted in a climate when there is much greater contestation of ideas around the possible options for economic development and industrialisation than in recent decades. An initiative like APORDE can make a very important contribution in offering us new insights and reflections on the critical questions of building a developmental state and mounting a serious industrial policy.
Dr. Rob Davies, Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of South Africa
Africa is probably the continent most affected by the poor availability of cutting-edge research and teaching in economics. While only a few African countries have experienced sustained economic development in the past 50 years, African governments and civil societies are weakly equipped to respond critically to external initiatives aimed at their development and to generate endogenous strategies. The tide is, however, gradually turning: in South Africa and in other African countries, the need for “more” (rather than merely “better”, which has often proved to mean “less”) state intervention in economic affairs is increasingly recognised. Crucially, economic take-off and converting growth spurts into sustained periods of structural change appears bound to remain a pipedream unless it is premised on developmental policy; South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry is leading the way with its industrial policy. However, few African decision makers feel equipped to design and implement such policies, a gap which APORDE aims to help fill.
APORDE will allow talented academics, policy makers and civil society representatives from Africa, Asia and Latin America to gain access to alternatives to mainstream thinking on development issues and to be equipped in a way that will foster original thinking. Participants will receive intensive high-level training and interact with some of the best development economists in the world and with other participants. The following costs will be covered for selected participants – travel, accommodation, conference fee and per diem. The seminar will be held in Johannesburg from the 2nd to the 14th of September 2013 at the IDC conference centre.
APORDE will cover essential topics in development economics, including industrial policy, rural poverty, inequality and financialisation. Lectures will equip participants with key information pertaining to both mainstream and critical approaches. The programme will mostly consist of daytime lectures, while a number of shorter evening talks and debates will also be organised.
Applicants must demonstrate first-class intellectual capacity and (at least some) prior knowledge in economics/political economy, as well as proficiency in English. The objective of APORDE is to attract participants from a broad range of backgrounds and preference will be given to persons who have demonstrated exceptional capacity in their professional experience.
The main body of participants will be drawn from Africa, but we welcome applications from Asians, Middle Easterns and Latin Americans who have research or work experience related to Africa.
Prospective applicants should send
· Completed application forms, to download the application form please:
o Follow the link to download
o Or log onto the IDC website at and look for the APORDE application form
o Or alternatively email to request the form.
· An official transcript (showing courses taken and grades obtained);
· 2 (two) letters of reference, where possible 1 academic referee and 1 professional, which should be sent directly to
· For those whose main medium of instruction or work is not English, some proof of English proficiency will be necessary. Results of Standard English proficiency tests (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS) will be preferable, but other proof may also be accepted (e.g. a sample of written work in English).
Completed Application forms, accompanied by a covering letter should be sent to for the attention of Christian Kabongo.
The application should actually reach Christian Kabongo by Friday the 7th of June 2013 at midnight at the latest.
Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Please note that individual acknowledgement of applications will be sent by e-mail only. Candidates will be notified by E-mail of the outcome of their applications at the latest by mid July 2013.
EADI Publication Digest for 10/05/2013
- India’s Aspirations in Global Politics. Competing Ideas and Amorphous Practices
- Local Forest Governance in Ethiopia: Between Legal Pluralism and Livelihood Realities
- French Centre to use Research as Tool for Development
- The Effects of Regime Cooptation on the Geographical Distribution of Violence: Evidence from the Syrian Civil War
- Mobility, Knowledge and Cooperation: Scientific Diasporas as Agents of Development
- Asia-Europe Relations at a Glance, ASEM Outlook Report 2012 (Volume 1)
- DEV Working Paper N°316: the Politics of Transport Infrastructure Policies in Colombia
- The Effect of Remittances Prior to an Election
- Accountability in Africa’s Land Rush: What Role for Legal Empowerment
- Musical Violence: Gangsta Rap and Politics in Sierra Leone
Publication : « Faut il repenser la notion de développement économique et social ? »
Vous trouverez ci joint, en exclusivité, un article novateur sur le développement économique et social, avec le lancement d’un nouveau concept de Développement Recentré sur l’Humain (DRH)
Invitation | Transformation to Sustainable Economy: Global Sustainable Finance Conference, Germany
A Two Day International Conference on Global Sustainable Finance will be held from 4th to 5th of July, 2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany. This event will bring together senior executives of financial institutions, policy makers, economists, representatives of international development agencies, sustainable development practitioners and other relevant stakeholders engaged or interested in sustainable finance and green economy. The event will also be attended by senior members of various faculties such as finance, economics, banking, business administration, environmental management and by members of other relevant departments.
The delegates will discuss key emerging issues including: Environmental change, natural resources and sustainable development; post global financial crisis era; finance and investments as drivers for sustainable economic development; and initiatives needed to build a more resilient, stable, environmental friendly and socially responsible financial services sector. The conference offers a distinctive opportunity to deliberate on innovative solutions that will advance our transition to low carbon and sustainable economy.
Further to knowledge sharing on sustainable finance and the emergence of the green economy; the upcoming conference will also help establish partnerships and alliances and in developing synergies. It provides an excellent opportunity to network with the senior members of financial and academic communities, multilateral agencies, governmental and non-governmental institutions, sustainable development and environmental management practitioners, economists and other stakeholders in Europe and globally. An optional excursion/ get-together will take place on Saturday the 6th of July 2013.
For further information, please see the event details
Or contact via email: